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// LightWalletServiceTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKitTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 18/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
2022-02-28 09:03:20 -08:00
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
import GRPC
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
class LightWalletServiceTests: XCTestCase {
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
let network: ZcashNetwork = ZcashNetworkBuilder.network(for: .testnet)
var service: LightWalletService!
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
2021-09-23 06:26:41 -07:00
[#209] Add support for multiple instances of the SDKSynchronizer Closes #209. [#845] Introduce ZcashSynchronizerAlias enum Closes #845. [#852] SDKSynchronizer using queues label based on the alias Closes #852. [#847] Remove posibility to use DatabaseStorageManager as singleton Closes #847. [#850] Remove synchronizerConnectionStateChanged notification Closes #850. [#855] Add check if the Alias is already used Closes #855 - Added `UsedAliasesChecker` utility which is used to register aliases that are in use. - `prepare()` and `wipe()` methods now check if the current alias can't be used and if not then `InitializerError.aliasAlreadyInUse` is thrown/emitted. - Some public methods that could cause harm if used with the Alias that is already in use now throw `SynchronizerError.notPrepared`. Thanks to this the client app is forced to call `prepare()` first. And `prepare()` does check for the Alias. - Added tests for new conditions. [#849] Make InternalSyncProgress aware of the Alias Closes #849. [#853] Only instance with default Alias migrates legacy cache DB Closes #853. [#851] Apply the Alias to the URLs Closes #851. - `Initializer` now updates paths according to alias before paths are used anywhere in the SDK. - Paths update can fail. It would be incovenient for the client apps to handle errors thrown from `Initiliazer` constructor. So the error is then handled in `SDKSynchronizer.prepare()` or `SDKSynchronizer.wipe()`. [#846] Stop using SDKMetrics as singleton (#862) - metrics are not longer a singleton - tests fixed - metrics outside init of the synchronizer [#848] Make logger aware of the alias - logger is now an instance passed throughout the sdk instead of a static proxy [#848] Make logger aware of the alias (#868) - comments addressed [#848] Make logger aware of the alias (#868) - returning protocol back Fix typos [#856] Add possibility to test multiple synchronizers in the sample app Closes #856. - Added `alias` property to `Synchronizer`. - Added `SyncBlocksListViewController` which provides UI to use multiple synchronizers at once. [#209] Add changelog - Add changelog for #209. - Overall improve readability of the rendered changelog. Tickets references are now prefixed with `###` instead of `- `. Fix compilation
2023-03-22 05:47:32 -07:00
service = LightWalletServiceFactory(endpoint: LightWalletEndpointBuilder.eccTestnet).make()
2023-02-16 08:14:31 -08:00
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
try super.tearDownWithError()
service = nil
// FIXME: [#721] check whether this test is still valid on in memory lwd implementation, https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/721
// func testFailure() {
// let expect = XCTestExpectation(description: self.description)
// let excessivelyHugeRange = Range<BlockHeight>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: 280_000, upper: 600_000))
// service.blockRange(excessivelyHugeRange) { (result) in
// XCTAssertEqual(result, .failure(LightWalletServiceError.failed(statusCode: SwiftGRPC.StatusCode.cancelled)))
// expect.fulfill()
// }
// await fulfillment(of: [expect], timeout: 20)
// }
func testHundredBlocks() async throws {
let count = 99
let lowerRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let upperRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + count
let blockRange = lowerRange ... upperRange
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await block in service.blockRange(blockRange) {
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.count, blockRange.count)
XCTAssertEqual(blocks[0].height, lowerRange)
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.last!.height, upperRange)
func testSyncBlockRange() async throws {
let lowerRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight
let upperRange: BlockHeight = network.constants.saplingActivationHeight + 99
let blockRange = lowerRange ... upperRange
var blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for try await block in service.blockRange(blockRange) {
XCTAssertEqual(blocks.count, blockRange.count)
func testLatestBlock() async throws {
let height = try await service.latestBlockHeight()
XCTAssertTrue(height > self.network.constants.saplingActivationHeight)