package import object Report { object Send { class SubmitFailure(private val errorCode: Int?, private val errorMessage: String?) : Feedback.Funnel("send.failure.submit") { override fun toMap(): MutableMap { return super.toMap().apply { put("error.code", errorCode ?: -1) put("error.message", errorMessage ?: "None") } } } class EncodingFailure(private val errorCode: Int?, private val errorMessage: String?) : Feedback.Funnel("send.failure.submit") { override fun toMap(): MutableMap { return super.toMap().apply { put("error.code", errorCode ?: -1) put("error.message", errorMessage ?: "None") } } } } enum class NonUserAction(override val key: String, val description: String) : Feedback.Action { FEEDBACK_STARTED("", "feedback started"), FEEDBACK_STOPPED("", "feedback stopped"), SYNC_START("", "sync started"); override fun toString(): String = description } enum class MetricType(override val key: String, val description: String) : Feedback.Action { ENTROPY_CREATED("metric.entropy.created", "entropy created"), SEED_CREATED("metric.seed.created", "seed created"), SEED_IMPORTED("metric.seed.imported", "seed imported"), SEED_PHRASE_CREATED("metric.seedphrase.created", "seed phrase created"), SEED_PHRASE_LOADED("metric.seedphrase.loaded", "seed phrase loaded"), WALLET_CREATED("metric.wallet.created", "wallet created"), WALLET_IMPORTED("metric.wallet.imported", "wallet imported"), ACCOUNT_CREATED("metric.account.created", "account created"), // Transactions TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED("metric.tx.initialized", "transaction initialized"), TRANSACTION_CREATED("metric.tx.created", "transaction created successfully"), TRANSACTION_SUBMITTED("metric.tx.submitted", "transaction submitted successfully"), TRANSACTION_MINED("metric.tx.mined", "transaction mined") } } /** * Creates a metric with a start time of ZcashWalletApp.creationTime and an end time of when this * instance was created. This can then be passed to []. */ class LaunchMetric private constructor(private val metric: Feedback.TimeMetric) : Feedback.Metric by metric { constructor() : this( Feedback .TimeMetric( "", "app launched", mutableListOf(ZcashWalletApp.instance.creationTime) ) .markTime() ) override fun toString(): String = metric.toString() } inline fun Feedback.measure(type: Report.MetricType, block: () -> T): T = this.measure(type.key, type.description, block)