'use strict'; require('classtool'); function spec() { var async = require('async'); var TransactionItem = require('./TransactionItem'); var BitcoreAddress = require('bitcore/Address').class(); var BitcoreUtil = require('bitcore/util/util'); function Address(addrStr) { this.balanceSat = 0; this.totalReceivedSat = 0; this.totalSentSat = 0; this.txApperances = 0; // TODO store only txids? +index? +all? this.transactions = []; var a = new BitcoreAddress(addrStr); a.validate(); this.addrStr = addrStr; Object.defineProperty(this, 'totalSent', { get: function() { return parseFloat(this.totalSentSat) / parseFloat(BitcoreUtil.COIN); }, set: function(i) { this.totalSentSat = i * BitcoreUtil.COIN; }, enumerable: 1, }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'balance', { get: function() { return parseFloat(this.balanceSat) / parseFloat(BitcoreUtil.COIN); }, set: function(i) { this.balance = i * BitcoreUtil.COIN; }, enumerable: 1, }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'totalReceived', { get: function() { return parseFloat(this.totalReceivedSat) / parseFloat(BitcoreUtil.COIN); }, set: function(i) { this.totalReceived = i * BitcoreUtil.COIN; }, enumerable: 1, }); } Address.prototype.update = function(next) { var that = this; async.series([ // TODO TXout! //T function (cb) { TransactionItem.find({addr:that.addrStr}).sort({ts:1}).exec(function(err,txItems){ if (err) return cb(err); txItems.forEach(function(txItem){ // console.log(txItem.txid + ':' + txItem.ts+ ' : ' + (txItem.value_sat/parseFloat(BitcoreUtil.COIN) ) ); that.txApperances +=1; that.balanceSat += txItem.value_sat; that.transactions.push(txItem.txid); if (txItem.value_sat > 0) that.totalReceivedSat += txItem.value_sat; else that.totalSentSat += Math.abs(txItem.value_sat); }); return cb(); }); } ], function (err) { return next(err); }); }; return Address; } module.defineClass(spec); /** * Addr Schema Idea for moogose. Not used now. * var AddressSchema = new Schema({ // For now we keep this as short as possible // More fields will be propably added as we move // forward with the UX addr: { type: String, index: true, unique: true, }, inputs: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'TransactionItem' //Edit: I'd put the schema. Silly me. }], output: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'TransactionItem' //Edit: I'd put the schema. Silly me. }], }); AddressSchema.statics.load = function(id, cb) { this.findOne({ _id: id }).exec(cb); }; AddressSchema.statics.fromAddr = function(hash, cb) { this.findOne({ hash: hash, }).exec(cb); }; AddressSchema.statics.fromAddrWithInfo = function(hash, cb) { this.fromHash(hash, function(err, addr) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!addr) { return cb(new Error('Addr not found')); } // TODO // addr.getInfo(function(err) { return cb(err,addr); } ); }); }; module.exports = mongoose.model('Address', AddressSchema); */