Document z_sendmany error code messages in

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Jay Graber 2016-11-10 18:34:45 -08:00
parent 3a0855e65a
commit d25e75c512
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@ -98,3 +98,14 @@ Command | Parameters | Description
z_getoperationresult <br>| [operationids] | Return OperationStatus JSON objects for all completed operations the node is currently aware of, and then remove the operation from memory.<br><br>Operationids is an optional array to filter which operations you want to receive status objects for.<br><br>Output is a list of operation status objects, where the status is either "failed", "cancelled" or "success".<br>[<br>{“operationid”: “opid-11ee…”,<br>“status”: “cancelled”},<br>{“operationid”: “opid-9876”, “status”: ”failed”},<br>{“operationid”: “opid-0e0e”,<br>“status”:”success”,<br>“execution_time”:”25”,<br>“result”: {“txid”:”af3887654…”,...}<br>},<br>]
z_getoperationstatus <br>| [operationids] | Return OperationStatus JSON objects for all operations the node is currently aware of.<br><br>Operationids is an optional array to filter which operations you want to receive status objects for.<br><br>Output is a list of operation status objects.<br>[<br>{“operationid”: “opid-12ee…”,<br>“status”: “queued”},<br>{“operationid”: “opd-098a…”, “status”: ”executing”},<br>{“operationid”: “opid-9876”, “status”: ”failed”}<br>]<br><br>When the operation succeeds, the status object will also include the result.<br><br>{“operationid”: “opid-0e0e”,<br>“status”:”success”,<br>“execution_time”:”25”,<br>“result”: {“txid”:”af3887654…”,...}<br>}
z_listoperationids <br>| [state] | Return a list of operationids for all operations which the node is currently aware of.<br><br>State is an optional string parameter to filter the operations you want listed by their state. Acceptable parameter values are queued, executing, success, failed, cancelled.<br><br>[“opid-0e0e…”, “opid-1af4…”, … ]
### Asynchronous RPC call Error Codes
Command | Code | Messages
--- | --- | ---
z_sendmany<br> | -8 | RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, (Invalid, missing or duplicate parameter)<br><br> - "Minconf cannot be negative"<br> - "From address parameter missing"<br> - "No recipients"<br> - "Memo must be in hexadecimal format"<br> - "Memo size of __ is too big, maximum allowed is __ "<br> - "From address does not belong to this node, zaddr spending key not found."<br> - "Invalid parameter, expected object"<br> - "Invalid parameter, unknown key: __"<br> - "expected valid size"<br> - "expected object"<br> - "expected hex txid"<br> - "vout must be positive"<br> - "duplicated address"<br> - "amounts array is empty"<br> - "unknown key"<br> - "unknown address format"<br> - "size of memo"<br> - "amount must be positive"<br> - "too many zaddr outputs"<br> - "expected memo data in hexadecimal format"<br> - "size of memo is larger than maximum allowed __ "<br> - "Minimum number of confirmations cannot be less than 0"
z_sendmany<br> | -5 | RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, (Invalid address or key)<br><br> -"Invalid from address, no spending key found for zaddr"<br> - "Invalid output address, not a valid taddr."<br> - "Invalid from address, should be a taddr or zaddr."<br> - "From address does not belong to this node, zaddr spending key not found."
z_sendmany<br> | -6 | RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, (Not enough funds in wallet or account)<br><br> - "Insufficient funds, no UTXOs found for taddr from address."<br> - "Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend. Coinbase UTXOs can only be sent to a single zaddr recipient."<br> - "Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend."<br> - "Insufficient funds, no unspent notes found for zaddr from address."<br> - "Insufficient transparent funds, have __, need __ plus fee __"<br> - "Insufficient protected funds, have __, need __ plus fee __"
z_sendmany<br> | -4 | RPC_WALLET_ERROR, (unspecified problem with wallet)<br><br> - "Could not find previous JoinSplit anchor"<br> - "Error decrypting output note of previous JoinSplit: __"<br> - "Could not find witness for note commitment"<br> - "Witness for note commitment is null"<br> - "Witness for spendable note does not have same anchor as change input"<br> - "Not enough funds to pay miners fee"<br> - "Missing hex data for raw transaction"<br> - "Missing hex data for signed transaction"<br> - "Send raw transaction did not return an error or a txid."
z_sendmany<br> | -16 | RPC_WALLET_ENCRYPTION_FAILED, (Failed to encrypt the wallet)<br><br> - "Failed to sign transaction"
z_sendmany<br> | -12 | RPC_WALLET_KEYPOOL_RAN_OUT, (Keypool ran out, call keypoolrefill first)<br><br> - "Could not generate a taddr to use as a change address"