
202 lines
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// NotesDao.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/18/19.
import Foundation
import SQLite
struct ReceivedNote: ReceivedNoteEntity, Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "id_note"
case diversifier
case rcm
case nf
case isChange = "is_change"
case transactionId = "id_tx"
case outputIndex = "output_index"
case account
case value
case memo
case spent
case tx
let id: Int
let diversifier: Data
let rcm: Data
let nf: Data
let isChange: Bool
let transactionId: Int
let outputIndex: Int
let account: Int
let value: Int
let memo: Data?
let spent: Int?
let tx: Int
class ReceivedNotesSQLDAO: ReceivedNoteRepository {
let table = Table("received_notes")
let dbProvider: ConnectionProvider
init(dbProvider: ConnectionProvider) {
self.dbProvider = dbProvider
/// Throws `notesDAOReceivedCount` if sqlite query fetching count fails.
func count() throws -> Int {
do {
return try dbProvider.connection().scalar(table.count)
} catch {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOReceivedCount(error)
/// - Throws:
/// - `notesDAOReceivedCantDecode` if fetched note data from the db can't be decoded to the `ReceivedNote` object.
/// - `notesDAOReceivedNote` if sqlite query fetching note data fails.
func receivedNote(byRawTransactionId: Data) throws -> ReceivedNoteEntity? {
let transactions = Table("transactions")
let idTx = Expression<Int>("id_tx")
let transaction = Expression<Int>("tx")
let txid = Expression<Blob>("txid")
let joinStatement = table
on: transactions[idTx] == table[transaction]
.where(transactions[txid] == Blob(bytes: byRawTransactionId.bytes))
do {
return try dbProvider.connection()
.map { row -> ReceivedNote in
do {
return try row.decode()
} catch {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOReceivedCantDecode(error)
} catch {
if let error = error as? ZcashError {
throw error
} else {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOReceivedNote(error)
struct SentNote: SentNoteEntity, Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "id_note"
case transactionId = "tx"
case outputPool = "output_pool"
case outputIndex = "output_index"
case fromAccount = "from_account"
case toAddress = "to_address"
case toAccount = "to_account"
case value
case memo
let id: Int
let transactionId: Int
let outputPool: Int
let outputIndex: Int
let fromAccount: Int
let toAddress: String?
let toAccount: Int?
let value: Int
let memo: Data?
class SentNotesSQLDAO: SentNotesRepository {
let table = Table("sent_notes")
let dbProvider: ConnectionProvider
init(dbProvider: ConnectionProvider) {
self.dbProvider = dbProvider
/// - Throws: `notesDAOSentCount` if sqlite query fetching count fails.
func count() throws -> Int {
do {
return try dbProvider.connection().scalar(table.count)
} catch {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOSentCount(error)
/// - Throws:
/// - `notesDAOSentCantDecode` if fetched note data from the db can't be decoded to the `SentNote` object.
/// - `notesDAOSentNote` if sqlite query fetching note data fails.
func sentNote(byRawTransactionId: Data) throws -> SentNoteEntity? {
let transactions = Table("transactions")
let idTx = Expression<Int>("id_tx")
let transaction = Expression<Int>("tx")
let txid = Expression<Blob>("txid")
let joinStatement = table
on: transactions[idTx] == table[transaction]
.where(transactions[txid] == Blob(bytes: byRawTransactionId.bytes))
do {
return try dbProvider.connection()
.map { row -> SentNote in
do {
return try row.decode()
} catch {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOSentCantDecode(error)
} catch {
if let error = error as? ZcashError {
throw error
} else {
throw ZcashError.notesDAOSentNote(error)
func getRecipients(for id: Int) -> [TransactionRecipient] {
guard let result = try? dbProvider.connection().prepare(
table.where(id == table[Expression<Int>("tx")])
) else { return [] }
guard let rows = try? result.map({ row -> SentNote in
try row.decode()
}) else { return [] }
return rows.compactMap { sentNote -> TransactionRecipient? in
if sentNote.toAccount == nil {
let toAddress = sentNote.toAddress,
let recipient = Recipient.forEncodedAddress(encoded: toAddress)
else { return nil }
return TransactionRecipient.address(recipient.0)
} else {
guard let toAccount = sentNote.toAccount else {
return nil
return TransactionRecipient.internalAccount(UInt32(toAccount))