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// ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 11.04.2023.
import Foundation
protocol ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding {
/// The network type this `ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding` implementation is for
var networkType: NetworkType { get }
/// Returns the network and address type for the given Zcash address string,
/// if the string represents a valid Zcash address.
/// - Note: not `NetworkType` bound
static func getAddressMetadata(_ address: String) -> AddressMetadata?
/// Obtains the available receiver typecodes for the given String encoded Unified Address
/// - Parameter address: public key represented as a String
/// - Returns the `[UInt32]` that compose the given UA
/// - Throws `RustWeldingError.invalidInput(message: String)` when the UA is either invalid or malformed
/// - Note: not `NetworkType` bound
func receiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddress(_ address: String) throws -> [UInt32]
/// Validates the if the given string is a valid Sapling Address
/// - Parameter address: UTF-8 encoded String to validate
/// - Returns: true when the address is valid. Returns false in any other case
/// - Throws: Error when the provided address belongs to another network
func isValidSaplingAddress(_ address: String) -> Bool
/// Validates the if the given string is a valid Sapling Extended Full Viewing Key
/// - Parameter key: UTF-8 encoded String to validate
/// - Returns: `true` when the Sapling Extended Full Viewing Key is valid. `false` in any other case
/// - Throws: Error when there's another problem not related to validity of the string in question
func isValidSaplingExtendedFullViewingKey(_ key: String) -> Bool
/// Validates the if the given string is a valid Sapling Extended Spending Key
/// - Returns: `true` when the Sapling Extended Spending Key is valid, false in any other case.
/// - Throws: Error when the key is semantically valid but it belongs to another network
/// - parameter key: String encoded Extended Spending Key
func isValidSaplingExtendedSpendingKey(_ key: String) -> Bool
/// Validates the if the given string is a valid Transparent Address
/// - Parameter address: UTF-8 encoded String to validate
/// - Returns: true when the address is valid and transparent. false in any other case
func isValidTransparentAddress(_ address: String) -> Bool
/// validates whether a string encoded address is a valid Unified Address.
/// - Parameter address: UTF-8 encoded String to validate
/// - Returns: true when the address is valid and transparent. false in any other case
func isValidUnifiedAddress(_ address: String) -> Bool
/// verifies that the given string-encoded `UnifiedFullViewingKey` is valid.
/// - Parameter ufvk: UTF-8 encoded String to validate
/// - Returns: true when the encoded string is a valid UFVK. false in any other case
func isValidUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ ufvk: String) -> Bool
/// Derives and returns a unified spending key from the given seed for the given account ID.
/// Returns the binary encoding of the spending key. The caller should manage the memory of (and store, if necessary) the returned spending key in a secure fashion.
/// - Parameter seed: a Byte Array with the seed
/// - Parameter accountIndex:account index that the key can spend from
func deriveUnifiedSpendingKey(from seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int32) async throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey
/// Derives a `UnifiedFullViewingKey` from a `UnifiedSpendingKey`
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` to derive from
/// - Throws: `RustWeldingError.unableToDeriveKeys` if the SDK couldn't derive the UFVK.
/// - Returns: the derived `UnifiedFullViewingKey`
func deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey) async throws -> UnifiedFullViewingKey
/// Returns the Sapling receiver within the given Unified Address, if any.
/// - Parameter uAddr: a `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Returns a `SaplingAddress` if any
/// - Throws `receiverNotFound` when the receiver is not found. `invalidUnifiedAddress` if the UA provided is not valid
func getSaplingReceiver(for uAddr: UnifiedAddress) throws -> SaplingAddress
/// Returns the transparent receiver within the given Unified Address, if any.
/// - parameter uAddr: a `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Returns a `TransparentAddress` if any
/// - Throws `receiverNotFound` when the receiver is not found. `invalidUnifiedAddress` if the UA provided is not valid
func getTransparentReceiver(for uAddr: UnifiedAddress) throws -> TransparentAddress