// // SDKSynchronizer.swift // ZcashLightClientKit // // Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/6/19. // Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import Combine extension Notification.Name { static let synchronizerConnectionStateChanged = Notification.Name("SynchronizerConnectionStateChanged") } /// Synchronizer implementation for UIKit and iOS 13+ // swiftlint:disable type_body_length public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer { public enum NotificationKeys { public static let currentConnectionState = "SDKSynchronizer.currentConnectionState" public static let previousConnectionState = "SDKSynchronizer.previousConnectionState" } private let streamsUpdateQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "streamsUpdateQueue") private let stateSubject = CurrentValueSubject(.zero) public var stateStream: AnyPublisher { stateSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } public private(set) var latestState: SynchronizerState = .zero private let eventSubject = PassthroughSubject() public var eventStream: AnyPublisher { eventSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } // Don't read this variable directly. Use `status` instead. And don't update this variable directly use `updateStatus()` methods instead. private var underlyingStatus: GenericActor var status: SyncStatus { get async { await underlyingStatus.value } } let blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor let blockProcessorEventProcessingQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "blockProcessorEventProcessingQueue") public private(set) var initializer: Initializer // Valid value is stored here after `prepare` is called. public private(set) var latestScannedHeight: BlockHeight = .zero public private(set) var connectionState: ConnectionState public private(set) var network: ZcashNetwork private var transactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager private var transactionRepository: TransactionRepository private var utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository private var syncStartDate: Date? /// Creates an SDKSynchronizer instance /// - Parameter initializer: a wallet Initializer object public convenience init(initializer: Initializer) { self.init( status: .unprepared, initializer: initializer, transactionManager: OutboundTransactionManagerBuilder.build(initializer: initializer), transactionRepository: initializer.transactionRepository, utxoRepository: UTXORepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer), blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor( initializer: initializer, walletBirthdayProvider: { initializer.walletBirthday } ) ) } init( status: SyncStatus, initializer: Initializer, transactionManager: OutboundTransactionManager, transactionRepository: TransactionRepository, utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository, blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor ) { self.connectionState = .idle self.underlyingStatus = GenericActor(status) self.initializer = initializer self.transactionManager = transactionManager self.transactionRepository = transactionRepository self.utxoRepository = utxoRepository self.blockProcessor = blockProcessor self.network = initializer.network subscribeToProcessorNotifications(blockProcessor) Task(priority: .high) { [weak self] in await self?.subscribeToProcessorEvents(blockProcessor) } } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) Task { [blockProcessor] in await blockProcessor.stop() } } func updateStatus(_ newValue: SyncStatus) async { let oldValue = await underlyingStatus.update(newValue) await notify(oldStatus: oldValue, newStatus: newValue) } public func prepare( with seed: [UInt8]?, viewingKeys: [UnifiedFullViewingKey], walletBirthday: BlockHeight ) async throws -> Initializer.InitializationResult { guard await status == .unprepared else { return .success } try utxoRepository.initialise() if case .seedRequired = try self.initializer.initialize(with: seed, viewingKeys: viewingKeys, walletBirthday: walletBirthday) { return .seedRequired } latestScannedHeight = (try? transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight()) ?? initializer.walletBirthday await updateStatus(.disconnected) return .success } /// Starts the synchronizer /// - Throws: CompactBlockProcessorError when failures occur public func start(retry: Bool = false) async throws { switch await status { case .unprepared: throw SynchronizerError.notPrepared case .syncing, .enhancing, .fetching: LoggerProxy.warn("warning: Synchronizer started when already running. Next sync process will be started when the current one stops.") /// This may look strange but `CompactBlockProcessor` has mechanisms which can handle this situation. So we are fine with calling /// it's start here. await blockProcessor.start(retry: retry) case .stopped, .synced, .disconnected, .error: await updateStatus(.syncing(.nullProgress)) syncStartDate = Date() await blockProcessor.start(retry: retry) } } /// Stops the synchronizer public func stop() async { let status = await self.status guard status != .stopped, status != .disconnected else { LoggerProxy.info("attempted to stop when status was: \(status)") return } await blockProcessor.stop() } private func subscribeToProcessorNotifications(_ processor: CompactBlockProcessor) { let center = NotificationCenter.default center.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(connectivityStateChanged(_:)), name: Notification.Name.synchronizerConnectionStateChanged, object: nil ) } // MARK: Connectivity State @objc func connectivityStateChanged(_ notification: Notification) { guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let current = userInfo[NotificationKeys.currentConnectionState] as? ConnectionState else { LoggerProxy.error( "Found \(notification.name) but lacks dictionary information." + "This is probably a programming error" ) return } connectionState = current streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.eventSubject.send(.connectionStateChanged) } } // MARK: Handle CompactBlockProcessor.Flow private func subscribeToProcessorEvents(_ processor: CompactBlockProcessor) async { let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in switch event { case let .failed(error): await self?.failed(error: error) case let .finished(height, foundBlocks): await self?.finished(lastScannedHeight: height, foundBlocks: foundBlocks) case let .foundTransactions(transactions, range): self?.foundTransactions(transactions: transactions, in: range) case let .handledReorg(reorgHeight, rewindHeight): self?.handledReorg(reorgHeight: reorgHeight, rewindHeight: rewindHeight) case let .progressUpdated(progress): await self?.progressUpdated(progress: progress) case let .storedUTXOs(utxos): self?.storedUTXOs(utxos: utxos) case .startedEnhancing: await self?.updateStatus(.enhancing(.zero)) case .startedFetching: await self?.updateStatus(.fetching) case .startedSyncing: await self?.updateStatus(.syncing(.nullProgress)) case .stopped: await self?.updateStatus(.stopped) } } await processor.updateEventClosure(identifier: "SDKSynchronizer", closure: eventClosure) } private func failed(error: CompactBlockProcessorError) async { await updateStatus(.error(self.mapError(error))) } private func finished(lastScannedHeight: BlockHeight, foundBlocks: Bool) async { // FIX: Pending transaction updates fail if done from another thread. Improvement needed: explicitly define queues for sql repositories see: https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/450 self.latestScannedHeight = lastScannedHeight self.refreshPendingTransactions() await updateStatus(.synced) if let syncStartDate { SDKMetrics.shared.pushSyncReport( start: syncStartDate, end: Date() ) } } private func foundTransactions(transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview], in range: CompactBlockRange) { streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.eventSubject.send(.foundTransactions(transactions, range)) } } private func handledReorg(reorgHeight: BlockHeight, rewindHeight: BlockHeight) { LoggerProxy.debug("handling reorg at: \(reorgHeight) with rewind height: \(rewindHeight)") do { try transactionManager.handleReorg(at: rewindHeight) } catch { LoggerProxy.debug("error handling reorg: \(error)") } } private func progressUpdated(progress: CompactBlockProgress) async { let newStatus = SyncStatus(progress) await updateStatus(newStatus) } private func storedUTXOs(utxos: (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity])) { streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.eventSubject.send(.storedUTXOs(utxos.inserted, utxos.skipped)) } } // MARK: Synchronizer methods public func sendToAddress( spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, zatoshi: Zatoshi, toAddress: Recipient, memo: Memo? ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { do { try await SaplingParameterDownloader.downloadParamsIfnotPresent( spendURL: initializer.spendParamsURL, spendSourceURL: initializer.saplingParamsSourceURL.spendParamFileURL, outputURL: initializer.outputParamsURL, outputSourceURL: initializer.saplingParamsSourceURL.outputParamFileURL ) } catch { throw SynchronizerError.parameterMissing(underlyingError: error) } if case Recipient.transparent = toAddress, memo != nil { throw SynchronizerError.generalError(message: "Memos can't be sent to transparent addresses.") } return try await createToAddress( spendingKey: spendingKey, zatoshi: zatoshi, recipient: toAddress, memo: memo ) } public func shieldFunds( spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, memo: Memo, shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { // let's see if there are funds to shield let accountIndex = Int(spendingKey.account) do { let tBalance = try await self.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: accountIndex) // Verify that at least there are funds for the fee. Ideally this logic will be improved by the shielding wallet. guard tBalance.verified >= self.network.constants.defaultFee(for: self.latestScannedHeight) else { throw ShieldFundsError.insuficientTransparentFunds } let shieldingSpend = try transactionManager.initSpend( zatoshi: tBalance.verified, recipient: .internalAccount(spendingKey.account), memo: try memo.asMemoBytes(), from: accountIndex ) // TODO: [#487] Task will be removed when this method is changed to async, issue 487, https://github.com/zcash/ZcashLightClientKit/issues/487 let transaction = try await transactionManager.encodeShieldingTransaction( spendingKey: spendingKey, shieldingThreshold: shieldingThreshold, pendingTransaction: shieldingSpend ) return try await transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction) } catch { throw error } } func createToAddress( spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey, zatoshi: Zatoshi, recipient: Recipient, memo: Memo? ) async throws -> PendingTransactionEntity { do { let spend = try transactionManager.initSpend( zatoshi: zatoshi, recipient: .address(recipient), memo: memo?.asMemoBytes(), from: Int(spendingKey.account) ) let transaction = try await transactionManager.encode( spendingKey: spendingKey, pendingTransaction: spend ) let submittedTx = try await transactionManager.submit(pendingTransaction: transaction) return submittedTx } catch { throw error } } public func cancelSpend(transaction: PendingTransactionEntity) -> Bool { transactionManager.cancel(pendingTransaction: transaction) } public func allReceivedTransactions() throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Received] { try transactionRepository.findReceived(offset: 0, limit: Int.max) } public func allPendingTransactions() throws -> [PendingTransactionEntity] { try transactionManager.allPendingTransactions() ?? [PendingTransactionEntity]() } public func allClearedTransactions() throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { return try transactionRepository.find(offset: 0, limit: Int.max, kind: .all) } public func allSentTransactions() throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Sent] { return try transactionRepository.findSent(offset: 0, limit: Int.max) } public func allConfirmedTransactions(from transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int) throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { return try transactionRepository.find(from: transaction, limit: limit, kind: .all) } public func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind = .all) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository { PagedTransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer, kind: .all) } public func getMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) throws -> [Memo] { return try transactionRepository.findMemos(for: transaction) } public func getMemos(for receivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Received) throws -> [Memo] { return try transactionRepository.findMemos(for: receivedTransaction) } public func getMemos(for sentTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Sent) throws -> [Memo] { return try transactionRepository.findMemos(for: sentTransaction) } public func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) -> [TransactionRecipient] { return transactionRepository.getRecipients(for: transaction.id) } public func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Sent) -> [TransactionRecipient] { return transactionRepository.getRecipients(for: transaction.id) } public func latestHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight { try await blockProcessor.blockDownloaderService.latestBlockHeightAsync() } public func latestUTXOs(address: String) async throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] { guard initializer.isValidTransparentAddress(address) else { throw SynchronizerError.generalError(message: "invalid t-address") } let stream = initializer.lightWalletService.fetchUTXOs(for: address, height: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight) do { // swiftlint:disable:next array_constructor var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = [] for try await transactionEntity in stream { utxos.append(transactionEntity) } try self.utxoRepository.clearAll(address: address) try self.utxoRepository.store(utxos: utxos) return utxos } catch { throw SynchronizerError.generalError(message: "\(error)") } } public func refreshUTXOs(address: TransparentAddress, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs { try await blockProcessor.refreshUTXOs(tAddress: address, startHeight: height) } @available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon, use the one returning a `Zatoshi` value instead") public func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) -> Int64 { initializer.getBalance(account: accountIndex).amount } public func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) -> Zatoshi { initializer.getBalance(account: accountIndex) } @available(*, deprecated, message: "This function will be removed soon, use the one returning a `Zatoshi` value instead") public func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) -> Int64 { initializer.getVerifiedBalance(account: accountIndex).amount } public func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) -> Zatoshi { initializer.getVerifiedBalance(account: accountIndex) } public func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) async -> SaplingAddress? { await blockProcessor.getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex) } public func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) async -> UnifiedAddress? { await blockProcessor.getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex) } public func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) async -> TransparentAddress? { await blockProcessor.getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex) } /// Returns the last stored transparent balance public func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> WalletBalance { try await blockProcessor.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: accountIndex) } // MARK: Rewind public func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) -> AnyPublisher { let subject = PassthroughSubject() Task { let height: BlockHeight? switch policy { case .quick: height = nil case .birthday: let birthday = await self.blockProcessor.config.walletBirthday height = birthday case .height(let rewindHeight): height = rewindHeight case .transaction(let transaction): guard let txHeight = transaction.anchor(network: self.network) else { throw SynchronizerError.rewindErrorUnknownArchorHeight } height = txHeight } let context = AfterSyncHooksManager.RewindContext( height: height, completion: { [weak self] result in switch result { case let .success(rewindHeight): do { try self?.transactionManager.handleReorg(at: rewindHeight) subject.send(completion: .finished) } catch { subject.send(completion: .failure(SynchronizerError.rewindError(underlyingError: error))) } case let .failure(error): subject.send(completion: .failure(error)) } } ) await blockProcessor.rewind(context: context) } return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: Wipe public func wipe() -> AnyPublisher { let subject = PassthroughSubject() Task(priority: .high) { let context = AfterSyncHooksManager.WipeContext( pendingDbURL: initializer.pendingDbURL, prewipe: { [weak self] in self?.transactionManager.closeDBConnection() self?.transactionRepository.closeDBConnection() }, completion: { [weak self] possibleError in await self?.updateStatus(.unprepared) if let error = possibleError { subject.send(completion: .failure(error)) } else { subject.send(completion: .finished) } } ) await blockProcessor.wipe(context: context) } return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: notify state private func snapshotState(status: SyncStatus) async -> SynchronizerState { SynchronizerState( shieldedBalance: WalletBalance( verified: initializer.getVerifiedBalance(), total: initializer.getBalance() ), transparentBalance: (try? await blockProcessor.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: 0)) ?? .zero, syncStatus: status, latestScannedHeight: self.latestScannedHeight ) } private func notify(oldStatus: SyncStatus, newStatus: SyncStatus) async { guard oldStatus != newStatus else { return } let newState: SynchronizerState // When the wipe happens status is switched to `unprepared`. And we expect that everything is deleted. All the databases including data DB. // When new snapshot is created balance is checked. And when balance is checked and data DB doesn't exist then rust initialise new database. // So it's necessary to not create new snapshot after status is switched to `unprepared` otherwise data DB exists after wipe if newStatus == .unprepared { newState = SynchronizerState.zero } else { if areTwoStatusesDifferent(firstStatus: oldStatus, secondStatus: newStatus) { newState = await snapshotState(status: newStatus) } else { newState = SynchronizerState( shieldedBalance: latestState.shieldedBalance, transparentBalance: latestState.transparentBalance, syncStatus: newStatus, latestScannedHeight: latestState.latestScannedHeight ) } } latestState = newState updateStateStream(with: latestState) } private func areTwoStatusesDifferent(firstStatus: SyncStatus, secondStatus: SyncStatus) -> Bool { switch (firstStatus, secondStatus) { case (.unprepared, .unprepared): return false case (.syncing, .syncing): return false case (.enhancing, .enhancing): return false case (.fetching, .fetching): return false case (.synced, .synced): return false case (.stopped, .stopped): return false case (.disconnected, .disconnected): return false case (.error, .error): return false default: return true } } private func updateStateStream(with newState: SynchronizerState) { streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.stateSubject.send(newState) } } // MARK: book keeping private func updateMinedTransactions() throws { try transactionManager.allPendingTransactions()? .filter { $0.isSubmitSuccess && !$0.isMined } .forEach { pendingTx in guard let rawID = pendingTx.rawTransactionId else { return } let transaction = try transactionRepository.find(rawID: rawID) guard let minedHeight = transaction.minedHeight else { return } let minedTx = try transactionManager.applyMinedHeight(pendingTransaction: pendingTx, minedHeight: minedHeight) notifyMinedTransaction(minedTx) } } private func removeConfirmedTransactions() throws { let latestHeight = try transactionRepository.lastScannedHeight() try transactionManager.allPendingTransactions()? .filter { $0.minedHeight > 0 && abs($0.minedHeight - latestHeight) >= ZcashSDK.defaultStaleTolerance } .forEach { try transactionManager.delete(pendingTransaction: $0) } } private func refreshPendingTransactions() { do { try updateMinedTransactions() try removeConfirmedTransactions() } catch { LoggerProxy.debug("error refreshing pending transactions: \(error)") } } private func notifyMinedTransaction(_ transaction: PendingTransactionEntity) { streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.eventSubject.send(.minedTransaction(transaction)) } } // swiftlint:disable cyclomatic_complexity private func mapError(_ error: Error) -> SynchronizerError { if let compactBlockProcessorError = error as? CompactBlockProcessorError { switch compactBlockProcessorError { case .dataDbInitFailed(let path): return SynchronizerError.initFailed(message: "DataDb init failed at path: \(path)") case .connectionError(let message): return SynchronizerError.connectionFailed(message: message) case .invalidConfiguration: return SynchronizerError.generalError(message: "Invalid Configuration") case .missingDbPath(let path): return SynchronizerError.initFailed(message: "missing Db path: \(path)") case .generalError(let message): return SynchronizerError.generalError(message: message) case .maxAttemptsReached(attempts: let attempts): return SynchronizerError.maxRetryAttemptsReached(attempts: attempts) case let .grpcError(statusCode, message): return SynchronizerError.connectionError(status: statusCode, message: message) case .connectionTimeout: return SynchronizerError.networkTimeout case .unspecifiedError(let underlyingError): return SynchronizerError.uncategorized(underlyingError: underlyingError) case .criticalError: return SynchronizerError.criticalError case .invalidAccount: return SynchronizerError.invalidAccount case .wrongConsensusBranchId: return SynchronizerError.lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: compactBlockProcessorError) case .networkMismatch: return SynchronizerError.lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: compactBlockProcessorError) case .saplingActivationMismatch: return SynchronizerError.lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: compactBlockProcessorError) case .unknown: break } } return SynchronizerError.uncategorized(underlyingError: error) } } extension SDKSynchronizer { public var pendingTransactions: [PendingTransactionEntity] { (try? self.allPendingTransactions()) ?? [PendingTransactionEntity]() } public var clearedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { (try? self.allClearedTransactions()) ?? [] } public var sentTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Sent] { (try? self.allSentTransactions()) ?? [] } public var receivedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Received] { (try? self.allReceivedTransactions()) ?? [] } } extension SDKSynchronizer { public func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> UnifiedAddress? { self.initializer.getCurrentAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex) } public func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> SaplingAddress? { self.getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)?.saplingReceiver() } public func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> TransparentAddress? { self.getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)?.transparentReceiver() } }