
370 lines
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// CompactBlockFsStorage.swift
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 12/15/22.
import Foundation
class FSCompactBlockRepository {
let fsBlockDbRoot: URL
let blockDescriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor
let contentProvider: SortedDirectoryListing
let fileWriter: FSBlockFileWriter
let metadataStore: FSMetadataStore
let logger: Logger
private let fileManager = FileManager()
private let storageBatchSize = 10
var blocksDirectory: URL {
fsBlockDbRoot.appendingPathComponent("blocks", isDirectory: true)
/// Initializes an instance of the Filesystem based compact block repository
/// - Parameter fsBlockDbRoot: The `URL` pointing to where the blocks should be writen
/// write access must be **guaranteed**.
/// - Parameter blockDescriptor: A `ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor` that is used to turn a
/// `ZcashCompactBlock` into the filename that will hold it on cache
/// - parameter contentProvider: `SortedDirectoryListing` implementation. This injects the
/// behaviour of traversing a Directory in an ordered fashion which is not guaranteed by `Foundation`'s `FileManager`
fsBlockDbRoot: URL,
metadataStore: FSMetadataStore,
blockDescriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor,
contentProvider: SortedDirectoryListing,
fileWriter: FSBlockFileWriter = .atomic,
logger: Logger
) {
self.fsBlockDbRoot = fsBlockDbRoot
self.metadataStore = metadataStore
self.blockDescriptor = blockDescriptor
self.contentProvider = contentProvider
self.fileWriter = fileWriter
self.logger = logger
extension FSCompactBlockRepository: CompactBlockRepository {
func create() async throws {
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: blocksDirectory.path) {
try fileManager.createDirectory(at: blocksDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
do {
try await self.metadataStore.initFsBlockDbRoot()
} catch {
logger.error("Blocks metadata store init failed with error: \(error)")
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.failedToInitializeCache
func latestHeight() async -> BlockHeight {
await metadataStore.latestHeight()
func write(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws {
do {
var savedBlocks: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
for block in blocks {
// check if file exists
let blockURL = self.urlForBlock(block)
if self.blockExistsInCache(block) {
// remove if needed
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: blockURL)
// store atomically
do {
try self.fileWriter.writeToURL(block.data, blockURL)
} catch {
logger.error("Failed to write block: \(block.height) to path: \(blockURL.path) with error: \(error)")
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.failedToWriteBlock(block)
if (savedBlocks.count % storageBatchSize) == 0 {
try await self.metadataStore.saveBlocksMeta(savedBlocks)
savedBlocks.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
// if there are any remaining blocks on the cache store them
try await self.metadataStore.saveBlocksMeta(savedBlocks)
} catch {
logger.error("failed to Block save to cache error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
throw error
func rewind(to height: BlockHeight) async throws {
try await metadataStore.rewindToHeight(height)
// Reverse the cached contents to browse from higher to lower heights
let sortedCachedContents = try contentProvider.listContents(of: blocksDirectory)
// it that bears no elements then there's nothing to do.
guard let deleteList = try Self.filterBlockFiles(
from: sortedCachedContents,
toRewind: height,
with: self.blockDescriptor
else { return }
for item in deleteList {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: item)
func clear() async throws {
if self.fileManager.fileExists(atPath: self.fsBlockDbRoot.path) {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: self.fsBlockDbRoot)
try await create()
extension FSCompactBlockRepository {
static let filenameComparison: (String, String) -> Int? = { lhs, rhs in
let leftHeightStr = lhs.split(separator: "-").first,
let leftHeight = BlockHeight(leftHeightStr),
let rightHeightStr = rhs.split(separator: "-").first,
let rightHeight = BlockHeight(rightHeightStr)
else { return nil }
return leftHeight - rightHeight
static let filenameDescription: (ZcashCompactBlock) -> String = { block in
.joined(separator: "-")
static let filenameToHeight: (String) -> BlockHeight? = { block in
block.split(separator: "-")
.flatMap { BlockHeight(String($0)) }
extension FSCompactBlockRepository {
/// Filters block files from a sorted list of filenames from the FsCache directory
/// with the goal of rewinding up to height `toHeight` and parsing the filenames
/// with the given `blockDescriptor`
/// - note: it is assumed that the `sortedList` is ascending.
/// - Parameter sortedList: ascending list of block filenames
/// - Parameter toHeight:
static func filterBlockFiles(
from sortedList: [URL],
toRewind toHeight: BlockHeight,
with blockDescriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor
) throws -> [URL]? {
// Reverse the cached contents to browse from higher to lower heights
let sortedCachedContents = sortedList.reversed()
// pick the blocks that are higher than the rewind height
// then return their URLs
let deleteList = try sortedCachedContents.filter({ url in
guard let filename = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey]).name else {
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.malformedCacheEntry("failed to get url \(url) from cache")
return try filename.filterGreaterThan(toHeight, with: blockDescriptor)
guard !deleteList.isEmpty else { return nil }
return deleteList
func urlForBlock(_ block: ZcashCompactBlock) -> URL {
func blockExistsInCache(_ block: ZcashCompactBlock) -> Bool {
atPath: urlForBlock(block).path
// MARK: Associated and Helper types
struct FSBlockFileWriter {
var writeToURL: (Data, URL) throws -> Void
extension FSBlockFileWriter {
static let atomic = FSBlockFileWriter(writeToURL: { data, url in
try data.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
struct FSMetadataStore {
var saveBlocksMeta: ([ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws -> Void
var rewindToHeight: (BlockHeight) async throws -> Void
var initFsBlockDbRoot: () async throws -> Void
var latestHeight: () async -> BlockHeight
extension FSMetadataStore {
static func live(fsBlockDbRoot: URL, rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding, logger: Logger) -> FSMetadataStore {
FSMetadataStore { blocks in
try await FSMetadataStore.saveBlocksMeta(
fsBlockDbRoot: fsBlockDbRoot,
rustBackend: rustBackend,
logger: logger
} rewindToHeight: { height in
do {
try await rustBackend.rewindCacheToHeight(height: Int32(height))
} catch {
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.failedToRewind(height)
} initFsBlockDbRoot: {
try await rustBackend.initBlockMetadataDb()
} latestHeight: {
await rustBackend.latestCachedBlockHeight()
extension FSMetadataStore {
/// saves blocks to the FsBlockDb metadata database.
/// - Parameter blocks: Array of `ZcashCompactBlock` to save
/// - Throws `CompactBlockRepositoryError.failedToWriteMetadata` if the
/// operation fails. the underlying error is logged through `LoggerProxy`
/// - Note: This shouldn't be called in parallel by many threads or workers. Won't do anything if `blocks` is empty
static func saveBlocksMeta(
_ blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock],
fsBlockDbRoot: URL,
rustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding,
logger: Logger
) async throws {
guard !blocks.isEmpty else { return }
do {
try await rustBackend.writeBlocksMetadata(blocks: blocks)
} catch {
logger.error("Failed to write metadata with error: \(error)")
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.failedToWriteMetadata
struct ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor {
var height: (String) -> BlockHeight?
var describe: (ZcashCompactBlock) -> String
var compare: (String, String) -> Int?
extension ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor {
/// describes the block following this convention: `HEIGHT-BLOCKHASHHEX-compactblock`
static let live = ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor(
height: FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameToHeight,
describe: FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameDescription,
compare: FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameComparison
enum DirectoryListingProviders {
/// returns an ascending list of files from a given directory.
static let `defaultSorted` = SortedDirectoryContentProvider(
fileManager: FileManager.default,
sorting: URL.areInIncreasingOrderByFilename
/// the default sorting of FileManager
static let naive = FileManager.default
class SortedDirectoryContentProvider: SortedDirectoryListing {
let fileManager: FileManager
let sorting: (URL, URL) throws -> Bool
let recursive: Bool
/// inits the `SortedDirectoryContentProvider`
/// - Parameter fileManager: an instance of `FileManager`
/// - Parameter sorting: A predicate that returns `true` if its
/// first argument should be ordered before its second argument;
/// otherwise, `false`.
/// - Parameter recursive: make this list subdirectories. Default
init(fileManager: FileManager, sorting: @escaping (URL, URL) throws -> Bool, recursive: Bool = false) {
self.fileManager = fileManager
self.sorting = sorting
self.recursive = recursive
/// lists the contents of the given directory on `url` using the
/// sorting provided by `sorting` property of this provider.
/// - Parameter url: url to list the contents from. It must be a directory or the call will fail.
/// - Returns an array with the contained files or an empty one if the directory is empty
/// - Throws rethrows any errors from the underlying `FileManager`
func listContents(of url: URL) throws -> [URL] {
try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(
at: url,
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey],
options: recursive ? [] : .skipsSubdirectoryDescendants
.sorted(by: sorting)
protocol SortedDirectoryListing {
func listContents(of url: URL) throws -> [URL]
// MARK: Extensions
extension URL {
/// asumes that URLs are from the same directory for efficiency reasons
static let areInIncreasingOrderByFilename: (URL, URL) throws -> Bool = { lhs, rhs in
let lhsName = try lhs.resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey]).name,
let rhsName = try rhs.resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey]).name else {
throw URLError(URLError.badURL)
guard let strcmp = FSCompactBlockRepository.filenameComparison(lhsName, rhsName) else { throw URLError(URLError.badURL) }
return strcmp < 0
extension FileManager: SortedDirectoryListing {
func listContents(of url: URL) throws -> [URL] {
try contentsOfDirectory(
at: url,
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey],
options: .skipsSubdirectoryDescendants
extension String {
/// a sorting filter to be used on URL or path arrays from `FileManager`.
/// - Parameter height: the height of the block we want to filter from
/// - Parameter descriptor: The block descriptor that corresponds to the filename
/// convention of the FsBlockDb
/// - Returns if the height from this filename is greater that the one received by parameter
/// - Throws `CompactBlockRepositoryError.malformedCacheEntry` if this String
/// can't be parsed by the given `ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor`
func filterGreaterThan(_ height: BlockHeight, with descriptor: ZcashCompactBlockDescriptor) throws -> Bool {
guard let blockHeight = descriptor.height(self) else {
throw CompactBlockRepositoryError.malformedCacheEntry("couldn't retrieve filename from file \(self)")
return blockHeight > height