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package cash.z.ecc.android.feedback
import android.util.Log
import cash.z.ecc.android.feedback.util.CompositeJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
* Takes care of the boilerplate involved in processing feedback emissions. Simply provide callbacks
* and emissions will occur in a mutually exclusive way, across all processors, so that things like
* writing to a file can occur without clobbering changes. This class also provides a mechanism for
* waiting for any in-flight emissions to complete. Lastly, all monitoring will cleanly complete
* whenever the feedback is stopped or its parent scope is cancelled.
class FeedbackCoordinator(val feedback: Feedback, defaultObservers: Set<FeedbackObserver> = setOf()) {
init {
feedback.apply {
onStart {
invokeOnCompletion {
defaultObservers.forEach {
private var contextMetrics = Dispatchers.IO
private var contextActions = Dispatchers.IO
private val jobs = CompositeJob()
val observers = mutableSetOf<FeedbackObserver>()
* Wait for any in-flight listeners to complete.
suspend fun await() {
* Cancel all in-flight observer functions.
fun cancel() {
* Flush all observers so they can clear all pending buffers.
fun flush() {
observers.forEach { it.flush() }
* Inject the context on which to observe metrics, mostly for testing purposes.
fun metricsOn(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher): FeedbackCoordinator {
contextMetrics = dispatcher
return this
* Inject the context on which to observe actions, mostly for testing purposes.
fun actionsOn(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher): FeedbackCoordinator {
contextActions = dispatcher
return this
* Add a coordinated observer that will not clobber all other observers because their actions
* are coordinated via a global mutex.
fun addObserver(observer: FeedbackObserver) {
feedback.onStart {
observers += observer
inline fun <reified T: FeedbackObserver> findObserver(): T? {
return observers.firstOrNull { it::class == T::class } as T
private fun observeMetrics(onMetricListener: (Feedback.Metric) -> Unit) {
feedback.metrics.onEach {
jobs += feedback.scope.launch {
withContext(contextMetrics) {
mutex.withLock {
private fun observeActions(onActionListener: (Feedback.Action) -> Unit) {
feedback.actions.onEach {
val id = coroutineContext.hashCode()
jobs += feedback.scope.launch {
withContext(contextActions) {
mutex.withLock {
interface FeedbackObserver {
fun onMetric(metric: Feedback.Metric) {}
fun onAction(action: Feedback.Action) {}
fun flush() {}
companion object {
const val ENABLED = "setting.feedbackcoordinater.enabled"
private val mutex: Mutex = Mutex()