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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick "p2k" Schneider <me@p2k-network.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2014-04-28 16:36:28 -07:00
import subprocess, sys, re, os, shutil, stat, os.path, time
from string import Template
from argparse import ArgumentParser
# This is ported from the original macdeployqt with modifications
class FrameworkInfo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.frameworkDirectory = ""
self.frameworkName = ""
self.frameworkPath = ""
self.binaryDirectory = ""
self.binaryName = ""
self.binaryPath = ""
self.version = ""
self.installName = ""
self.deployedInstallName = ""
self.sourceFilePath = ""
self.destinationDirectory = ""
self.sourceResourcesDirectory = ""
self.sourceVersionContentsDirectory = ""
self.sourceContentsDirectory = ""
self.destinationResourcesDirectory = ""
self.destinationVersionContentsDirectory = ""
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.__class__ == other.__class__:
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
return False
def __str__(self):
return """ Framework name: %s
Framework directory: %s
Framework path: %s
Binary name: %s
Binary directory: %s
Binary path: %s
Version: %s
Install name: %s
Deployed install name: %s
Source file Path: %s
Deployed Directory (relative to bundle): %s
""" % (self.frameworkName,
def isDylib(self):
return self.frameworkName.endswith(".dylib")
def isQtFramework(self):
if self.isDylib():
return self.frameworkName.startswith("libQt")
return self.frameworkName.startswith("Qt")
reOLine = re.compile(r'^(.+) \(compatibility version [0-9.]+, current version [0-9.]+\)$')
bundleFrameworkDirectory = "Contents/Frameworks"
bundleBinaryDirectory = "Contents/MacOS"
def fromOtoolLibraryLine(cls, line):
# Note: line must be trimmed
if line == "":
return None
# Don't deploy system libraries (exception for libQtuitools and libQtlucene).
if line.startswith("/System/Library/") or line.startswith("@executable_path") or (line.startswith("/usr/lib/") and "libQt" not in line):
return None
m = cls.reOLine.match(line)
if m is None:
raise RuntimeError("otool line could not be parsed: " + line)
path = m.group(1)
info = cls()
info.sourceFilePath = path
info.installName = path
if path.endswith(".dylib"):
dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
info.frameworkName = filename
info.frameworkDirectory = dirname
info.frameworkPath = path
info.binaryDirectory = dirname
info.binaryName = filename
info.binaryPath = path
info.version = "-"
info.installName = path
info.deployedInstallName = "@executable_path/../Frameworks/" + info.binaryName
info.sourceFilePath = path
info.destinationDirectory = cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory
parts = path.split("/")
i = 0
# Search for the .framework directory
for part in parts:
if part.endswith(".framework"):
i += 1
if i == len(parts):
raise RuntimeError("Could not find .framework or .dylib in otool line: " + line)
info.frameworkName = parts[i]
info.frameworkDirectory = "/".join(parts[:i])
info.frameworkPath = os.path.join(info.frameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName)
info.binaryName = parts[i+3]
info.binaryDirectory = "/".join(parts[i+1:i+3])
info.binaryPath = os.path.join(info.binaryDirectory, info.binaryName)
info.version = parts[i+2]
info.deployedInstallName = "@executable_path/../Frameworks/" + os.path.join(info.frameworkName, info.binaryPath)
info.destinationDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, info.binaryDirectory)
info.sourceResourcesDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Resources")
info.sourceContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Contents")
info.sourceVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
info.destinationResourcesDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Resources")
info.destinationContentsDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Contents")
info.destinationVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
return info
class ApplicationBundleInfo(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
appName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
self.binaryPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "MacOS", appName)
if not os.path.exists(self.binaryPath):
raise RuntimeError("Could not find bundle binary for " + path)
self.resourcesPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "Resources")
self.pluginPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "PlugIns")
class DeploymentInfo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.qtPath = None
self.pluginPath = None
self.deployedFrameworks = []
def detectQtPath(self, frameworkDirectory):
parentDir = os.path.dirname(frameworkDirectory)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parentDir, "translations")):
# Classic layout, e.g. "/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.x.x"
self.qtPath = parentDir
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(parentDir, "share", "qt4", "translations")):
# MacPorts layout, e.g. "/opt/local/share/qt4"
self.qtPath = os.path.join(parentDir, "share", "qt4")
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parentDir), "share", "qt4", "translations")):
# Newer Macports layout
self.qtPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parentDir), "share", "qt4")
self.qtPath = os.getenv("QTDIR", None)
if self.qtPath is not None:
pluginPath = os.path.join(self.qtPath, "plugins")
if os.path.exists(pluginPath):
self.pluginPath = pluginPath
def usesFramework(self, name):
nameDot = "%s." % name
libNameDot = "lib%s." % name
for framework in self.deployedFrameworks:
if framework.endswith(".framework"):
if framework.startswith(nameDot):
return True
elif framework.endswith(".dylib"):
if framework.startswith(libNameDot):
return True
return False
def getFrameworks(binaryPath, verbose):
if verbose >= 3:
print "Inspecting with otool: " + binaryPath
otoolbin=os.getenv("OTOOL", "otool")
otool = subprocess.Popen([otoolbin, "-L", binaryPath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
o_stdout, o_stderr = otool.communicate()
if otool.returncode != 0:
if verbose >= 1:
raise RuntimeError("otool failed with return code %d" % otool.returncode)
otoolLines = o_stdout.split("\n")
otoolLines.pop(0) # First line is the inspected binary
if ".framework" in binaryPath or binaryPath.endswith(".dylib"):
otoolLines.pop(0) # Frameworks and dylibs list themselves as a dependency.
libraries = []
for line in otoolLines:
line = line.replace("@loader_path", os.path.dirname(binaryPath))
info = FrameworkInfo.fromOtoolLibraryLine(line.strip())
if info is not None:
if verbose >= 3:
print "Found framework:"
print info
return libraries
def runInstallNameTool(action, *args):
installnametoolbin=os.getenv("INSTALLNAMETOOL", "install_name_tool")
subprocess.check_call([installnametoolbin, "-"+action] + list(args))
def changeInstallName(oldName, newName, binaryPath, verbose):
if verbose >= 3:
print "Using install_name_tool:"
print " in", binaryPath
print " change reference", oldName
print " to", newName
runInstallNameTool("change", oldName, newName, binaryPath)
def changeIdentification(id, binaryPath, verbose):
if verbose >= 3:
print "Using install_name_tool:"
print " change identification in", binaryPath
print " to", id
runInstallNameTool("id", id, binaryPath)
def runStrip(binaryPath, verbose):
stripbin=os.getenv("STRIP", "strip")
if verbose >= 3:
print "Using strip:"
print " stripped", binaryPath
subprocess.check_call([stripbin, "-x", binaryPath])
def copyFramework(framework, path, verbose):
if framework.sourceFilePath.startswith("Qt"):
#standard place for Nokia Qt installer's frameworks
fromPath = "/Library/Frameworks/" + framework.sourceFilePath
fromPath = framework.sourceFilePath
toDir = os.path.join(path, framework.destinationDirectory)
toPath = os.path.join(toDir, framework.binaryName)
if not os.path.exists(fromPath):
raise RuntimeError("No file at " + fromPath)
if os.path.exists(toPath):
return None # Already there
if not os.path.exists(toDir):
shutil.copy2(fromPath, toPath)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Copied:", fromPath
print " to:", toPath
permissions = os.stat(toPath)
if not permissions.st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE:
os.chmod(toPath, permissions.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)
if not framework.isDylib(): # Copy resources for real frameworks
linkfrom = os.path.join(path, "Contents","Frameworks", framework.frameworkName, "Versions", "Current")
linkto = framework.version
if not os.path.exists(linkfrom):
os.symlink(linkto, linkfrom)
if verbose >= 2:
print "Linked:", linkfrom, "->", linkto
fromResourcesDir = framework.sourceResourcesDirectory
if os.path.exists(fromResourcesDir):
toResourcesDir = os.path.join(path, framework.destinationResourcesDirectory)
shutil.copytree(fromResourcesDir, toResourcesDir, symlinks=True)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Copied resources:", fromResourcesDir
print " to:", toResourcesDir
fromContentsDir = framework.sourceVersionContentsDirectory
if not os.path.exists(fromContentsDir):
fromContentsDir = framework.sourceContentsDirectory
if os.path.exists(fromContentsDir):
toContentsDir = os.path.join(path, framework.destinationVersionContentsDirectory)
shutil.copytree(fromContentsDir, toContentsDir, symlinks=True)
contentslinkfrom = os.path.join(path, framework.destinationContentsDirectory)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Copied Contents:", fromContentsDir
print " to:", toContentsDir
elif framework.frameworkName.startswith("libQtGui"): # Copy qt_menu.nib (applies to non-framework layout)
qtMenuNibSourcePath = os.path.join(framework.frameworkDirectory, "Resources", "qt_menu.nib")
qtMenuNibDestinationPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "Resources", "qt_menu.nib")
if os.path.exists(qtMenuNibSourcePath) and not os.path.exists(qtMenuNibDestinationPath):
shutil.copytree(qtMenuNibSourcePath, qtMenuNibDestinationPath, symlinks=True)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Copied for libQtGui:", qtMenuNibSourcePath
print " to:", qtMenuNibDestinationPath
return toPath
def deployFrameworks(frameworks, bundlePath, binaryPath, strip, verbose, deploymentInfo=None):
if deploymentInfo is None:
deploymentInfo = DeploymentInfo()
while len(frameworks) > 0:
framework = frameworks.pop(0)
if verbose >= 2:
print "Processing", framework.frameworkName, "..."
# Get the Qt path from one of the Qt frameworks
if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None and framework.isQtFramework():
if framework.installName.startswith("@executable_path") or framework.installName.startswith(bundlePath):
if verbose >= 2:
print framework.frameworkName, "already deployed, skipping."
# install_name_tool the new id into the binary
changeInstallName(framework.installName, framework.deployedInstallName, binaryPath, verbose)
# Copy farmework to app bundle.
deployedBinaryPath = copyFramework(framework, bundlePath, verbose)
# Skip the rest if already was deployed.
if deployedBinaryPath is None:
if strip:
runStrip(deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
# install_name_tool it a new id.
changeIdentification(framework.deployedInstallName, deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
# Check for framework dependencies
dependencies = getFrameworks(deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
for dependency in dependencies:
changeInstallName(dependency.installName, dependency.deployedInstallName, deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
# Deploy framework if necessary.
if dependency.frameworkName not in deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks and dependency not in frameworks:
return deploymentInfo
def deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle, strip, verbose):
frameworks = getFrameworks(applicationBundle.binaryPath, verbose)
if len(frameworks) == 0 and verbose >= 1:
print "Warning: Could not find any external frameworks to deploy in %s." % (applicationBundle.path)
return DeploymentInfo()
return deployFrameworks(frameworks, applicationBundle.path, applicationBundle.binaryPath, strip, verbose)
def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo, deploymentInfo, strip, verbose):
# Lookup available plugins, exclude unneeded
plugins = []
if deploymentInfo.pluginPath is None:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(deploymentInfo.pluginPath):
pluginDirectory = os.path.relpath(dirpath, deploymentInfo.pluginPath)
if pluginDirectory == "designer":
# Skip designer plugins
elif pluginDirectory == "phonon" or pluginDirectory == "phonon_backend":
# Deploy the phonon plugins only if phonon is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("phonon"):
elif pluginDirectory == "sqldrivers":
# Deploy the sql plugins only if QtSql is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtSql"):
elif pluginDirectory == "script":
# Deploy the script plugins only if QtScript is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtScript"):
elif pluginDirectory == "qmltooling" or pluginDirectory == "qml1tooling":
# Deploy the qml plugins only if QtDeclarative is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtDeclarative"):
elif pluginDirectory == "bearer":
# Deploy the bearer plugins only if QtNetwork is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtNetwork"):
elif pluginDirectory == "position":
# Deploy the position plugins only if QtPositioning is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtPositioning"):
elif pluginDirectory == "sensors" or pluginDirectory == "sensorgestures":
# Deploy the sensor plugins only if QtSensors is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtSensors"):
elif pluginDirectory == "audio" or pluginDirectory == "playlistformats":
# Deploy the audio plugins only if QtMultimedia is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtMultimedia"):
elif pluginDirectory == "mediaservice":
# Deploy the mediaservice plugins only if QtMultimediaWidgets is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtMultimediaWidgets"):
for pluginName in filenames:
pluginPath = os.path.join(pluginDirectory, pluginName)
if pluginName.endswith("_debug.dylib"):
# Skip debug plugins
elif pluginPath == "imageformats/libqsvg.dylib" or pluginPath == "iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib":
# Deploy the svg plugins only if QtSvg is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtSvg"):
elif pluginPath == "accessible/libqtaccessiblecompatwidgets.dylib":
# Deploy accessibility for Qt3Support only if the Qt3Support is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("Qt3Support"):
elif pluginPath == "graphicssystems/libqglgraphicssystem.dylib":
# Deploy the opengl graphicssystem plugin only if QtOpenGL is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtOpenGL"):
elif pluginPath == "accessible/libqtaccessiblequick.dylib":
# Deploy the accessible qtquick plugin only if QtQuick is in use
if not deploymentInfo.usesFramework("QtQuick"):
plugins.append((pluginDirectory, pluginName))
for pluginDirectory, pluginName in plugins:
if verbose >= 2:
print "Processing plugin", os.path.join(pluginDirectory, pluginName), "..."
sourcePath = os.path.join(deploymentInfo.pluginPath, pluginDirectory, pluginName)
destinationDirectory = os.path.join(appBundleInfo.pluginPath, pluginDirectory)
if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory):
destinationPath = os.path.join(destinationDirectory, pluginName)
shutil.copy2(sourcePath, destinationPath)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Copied:", sourcePath
print " to:", destinationPath
if strip:
runStrip(destinationPath, verbose)
dependencies = getFrameworks(destinationPath, verbose)
for dependency in dependencies:
changeInstallName(dependency.installName, dependency.deployedInstallName, destinationPath, verbose)
# Deploy framework if necessary.
if dependency.frameworkName not in deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks:
deployFrameworks([dependency], appBundleInfo.path, destinationPath, strip, verbose, deploymentInfo)
ap = ArgumentParser(description="""Improved version of macdeployqt.
Outputs a ready-to-deploy app in a folder "dist" and optionally wraps it in a .dmg file.
Note, that the "dist" folder will be deleted before deploying on each run.
Optionally, Qt translation files (.qm) and additional resources can be added to the bundle.
Also optionally signs the .app bundle; set the CODESIGNARGS environment variable to pass arguments
to the codesign tool.
E.g. CODESIGNARGS='--sign "Developer ID Application: ..." --keychain /encrypted/foo.keychain'""")
ap.add_argument("app_bundle", nargs=1, metavar="app-bundle", help="application bundle to be deployed")
ap.add_argument("-verbose", type=int, nargs=1, default=[1], metavar="<0-3>", help="0 = no output, 1 = error/warning (default), 2 = normal, 3 = debug")
ap.add_argument("-no-plugins", dest="plugins", action="store_false", default=True, help="skip plugin deployment")
ap.add_argument("-no-strip", dest="strip", action="store_false", default=True, help="don't run 'strip' on the binaries")
ap.add_argument("-sign", dest="sign", action="store_true", default=False, help="sign .app bundle with codesign tool")
ap.add_argument("-dmg", nargs="?", const="", metavar="basename", help="create a .dmg disk image; if basename is not specified, a camel-cased version of the app name is used")
ap.add_argument("-fancy", nargs=1, metavar="plist", default=[], help="make a fancy looking disk image using the given plist file with instructions; requires -dmg to work")
ap.add_argument("-add-qt-tr", nargs=1, metavar="languages", default=[], help="add Qt translation files to the bundle's ressources; the language list must be separated with commas, not with whitespace")
ap.add_argument("-translations-dir", nargs=1, metavar="path", default=None, help="Path to Qt's translation files")
ap.add_argument("-add-resources", nargs="+", metavar="path", default=[], help="list of additional files or folders to be copied into the bundle's resources; must be the last argument")
config = ap.parse_args()
verbose = config.verbose[0]
# ------------------------------------------------
app_bundle = config.app_bundle[0]
if not os.path.exists(app_bundle):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find app bundle \"%s\"\n" % (app_bundle))
app_bundle_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(app_bundle))[0]
# ------------------------------------------------
translations_dir = None
if config.translations_dir and config.translations_dir[0]:
if os.path.exists(config.translations_dir[0]):
translations_dir = config.translations_dir[0]
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find translation dir \"%s\"\n" % (translations_dir))
# ------------------------------------------------
for p in config.add_resources:
if verbose >= 3:
print "Checking for \"%s\"..." % p
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find additional resource file \"%s\"\n" % (p))
# ------------------------------------------------
if len(config.fancy) == 1:
if verbose >= 3:
print "Fancy: Importing plistlib..."
import plistlib
except ImportError:
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not import plistlib which is required for fancy disk images.\n")
p = config.fancy[0]
if verbose >= 3:
print "Fancy: Loading \"%s\"..." % p
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
fancy = plistlib.readPlist(p)
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not parse fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
assert not fancy.has_key("window_bounds") or (isinstance(fancy["window_bounds"], list) and len(fancy["window_bounds"]) == 4)
assert not fancy.has_key("background_picture") or isinstance(fancy["background_picture"], str)
assert not fancy.has_key("icon_size") or isinstance(fancy["icon_size"], int)
assert not fancy.has_key("applications_symlink") or isinstance(fancy["applications_symlink"], bool)
if fancy.has_key("items_position"):
assert isinstance(fancy["items_position"], dict)
for key, value in fancy["items_position"].iteritems():
assert isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 2 and isinstance(value[0], int) and isinstance(value[1], int)
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Bad format of fancy disk image plist at \"%s\"\n" % (p))
if fancy.has_key("background_picture"):
bp = fancy["background_picture"]
if verbose >= 3:
print "Fancy: Resolving background picture \"%s\"..." % bp
if not os.path.exists(bp):
bp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p), bp)
if not os.path.exists(bp):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find background picture at \"%s\" or \"%s\"\n" % (fancy["background_picture"], bp))
fancy["background_picture"] = bp
fancy = None
# ------------------------------------------------
if os.path.exists("dist"):
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Removing old dist folder +"
# ------------------------------------------------
target = os.path.join("dist", app_bundle)
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Copying source bundle +"
if verbose >= 3:
print app_bundle, "->", target
shutil.copytree(app_bundle, target, symlinks=True)
applicationBundle = ApplicationBundleInfo(target)
# ------------------------------------------------
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Deploying frameworks +"
deploymentInfo = deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle, config.strip, verbose)
if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None:
deploymentInfo.qtPath = os.getenv("QTDIR", None)
if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None:
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect Qt's path, skipping plugin deployment!\n")
config.plugins = False
except RuntimeError as e:
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e))
2014-05-14 23:27:35 -07:00
# ------------------------------------------------
if config.plugins:
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Deploying plugins +"
deployPlugins(applicationBundle, deploymentInfo, config.strip, verbose)
except RuntimeError as e:
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e))
2014-05-14 23:27:35 -07:00
# ------------------------------------------------
if len(config.add_qt_tr) == 0:
add_qt_tr = []
if translations_dir is not None:
qt_tr_dir = translations_dir
if deploymentInfo.qtPath is not None:
qt_tr_dir = os.path.join(deploymentInfo.qtPath, "translations")
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find Qt translation path\n")
add_qt_tr = ["qt_%s.qm" % lng for lng in config.add_qt_tr[0].split(",")]
for lng_file in add_qt_tr:
p = os.path.join(qt_tr_dir, lng_file)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Checking for \"%s\"..." % p
if not os.path.exists(p):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not find Qt translation file \"%s\"\n" % (lng_file))
# ------------------------------------------------
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Installing qt.conf +"
f = open(os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, "qt.conf"), "wb")
# ------------------------------------------------
if len(add_qt_tr) > 0 and verbose >= 2:
print "+ Adding Qt translations +"
for lng_file in add_qt_tr:
if verbose >= 3:
print os.path.join(qt_tr_dir, lng_file), "->", os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, lng_file)
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(qt_tr_dir, lng_file), os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, lng_file))
# ------------------------------------------------
if len(config.add_resources) > 0 and verbose >= 2:
print "+ Adding additional resources +"
for p in config.add_resources:
t = os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, os.path.basename(p))
if verbose >= 3:
print p, "->", t
if os.path.isdir(p):
shutil.copytree(p, t, symlinks=True)
shutil.copy2(p, t)
# ------------------------------------------------
if config.sign and 'CODESIGNARGS' not in os.environ:
print "You must set the CODESIGNARGS environment variable. Skipping signing."
elif config.sign:
if verbose >= 1:
print "Code-signing app bundle %s"%(target,)
subprocess.check_call("codesign --force %s %s"%(os.environ['CODESIGNARGS'], target), shell=True)
# ------------------------------------------------
if config.dmg is not None:
#Patch in check_output for Python 2.6
if "check_output" not in dir( subprocess ):
def f(*popenargs, **kwargs):
if 'stdout' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
output, unused_err = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
return output
subprocess.check_output = f
def runHDIUtil(verb, image_basename, **kwargs):
hdiutil_args = ["hdiutil", verb, image_basename + ".dmg"]
if kwargs.has_key("capture_stdout"):
del kwargs["capture_stdout"]
run = subprocess.check_output
if verbose < 2:
elif verbose >= 3:
run = subprocess.check_call
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
hdiutil_args.append("-" + key)
if not value is True:
return run(hdiutil_args)
if verbose >= 2:
if fancy is None:
print "+ Creating .dmg disk image +"
print "+ Preparing .dmg disk image +"
if config.dmg != "":
dmg_name = config.dmg
spl = app_bundle_name.split(" ")
dmg_name = spl[0] + "".join(p.capitalize() for p in spl[1:])
if fancy is None:
runHDIUtil("create", dmg_name, srcfolder="dist", format="UDBZ", volname=app_bundle_name, ov=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if verbose >= 3:
print "Determining size of \"dist\"..."
size = 0
for path, dirs, files in os.walk("dist"):
for file in files:
size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, file))
size += int(size * 0.15)
if verbose >= 3:
print "Creating temp image for modification..."
runHDIUtil("create", dmg_name + ".temp", srcfolder="dist", format="UDRW", size=size, volname=app_bundle_name, ov=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if verbose >= 3:
print "Attaching temp image..."
output = runHDIUtil("attach", dmg_name + ".temp", readwrite=True, noverify=True, noautoopen=True, capture_stdout=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
m = re.search("/Volumes/(.+$)", output)
disk_root = m.group(0)
disk_name = m.group(1)
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Applying fancy settings +"
if fancy.has_key("background_picture"):
bg_path = os.path.join(disk_root, ".background", os.path.basename(fancy["background_picture"]))
if verbose >= 3:
print fancy["background_picture"], "->", bg_path
shutil.copy2(fancy["background_picture"], bg_path)
bg_path = None
if fancy.get("applications_symlink", False):
os.symlink("/Applications", os.path.join(disk_root, "Applications"))
# The Python appscript package broke with OSX 10.8 and isn't being fixed.
# So we now build up an AppleScript string and use the osascript command
# to make the .dmg file pretty:
appscript = Template( """
on run argv
tell application "Finder"
tell disk "$disk"
set current view of container window to icon view
set toolbar visible of container window to false
set statusbar visible of container window to false
set the bounds of container window to {$window_bounds}
set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window
set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
set icon size of theViewOptions to $icon_size
close -- close/reopen works around a bug...
update without registering applications
delay 5
end tell
end tell
end run
itemscript = Template('set position of item "${item}" of container window to {${position}}')
items_positions = []
if fancy.has_key("items_position"):
for name, position in fancy["items_position"].iteritems():
params = { "item" : name, "position" : ",".join([str(p) for p in position]) }
params = {
"disk" : "Bitcoin-Qt",
"window_bounds" : "300,300,800,620",
"icon_size" : "96",
"background_commands" : "",
"items_positions" : "\n ".join(items_positions)
if fancy.has_key("window_bounds"):
params["window.bounds"] = ",".join([str(p) for p in fancy["window_bounds"]])
if fancy.has_key("icon_size"):
params["icon_size"] = str(fancy["icon_size"])
if bg_path is not None:
# Set background file, then call SetFile to make it invisible.
# (note: making it invisible first makes set background picture fail)
bgscript = Template("""set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:$bgpic"
do shell script "SetFile -a V /Volumes/$disk/.background/$bgpic" """)
params["background_commands"] = bgscript.substitute({"bgpic" : os.path.basename(bg_path), "disk" : params["disk"]})
s = appscript.substitute(params)
if verbose >= 2:
print("Running AppleScript:")
p = subprocess.Popen(['osascript', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
if p.returncode:
print("Error running osascript.")
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Finalizing .dmg disk image +"
2014-04-28 16:36:28 -07:00
runHDIUtil("convert", dmg_name + ".temp", format="UDBZ", o=dmg_name + ".dmg", ov=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
os.unlink(dmg_name + ".temp.dmg")
# ------------------------------------------------
if verbose >= 2:
print "+ Done +"