require('classtool'); function spec(b) { var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var util = require('util'); var RpcClient = require('bitcore/RpcClient').class(); var networks = require('bitcore/networks'); var async = require('async'); var config = require('./config/config'); var Block = require('./app/models/Block'); var Transaction=require('./app/models/Transaction'); function Sync(config) { = config.networkName == 'testnet' ? networks.testnet : networks.livenet; } var progress_bar = function(string, current, total) { console.log( util.format("\t%s %d/%d [%d%%]", string, current, total, parseInt(100 * current/total)) ); } Sync.prototype.getNextBlock = function (blockHash,cb) { var that = this; if ( !blockHash ) { return cb(); } this.rpc.getBlock(blockHash, function(err, blockInfo) { if (err) return cb(err); if ( ! ( blockInfo.result.height % 1000) ) { var h = blockInfo.result.height, d = blockInfo.result.confirmations; progress_bar('height', h, h + d); } Block.create( blockInfo.result, function(err, inBlock) { // E11000 => already exists if (err && ! err.toString().match(/E11000/)) { return cb(err); } if (inBlock) { inBlock.explodeTransactions(function (err) { return that.getNextBlock(blockInfo.result.nextblockhash, cb); }); } else return that.getNextBlock(blockInfo.result.nextblockhash, cb); }); }); } Sync.prototype.syncBlocks = function (reindex, cb) { var that = this; var genesisHash ='hex'); console.log("Syncing Blocks..."); if (reindex) return this.getNextBlock(genesisHash, cb); Block.findOne({}, {}, { sort: { 'confirmations' : 1 } }, function(err, block) { if (err) return cb(err); var nextHash = block && block.hash ? block.hash : genesisHash ; console.log('\tStarting at hash: ' + nextHash); return that.getNextBlock(nextHash, cb); }); } Sync.prototype.syncTXs = function (reindex, cb) { var that = this; console.log("Syncing TXs..."); if (reindex) { // TODO? } Transaction.find({blockhash: null}, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var read = 0; var pull = 0; var write = 0; var total = txs.length; console.log("\tneed to pull %d txs", total); if (!total) return cb(); async.each(txs, function(tx, next){ if (! tx.txid) { console.log("NO TXID skipping...", tx); return next(); } if ( ! ( read++ % 1000) ) progress_bar('read', read, total); that.rpc.getRawTransaction(tx.txid, 1, function(err, txInfo) { if ( ! ( pull++ % 1000) ) progress_bar('\tpull', pull, total); if (!err && txInfo) { Transaction.update({txid: tx.txid}, txInfo.result, function(err) { if (err) return next(err); if ( ! ( write++ % 1000) ) progress_bar('\t\twrite', write, total); return next(); }); } else return next(); }); }, function(err){ if (err) return cb(err); return cb(err); } ); }); } Sync.prototype.start = function (opts, next) { mongoose.connect(config.db); var db = mongoose.connection; this.rpc = new RpcClient(config.bitcoind); var that = this; db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')); db.once('open', function (){ async.series([ function(cb){ if (opts.destroy) { console.log("Deleting Blocks..."); return Block.remove().exec(cb); } return cb(); }, function(cb){ if (opts.destroy) { console.log("Deleting TXs..."); return Transaction.remove().exec(cb); } return cb(); }, function(cb) { if (! opts.skip_blocks) { that.syncBlocks(opts.reindex, function(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } console.log("\tBlocks done."); return cb(); }); } else { return cb(); } }, function(cb) { if (! opts.skip_txs) { that.syncTXs(opts.reindex, function(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } return cb(); }); } else { return cb(); } }, function(cb) { db.close(); return cb(); }, ], function(err) { if (err) { db.close(); return next(err); } return next(); }); }); } return Sync; }; module.defineClass(spec);