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// SychronizerDarksideTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit-Unit-Tests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/20/20.
import XCTest
import Combine
2022-02-28 09:03:20 -08:00
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
class SynchronizerDarksideTests: XCTestCase {
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
let branchID = "2bb40e60"
let chainName = "main"
let network = DarksideWalletDNetwork()
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
var coordinator: TestCoordinator!
var syncedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "synced")
var sentTransactionExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sent")
var expectedReorgHeight: BlockHeight = 665188
var expectedRewindHeight: BlockHeight = 665188
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
var reorgExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "reorg")
var foundTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] = []
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
var idGenerator: MockSyncSessionIDGenerator!
[#888] Make actor from ZcashRustBackendWelding Closes #888. - `ZcashRustBackend` is actor now. So majority of methods in this actor are now async. - Some methods stayed `static` in `ZcashRustBackend`. It would be hard to pass instance of the `ZcashRustBackend` to the places where these methods are used in static manner. And it would change lot of APIs. But it isn't problem from technical perspective because these methods would be `nonisolated` otherwise. - Methods `lastError()` and `getLastError()` in `ZcashRustBackend` are now private. This makes sure that ther won't be aby race condition between other methods and these two error methods. - All the methods for which was `lastError()` used in code now throw error. So `lastError()` is no longer needed outside of the `ZcashRustBackend`. - There are in the public API related to `DerivationTool`. - `DerivationTool` now requires instance of the `ZcashRustBackend`. And `ZcashRustBackend` isn't public type. So `DerivationTool` doesn't have any public constructor now. It can be created only via `Initializer.makeDerivationTool()` instance method. - `deriveUnifiedSpendingKey()` and `deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey()` in `DerivationTool` are now async. It is because these are using `ZcashRustBackend` inside. `DerivationTool` offers alternative (closure and combine) APIs. But downside is that there is no sync API to dervie spending key or viewing key. - Some methods of the `DerivationTool` are now static. These methods don't use anything that requires instance of the `DerivationTool` inside. [#888] Use Sourcery to generate mocks - I wrote mock for `Synchronizer` manually. And it's tedious and long and boring work. - Now `ZcashRustBackendWelding` is changed a lot so it means `MockRustBackend` must be changed a lot. So I decided to introduce `sourcery` to generate mocks from protocols so we don't have to do it manually ever. - To generate mocks go to `ZcashLightClientKit/Tests/TestUtils/Sourcery` directory and run `generateMocks.sh` script. - Your protocol must be mentioned in `AutoMockable.swift` file. Generated mocks are in `AutoMockable.generated.swift` file. [#888] Fix Offline tests - Offline tests target now runs and tests are green. - There is log of changes in tests. But logic is not changed. - Updated `AutoMockable.stencil` so sourcery is able to generate mock as actor when protocol is marked with: `// sourcery: mockActor`. - Last few updates in `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. In previous PR `rewindCacheToHeight` methods was overlooked and it didn't throw error. - Removed `MockRustBackend` and using generated `ZCashRustBackendWeldingMock` instead. - Using generated `SynchronizerMock`. [#888] Fix NetworkTests - Changed a bit how rust backend mock is used in the tests. Introduced `RustBackendMockHelper`. There are some state variables that must be preserved within one instance of the mock. This helper does exactly this. It keeps this state variables in the memory and helping mock to work as expected. [#888] Fix Darkside tests Create ZcashKeyDeriving internal protocol Use New DerivationTool that does not require RustBackend Remove duplicated methods that had been copied over [#888] Fix potentially broken tests I broke the tests because I moved `testTempDirectory` from each `TestCase` to the `Environment`. By this I caused that each tests uses exactly same URL. Which is directly against purpose of `testTempDirectory`. So now each test calls this one and store it to local variable. So each test has unique URL. [#888] Add ability to mock nonisolated methods to AutoMockable.stencil [#888] Add changelog and fix the documentation in ZcashRustBackendWelding [#888] Rename derivation rust backend protocol and remove static methods - Renamed `ZcashKeyDeriving` to `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding`. So the naming scheme is same as for `ZcashRustBackendWelding`. - `ZcashKeyDerivationBackend` is now struct instead of enum. - Methods in `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` (except one) are no longer static. Because of this the respective methods in `DerivationTool` aren't also static anymore.
2023-03-31 10:10:35 -07:00
2023-03-30 10:01:47 -07:00
override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp()
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
idGenerator = MockSyncSessionIDGenerator(ids: [.deadbeef])
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(walletBirthday: birthday, network: network, syncSessionIDGenerator: idGenerator)
try self.coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, branchID: "e9ff75a6", chainName: "main")
2023-03-30 10:01:47 -07:00
override func tearDown() async throws {
try await super.tearDown()
let coordinator = self.coordinator!
self.coordinator = nil
foundTransactions = []
cancellables = []
try await coordinator.stop()
- [#679] Implementation of the File-system based block cache (#679) Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/697 Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/720 Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/587 Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/667 Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/443 Closes https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/754 - [#790] Fix ShieldFundsTests Closes #790 Removes comments on `ShieldFundsTests` since those issues have been fixed Depends on zcash-light-client-ffi changes that adopt newer versions of librustzcash crates `zcash_primitives 0.10`, `zcash_client_backend 0.7`, `zcash_proofs 0.10`, `zcash_client_sqlite 0.5.0`. Also allows wallets to define a shielding_threshold and will set foundations to customize minimum confirmations for balances, spends and shielding operations. **Test Bootstrapping** - `ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor`: struct that holds functions to describe blocks as filenames and compare those filenames `ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor.live` has the actual implementation but it can be replaced by mocks if needed on Tests main implementations are held under `FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameDescription` and `FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameComparison` on a separate extention `DirectoryListingProviders` provide two default implementations of listing a directory deterministically. `FileManager` does not define a sorting and needs to be done in-memory by calling `.sorted()` on the resulting collection. If this is a big toll on performance it can be changed to a POSIX implementation but this is good for now. `ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor` adds a `height` helper function to turn a filename into the height of the block stored. Implemented `func latestHeight() throws -> BlockHeight ` that returns the blockheight by querying the cache directory in a sorted fashion and getting the last value and turning the filename into a `BlockHeight` Added `Meta` struct to ZcashCompactBlock. Tests implemented: - `filterBlockFiles` - `testClearTheCache` - `testLatestHeightEmptyCacheThrows` - `testLatestHeightEmptyCacheThrowsAsync` - `testRewindEmptyCacheDoesNothing` - `testRewindEmptyCacheDoesNothingAsync` - `testWhenBlockIsStoredItFollowsTheDescribedFormat` - `testWhenBlockIsStoredItFollowsTheFilenameConvention` - `testGetLatestHeight` - `testRewindDeletesTheRightBlocks` test - `testPerformanceExample` test. This isn't a real performance test because the API doesn't work with async/await yet adopts `shield_funds` shielding threshold parameter Implements `initBlockMetadataDb` and fix tests Renames dbCache parameter to `fsBlockDbRoot`. Builds but tests don't pass. Removes cacheDb uses from code. Testing utilities still persist. Added needed information in MIGRATING and CHANGELOG. Added helper to perform deletion of legacy db and creation a the new file system backed cache. Renames parameters and changes code where needed. Network Constants turned into `enum` with static methods. DeletelastDownloadedBlock helper from initializer Removes CompactBlockStorage and CompactBlockEntity. Implements `latestCachedBlockHeight` on rustbackend. *Replaces dependencies on ZcashRustWelding with `FSMetadataStore`* This allows the tests to not depend in a particular implementation of either the MockRustBackend of or ZcashRustBackend. Also provides a way to test errors properly and switch implementations of critical areas like `writeBlocks`.
2023-02-02 08:58:12 -08:00
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.fsCacheDbRoot)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.dataDB)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.pendingDB)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
func testFoundTransactions() async throws {
.map { event in
guard case let .foundTransactions(transactions, _) = event else { return nil }
return transactions
.compactMap { $0 }
.sink(receiveValue: { [weak self] transactions in self?.handleFoundTransactions(transactions: transactions) })
.store(in: &cancellables)
2021-05-18 14:22:29 -07:00
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight + 1)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "pre receive")
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [preTxExpectation], timeout: 5)
XCTAssertEqual(self.foundTransactions.count, 2)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
func testFoundManyTransactions() async throws {
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
self.idGenerator.ids = [.deadbeef, .beefbeef, .beefdead]
.map { event in
guard case let .foundTransactions(transactions, _) = event else { return nil }
return transactions
.compactMap { $0 }
.sink(receiveValue: { [weak self] transactions in self?.handleFoundTransactions(transactions: transactions) })
.store(in: &cancellables)
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName, length: 1000)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663229
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight + 1)
let firsTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync")
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [firsTxExpectation], timeout: 10)
XCTAssertEqual(self.foundTransactions.count, 5)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: 663900)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "intermediate sync")
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [preTxExpectation], timeout: 10)
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
let findManyTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "final sync")
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: 664010)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [findManyTxExpectation], timeout: 10)
XCTAssertEqual(self.foundTransactions.count, 2)
2023-04-12 00:39:49 -07:00
func testLastStates() async throws {
self.idGenerator.ids = [.deadbeef, .beefbeef, .beefdead]
let uuids = self.idGenerator.ids
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
var states: [SynchronizerState] = []
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight + 1)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "pre receive")
.sink { state in
.store(in: &cancellables)
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [preTxExpectation], timeout: 5)
let expectedStates: [SynchronizerState] = [
syncSessionID: .nullID,
shieldedBalance: .zero,
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .disconnected,
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1576821833
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: .zero,
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 0, targetHeight: 0, progressHeight: 0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1576821833
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: .zero,
// shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 663150, targetHeight: 663189, progressHeight: 663189)),
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: .zero,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncStatus: .enhancing(EnhancementProgress(totalTransactions: 0, enhancedTransactions: 0, lastFoundTransaction: nil, range: 0...0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: .zero,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncStatus: .enhancing(
totalTransactions: 2,
enhancedTransactions: 1,
lastFoundTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview(
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
accountId: 0,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
blockTime: 1.0,
expiryHeight: 663206,
fee: Zatoshi(0),
id: 2,
index: 1,
hasChange: false,
memoCount: 1,
minedHeight: 663188,
raw: Data(),
rawID: Data(),
receivedNoteCount: 1,
sentNoteCount: 0,
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
value: Zatoshi(100000),
isExpiredUmined: false
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
range: 663150...663189
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: .zero,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncStatus: .enhancing(
totalTransactions: 2,
enhancedTransactions: 2,
lastFoundTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview(
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
accountId: 0,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
blockTime: 1.0,
expiryHeight: 663192,
fee: Zatoshi(0),
id: 1,
index: 1,
hasChange: false,
memoCount: 1,
minedHeight: 663174,
raw: Data(),
rawID: Data(),
receivedNoteCount: 1,
sentNoteCount: 0,
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
value: Zatoshi(100000),
isExpiredUmined: false
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
range: 663150...663189
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: .zero,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncStatus: .fetching,
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: .zero,
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncStatus: .synced,
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 663189,
latestScannedTime: 1
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
XCTAssertEqual(states, expectedStates)
func testSyncSessionUpdates() async throws {
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
2023-04-12 00:39:49 -07:00
self.idGenerator.ids = [.deadbeef, .beefbeef, .beefdead]
let uuids = idGenerator.ids
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
var states: [SynchronizerState] = []
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight + 1)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "pre receive")
.sink { state in
.store(in: &cancellables)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [preTxExpectation], timeout: 5)
let expectedStates: [SynchronizerState] = [
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: .nullID,
shieldedBalance: .zero,
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .disconnected,
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: .zero,
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 0, targetHeight: 0, progressHeight: 0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: .zero,
transparentBalance: .zero,
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 663150, targetHeight: 663189, progressHeight: 663189)),
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .enhancing(EnhancementProgress(totalTransactions: 0, enhancedTransactions: 0, lastFoundTransaction: nil, range: 0...0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .enhancing(
totalTransactions: 2,
enhancedTransactions: 1,
lastFoundTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview(
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
accountId: 0,
blockTime: 1.0,
expiryHeight: 663206,
fee: Zatoshi(0),
id: 2,
index: 1,
hasChange: false,
memoCount: 1,
minedHeight: 663188,
raw: Data(),
rawID: Data(),
receivedNoteCount: 1,
sentNoteCount: 0,
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
value: Zatoshi(100000),
isExpiredUmined: false
range: 663150...663189
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .enhancing(
totalTransactions: 2,
enhancedTransactions: 2,
lastFoundTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview(
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
accountId: 0,
blockTime: 1.0,
expiryHeight: 663192,
fee: Zatoshi(0),
id: 1,
index: 1,
hasChange: false,
memoCount: 1,
minedHeight: 663174,
raw: Data(),
rawID: Data(),
receivedNoteCount: 1,
sentNoteCount: 0,
[#959] Fix `v_transactions` view issues with value (#963) This change switches to a new (future) version of the rust crates that will get rid of the sent and received transactions Views in favor of a `v_transaction` view that will do better accounting of outgoing and incoming funds. Additionally it will support an outputs view for seeing the inner details of transactions enabling the SDKs tell the users the precise movement of value that a tx causes in its multiple possible ways according to the protocol. the `v_tx_outputs` view is not yet implemented. Sent and Received transaction sub-types are kept for compatibility purposes but they are generated from Overviews instead of queried from a specific view. In the transaction Overview the value represents the whole value transfer for the transaction from the point of view of a given account including fees. This means that the value for a single transaction Overview struct represents the addition or subtraction of ZEC value to the account's balance. Future updates will give clients the possibility to drill into the inner workings of those value changes in a per-output basis for each transaction. Also, the field `pending_unmined` field was added to `v_transactions` so that wallets can query `DataDb` for pending but yet unmined txs This will prepare the field for removing the notion of a "PendingDb" and its nuances. Also updated test database `darkside_data.db` Closes #959 Closes #971 ZcashLightClientKitSample main target broken swiftlint script Demo App improvements: Show Short date and value on transaction list
2023-04-18 05:10:56 -07:00
value: Zatoshi(100000),
isExpiredUmined: false
range: 663150...663189
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .fetching,
latestScannedHeight: 663150,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[0],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .synced,
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
XCTAssertEqual(states, expectedStates)
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
try coordinator.service.applyStaged(nextLatestHeight: 663_200)
2023-04-12 00:39:49 -07:00
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
let secondSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "second sync")
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [secondSyncExpectation], timeout: 5)
let secondBatchOfExpectedStates: [SynchronizerState] = [
syncSessionID: uuids[1],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 0, targetHeight: 0, progressHeight: 0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[1],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(100000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .syncing(BlockProgress(startHeight: 663190, targetHeight: 663200, progressHeight: 663200)),
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[1],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(200000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .enhancing(EnhancementProgress(totalTransactions: 0, enhancedTransactions: 0, lastFoundTransaction: nil, range: 0...0)),
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[1],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(200000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .fetching,
latestScannedHeight: 663189,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
syncSessionID: uuids[1],
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(200000), total: Zatoshi(200000)),
transparentBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(0), total: Zatoshi(0)),
syncStatus: .synced,
latestScannedHeight: 663200,
latestBlockHeight: 0,
latestScannedTime: 0
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
XCTAssertEqual(states, secondBatchOfExpectedStates)
func testSyncAfterWipeWorks() async throws {
2023-04-12 00:39:49 -07:00
idGenerator.ids = [.deadbeef, .beefbeef, .beefdead]
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight + 1)
let firsSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "first sync")
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [firsSyncExpectation], timeout: 10)
let wipeFinished = XCTestExpectation(description: "SynchronizerWipeFinished Expectation")
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
XCTFail("Wipe should finish successfully. \(error)")
receiveValue: {
XCTFail("No no value should be received from wipe.")
.store(in: &cancellables)
wait(for: [wipeFinished], timeout: 1)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
_ = try await coordinator.prepare(seed: Environment.seedBytes)
let secondSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "second sync")
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
wait(for: [secondSyncExpectation], timeout: 10)
func handleFoundTransactions(transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview]) {
self.foundTransactions.append(contentsOf: transactions)
[#831] Add SDKSynchronizer wrappers for non-async API This change introduces two new protocols: `ClosureSynchronizer` and `CombineSynchronizer`. These two protocols define API that doesn't use `async`. So the client can choose exactly which API it wants to use. This change also introduces two new objects: `ClosureSDKSynchronizer` and `CombineSDKSynchronizer`. These two implement the respective protocols mentioned above. Both are structures. Neither of these two keeps any state. Thanks to this each is very cheap to create. And usage of these two isn't mutually exclusive. So devs can really choose the best SDK API for each part of the client app. [#831] Use async inside of the SDKSynchronizer - In general lot of methods inside the `SDKSynchronizer` and `CompactBlockProcessoer` which weren't async are now async. And other changes are made because of this change. - `CompactBlockProcessor` no longer uses Combine to communicate with `SDKSynchronizer`. Reason for this is that Combine doesn't play great with async. Closure passed to `sink` isn't async. - Because of this and because of how our tests work (receiving signals from CBP directly) `CompactBlockProcessor` must be able to handle more event closures. Not just one. So it now has `eventClosures` dictionary. It's little bit strange but it works fine. - `SyncStatus` inside the `SDKSynchronizer` was previously protected by lock. Now it's protected by simple actor wrapper. - Changes in tests are minimal. Changes were mady only because `CompactBlockProcessor` changes from Combine to closures. [#831] Add tests for ClosureSDKSynchronizer - Added tests are testing in general if the `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` is correctly calling `Synchronizer` and if the values are correctly returned. - `ClosuresSDKSynchronizer` doesn't contain any logic but it is public API and we should be sure that it works correctly. [#831] Add tests for CombineSDKSynchronizer [#831] Add changelog
2023-03-16 02:11:18 -07:00
func handleError(_ error: Error?) async {
_ = try? await coordinator.stop()
guard let testError = error else {
XCTFail("failed with nil error")
XCTFail("Failed with error: \(testError)")
extension Zatoshi: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
[#895] Add Sync Session ID Synchronizer State (#906) Closes #895 Add Sync Session ID to `SynchronizerState`. A SyncSession is an attempt to sync the blockchain within the lifetime of a Synchronizer. A Synchronizer can sync many times, when synced it will refresh every ~20 seconds +- random padding. each sync attempt will have a different UUID even if it's from the same instance of SDKSynchronizer. **How are SyncSessions are delimited? With `SyncStatus` changes.** changes from [`.unprepared`|`.error`|`.disconnected`|`.stopped`] to `.syncing` assign a new sessionID to the synchronizer. Any other transitions won't. `areTwoStatusesDifferent ` was refactored to a helper function of `SyncStatus` **How are IDs generated?** ID generation is not mandated but delegated to a protocol `SyncSessionIDGenerator`. Tests inject their own deterministic generator to avoid test flakiness. Default implementation of SyncSessionIDGenerator is ````Swift struct UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator {} extension UniqueSyncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator { func nextID() -> UUID { UUID() } } ```` **SyncSession Pseudo-Atomicity and thread safety** SyncSession is a type alias of a GenericActor holding a UUID ```` typealias SyncSession = GenericActor<UUID> extension SyncSession { /// updates the current sync session to a new value with the given generator /// - Parameters generator: a `SyncSessionIDGenerator` /// - returns: the `UUID` of the newly updated value. @discardableResult func newSession(with generator: SyncSessionIDGenerator) async -> UUID { return await self.update(generator.nextID()) } } ```` Closes #895 SessionTicker struct to control session transitions. switching to `.unprepared` now makes syncID to be `.nullID`
2023-04-07 05:02:05 -07:00
extension UUID {
static let deadbeef = UUID(uuidString: "DEADBEEF-BEEF-FAFA-BEEF-FAFAFAFAFAFA")!
static let beefbeef = UUID(uuidString: "BEEFBEEF-BEEF-DEAD-BEEF-BEEFEBEEFEBE")!
static let beefdead = UUID(uuidString: "BEEFDEAD-BEEF-FAFA-DEAD-EAEAEAEAEAEA")!