Create an instance: ``` gcloud compute instances create testnet-explorer \ --zone=us-east1-b \ --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \ --subnet=default \ --network-tier=PREMIUM \ --tags=https-server \ --image=debian-9 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --boot-disk-size=24GB \ --boot-disk-type=pd-standard \ --boot-disk-device-name=testnet-explorer ``` ssh into the instance and install docker (using debian here for sanity) ``` curl -fsSL -o sh sudo usermad -aG $(whoami) docker ``` update and install dependencies ``` sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install git ``` Clone repo and build image ``` git clone cd zcash-insight-explorer docker build -t zcash-hackworks/zcash-insight-explorer . ``` **Edit `docker-compose.yml` and edit your host records etc.** **Add DNS records to your public instance IP** Stand up the stack: ``` docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml testnet-explorer ``` Visit your domain to pick up letsencrypt cert. Fin.