syntax = "proto3"; package co.electriccoin.zircles.rpc; option swift_prefix = ""; // Admin Memo protocol. Declares the creation of a Zircle in the blockchain message CreateZircleMessage { enum ContributionFrequency { day = 0; week = 1; month = 2; } string name = 1; // name of this zircle uint64 goal = 2; // goal of the zircle in Zatoshis ContributionFrequency frequency = 3; uint64 end = 4; // timestamp timeReferenceSince1970 for end of this Zircle, 0 for end At Will } // Contribution and Join memo protocol message ContributionJoin { string from = 1; // nickname of the joiner / contributor string autoid = 2; // autoid of the person contributing or joining string replyTo = 4; // zAddr of the joiner / contributor } message PokeContributor { string quote = 1; // message to the rogue contributor string name = 2; // who's claiming the funds string replyTo = 3; // address to pay the tribute }