#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; var SYNC_VERSION = '0.1'; var program = require('commander'); var HistoricSync = require('../lib/HistoricSync').class(); var async = require('async'); program .version(SYNC_VERSION) .option('-D --destroy', 'Remove current DB (and start from there)', 0) .option('-S --startfile', 'Number of file from bitcoind to start(default=0)') .option('-v --verbose', 'Verbose 0/1', 0) .parse(process.argv); var historicSync = new HistoricSync(); /* TODO: Sure? if (program.remove) { } */ async.series([ function(cb) { historicSync.init(program, cb); }, function(cb) { historicSync.smartImport({ destroy: program.destroy, startFile: program.startfile, },cb); }, ], function(err) { historicSync.close(); if (err) { console.log('CRITICAL ERROR: ', historicSync.info()); } else { console.log('Finished.\n Status:\n', historicSync.info()); } });