package import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import cash.z.wallet.sdk.SdkSynchronizer import cash.z.wallet.sdk.Synchronizer import cash.z.wallet.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.* import cash.z.wallet.sdk.block.CompactBlockProcessor import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.ZcashSdk.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.ZcashSdk.ZATOSHI_PER_ZEC import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.twig import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ConflatedBroadcastChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import javax.inject.Inject import kotlin.math.roundToInt class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor() : ViewModel() { @Inject lateinit var synchronizer: Synchronizer lateinit var uiModels: Flow private val _typedChars = ConflatedBroadcastChannel() private val typedChars = _typedChars.asFlow() var initialized = false fun initializeMaybe() { twig("init called") if (initialized) { twig("Warning already initialized HomeViewModel. Ignoring call to initialize.") return } val zec = typedChars.scan("0") { acc, c -> when { // no-op cases acc == "0" && c == '0' || (c == '<' && acc == "0") || (c == '.' && acc.contains('.')) -> {twig("triggered: 1 acc: $acc c: $c $typedChars ") acc } c == '<' && acc.length <= 1 -> {twig("triggered: 2 $typedChars") "0" } c == '<' -> {twig("triggered: 3") acc.substring(0, acc.length - 1) } acc == "0" && c != '.' -> {twig("triggered: 4 $typedChars") c.toString() } else -> {twig("triggered: 5 $typedChars") "$acc$c" } } } twig("initializing view models stream") uiModels = { combine(status, processorInfo, balances, zec) { s, p, b, z-> UiModel(s, p, b.availableZatoshi, b.totalZatoshi, z) }.onStart{ emit(UiModel()) } }.conflate() } override fun onCleared() { super.onCleared() twig("HomeViewModel cleared!") } suspend fun onChar(c: Char) { _typedChars.send(c) } suspend fun refreshBalance() { (synchronizer as SdkSynchronizer).refreshBalance() } data class UiModel( // <- THIS ERROR IS AN IDE BUG WITH PARCELIZE val status: Synchronizer.Status = DISCONNECTED, val processorInfo: CompactBlockProcessor.ProcessorInfo = CompactBlockProcessor.ProcessorInfo(), val availableBalance: Long = -1L, val totalBalance: Long = -1L, val pendingSend: String = "0" ) { // Note: the wallet is effectively empty if it cannot cover the miner's fee val hasFunds: Boolean get() = availableBalance > (MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI.toDouble() / ZATOSHI_PER_ZEC) // 0.0001 val hasBalance: Boolean get() = totalBalance > 0 val isSynced: Boolean get() = status == SYNCED val isSendEnabled: Boolean get() = isSynced && hasFunds // Processor Info val isDownloading = status == DOWNLOADING val isScanning = status == SCANNING val isValidating = status == VALIDATING val downloadProgress: Int get() { return { if (lastDownloadRange.isEmpty()) { 100 } else { val progress = (((lastDownloadedHeight - lastDownloadRange.first + 1).coerceAtLeast(0).toFloat() / (lastDownloadRange.last - lastDownloadRange.first + 1)) * 100.0f).coerceAtMost( 100.0f ).roundToInt() progress } } } val scanProgress: Int get() { return { if (lastScanRange.isEmpty()) { 100 } else { val progress = (((lastScannedHeight - lastScanRange.first + 1).coerceAtLeast(0).toFloat() / (lastScanRange.last - lastScanRange.first + 1)) * 100.0f).coerceAtMost(100.0f).roundToInt() progress } } } val totalProgress: Float get() { val downloadWeighted = 0.40f * (downloadProgress.toFloat() / 100.0f).coerceAtMost(1.0f) val scanWeighted = 0.60f * (scanProgress.toFloat() / 100.0f).coerceAtMost(1.0f) return downloadWeighted.coerceAtLeast(0.0f) + scanWeighted.coerceAtLeast(0.0f) } } }