
253 lines
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// ZirclesEnvironment.swift
// Zircles
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 6/24/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import ZcashLightClientKit
import Combine
enum WalletState {
case initalized
case uninitialized
case syncing
case synced
protocol AppEnvironment {
func createNewWallet() throws
func nuke(abortApplication: Bool)
func getMainAddress() -> String
func getUsername() -> String
func getMainSeedPhrase() -> String
func getLatestHeight() -> Int64
final class ZirclesEnvironment: ObservableObject {
enum WalletError: Error {
case createFailed
case initializationFailed(message: String)
case genericError(message: String)
case connectionFailed(message: String)
case maxRetriesReached(attempts: Int)
static let genericErrorMessage = "An error ocurred, please check your device logs"
static var shared: ZirclesEnvironment = try! ZirclesEnvironment() // app can't live without this existing.
@Published var state: WalletState
var errorPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Error,Never>()
let endpoint = LightWalletEndpoint(address: ZcashSDK.isMainnet ? "lightwalletd.z.cash" : "lightwalletd.testnet.z.cash", port: 9067, secure: true)
var dataDbURL: URL
var cacheDbURL: URL
var pendingDbURL: URL
var outputParamsURL: URL
var spendParamsURL: URL
var initializer: Initializer {
var synchronizer: CombineSynchronizer
var cancellables = [AnyCancellable]()
static func getInitialState() -> WalletState {
guard let keys = SeedManager.default.getKeys(), keys.count > 0 else {
return .uninitialized
return .initalized
static func isInitialized() -> Bool {
switch getInitialState() {
case .uninitialized:
return false
return true
private init() throws {
self.dataDbURL = try URL.dataDbURL()
self.cacheDbURL = try URL.cacheDbURL()
self.pendingDbURL = try URL.pendingDbURL()
self.outputParamsURL = try URL.outputParamsURL()
self.spendParamsURL = try URL.spendParamsURL()
self.state = Self.getInitialState()
let initializer = Initializer(
cacheDbURL: self.cacheDbURL,
dataDbURL: self.dataDbURL,
pendingDbURL: self.pendingDbURL,
endpoint: endpoint,
spendParamsURL: self.spendParamsURL,
outputParamsURL: self.outputParamsURL,
loggerProxy: logger)
self.synchronizer = try CombineSynchronizer(initializer: initializer)
status -> WalletState in
switch status {
case .synced:
return WalletState.synced
case .syncing:
return WalletState.syncing
return Self.getInitialState()
}).sink(receiveValue: { status in
self.state = status
func createNewWallet() throws {
guard let randomPhrase = MnemonicSeedProvider.default.randomMnemonic(),
let randomSeed = MnemonicSeedProvider.default.toSeed(mnemonic: randomPhrase) else {
throw WalletError.createFailed
let birthday = WalletBirthday.birthday(with: BlockHeight.max)
try SeedManager.default.importSeed(randomSeed)
try SeedManager.default.importBirthday(birthday.height)
try SeedManager.default.importPhrase(bip39: randomPhrase)
try self.initialize()
func initialize() throws {
if let keys = try self.initializer.initialize(seedProvider: SeedManager.default, walletBirthdayHeight: try SeedManager.default.exportBirthday()) {
static var appBuild: String? {
Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleVersion"] as? String
static var appVersion: String? {
Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String
func isValidAddress(_ address: String) -> Bool {
self.initializer.isValidShieldedAddress(address) || self.initializer.isValidTransparentAddress(address)
func sufficientFundsToSend(amount: Double) -> Bool {
return sufficientFunds(availableBalance: self.initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), zatoshiToSend: amount.toZatoshi())
private func sufficientFunds(availableBalance: Int64, zatoshiToSend: Int64) -> Bool {
availableBalance - zatoshiToSend - Int64(ZcashSDK.MINERS_FEE_ZATOSHI) >= 0
static var minerFee: Double {
only for internal use
func nuke(abortApplication: Bool = false) {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: self.dataDbURL)
} catch {
logger.error("could not nuke wallet: \(error)")
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: self.cacheDbURL)
} catch {
logger.error("could not nuke wallet: \(error)")
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: self.pendingDbURL)
} catch {
logger.error("could not nuke wallet: \(error)")
if abortApplication {
deinit {
cancellables.forEach {
c in
extension Error {
static func mapError(error: Error) -> ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError {
if let rustError = error as? RustWeldingError {
switch rustError {
case .genericError(let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: message)
case .dataDbInitFailed(let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: message)
case .dataDbNotEmpty:
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: "attempt to initialize a db that was not empty")
case .saplingSpendParametersNotFound:
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.createFailed
case .malformedStringInput:
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: "Malformed address or key detected")
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: "\(rustError)")
} else if let synchronizerError = error as? SynchronizerError {
switch synchronizerError {
case .generalError(let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: message)
case .initFailed(let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.initializationFailed(message: "Synchronizer failed to initialize: \(message)")
case .syncFailed:
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: "Synchronizing failed")
case .connectionFailed(let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.connectionFailed(message: message)
case .maxRetryAttemptsReached(attempts: let attempts):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.maxRetriesReached(attempts: attempts)
case .connectionError(_, let message):
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.connectionFailed(message: message)
return ZirclesEnvironment.WalletError.genericError(message: ZirclesEnvironment.genericErrorMessage)
extension ZirclesEnvironment: AppEnvironment {
func getMainAddress() -> String {
self.initializer.getAddress(index: 0) ?? "No address!!"
func getUsername() -> String {
func getMainSeedPhrase() -> String {
guard let phrase = try? SeedManager.default.exportPhrase() else {
return "no phrase"
return phrase
func getLatestHeight() -> Int64 {