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// ZcashRustBackendWelding.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 12/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
enum RustWeldingError: Error {
case genericError(message: String)
case dataDbInitFailed(message: String)
case dataDbNotEmpty
case saplingSpendParametersNotFound
case malformedStringInput
case noConsensusBranchId(height: Int32)
case unableToDeriveKeys
case getBalanceError(Int, Error)
case invalidInput(message: String)
case invalidRewind(suggestedHeight: Int32)
/// Thrown when `upperBound` if the combined chain is invalid. `upperBound` is the height of the highest invalid block (on the assumption that
/// the highest block in the cache database is correct).
case invalidChain(upperBound: Int32)
/// Thrown if there was an error during validation unrelated to chain validity.
case chainValidationFailed(message: String?)
/// Thrown if there was problem with memory allocation on the Swift side while trying to write blocks metadata to DB.
case writeBlocksMetadataAllocationProblem
enum ZcashRustBackendWeldingConstants {
static let validChain: Int32 = -1
/// Enumeration of potential return states for database initialization. If `seedRequired`
/// is returned, the caller must re-attempt initialization providing the seed
public enum DbInitResult {
case success
case seedRequired
// sourcery: mockActor
protocol ZcashRustBackendWelding {
/// Adds the next available account-level spend authority, given the current set of [ZIP 316]
/// account identifiers known, to the wallet database.
/// Returns the newly created [ZIP 316] account identifier, along with the binary encoding of the
/// [`UnifiedSpendingKey`] for the newly created account. The caller should manage the memory of
/// (and store) the returned spending keys in a secure fashion.
/// If `seed` was imported from a backup and this method is being used to restore a
/// previous wallet state, you should use this method to add all of the desired
/// accounts before scanning the chain from the seed's birthday height.
/// By convention, wallets should only allow a new account to be generated after funds
/// have been received by the currently-available account (in order to enable
/// automated account recovery).
/// - parameter seed: byte array of the zip32 seed
/// - Returns: The `UnifiedSpendingKey` structs for the number of accounts created
func createAccount(seed: [UInt8]) async throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey
/// Creates a transaction to the given address from the given account
/// - Parameter usk: `UnifiedSpendingKey` for the account that controls the funds to be spent.
/// - Parameter to: recipient address
/// - Parameter value: transaction amount in Zatoshi
/// - Parameter memo: the `MemoBytes` for this transaction. pass `nil` when sending to transparent receivers
func createToAddress(
usk: UnifiedSpendingKey,
to address: String,
value: Int64,
memo: MemoBytes?
) async throws -> Int64
/// Scans a transaction for any information that can be decrypted by the accounts in the wallet, and saves it to the wallet.
/// - parameter tx: the transaction to decrypt
/// - parameter minedHeight: height on which this transaction was mined. this is used to fetch the consensus branch ID.
func decryptAndStoreTransaction(txBytes: [UInt8], minedHeight: Int32) async throws
/// Get the (unverified) balance from the given account.
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
func getBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64
/// Returns the most-recently-generated unified payment address for the specified account.
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
func getCurrentAddress(account: Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress
/// Wallets might need to be rewound because of a reorg, or by user request.
/// There are times where the wallet could get out of sync for many reasons and
/// users might be asked to rescan their wallets in order to fix that. This function
/// returns the nearest height where a rewind is possible. Currently pruning gets rid
/// of sapling witnesses older than 100 blocks. So in order to reconstruct the witness
/// tree that allows to spend notes from the given wallet the rewind can't be more than
/// 100 blocks or back to the oldest unspent note that this wallet contains.
/// - parameter height: height you would like to rewind to.
/// - Returns: the blockheight of the nearest rewind height.
func getNearestRewindHeight(height: Int32) async throws -> Int32
/// Returns a newly-generated unified payment address for the specified account, with the next available diversifier.
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
func getNextAvailableAddress(account: Int32) async throws -> UnifiedAddress
/// Get received memo from note.
/// - parameter idNote: note_id of note where the memo is located
func getReceivedMemo(idNote: Int64) async -> Memo?
/// Get sent memo from note.
/// - parameter idNote: note_id of note where the memo is located
/// - Returns: a `Memo` if any
func getSentMemo(idNote: Int64) async -> Memo?
/// Get the verified cached transparent balance for the given address
/// - parameter account; the account index to query
func getTransparentBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64
/// Initialize the accounts table from a set of unified full viewing keys.
/// - Note: this function should only be used when restoring an existing seed phrase. when creating a new wallet, use `createAccount()` instead.
/// - Parameter ufvks: an array of UnifiedFullViewingKeys
func initAccountsTable(ufvks: [UnifiedFullViewingKey]) async throws
/// Initializes the data db. This will performs any migrations needed on the sqlite file
/// provided. Some migrations might need that callers provide the seed bytes.
/// - Parameter seed: ZIP-32 compliant seed bytes for this wallet
/// - Returns: `DbInitResult.success` if the dataDb was initialized successfully
/// or `DbInitResult.seedRequired` if the operation requires the seed to be passed
/// in order to be completed successfully.
func initDataDb(seed: [UInt8]?) async throws -> DbInitResult
/// Initialize the blocks table from a given checkpoint (heigh, hash, time, saplingTree and networkType).
/// - parameter height: represents the block height of the given checkpoint
/// - parameter hash: hash of the merkle tree
/// - parameter time: in milliseconds from reference
/// - parameter saplingTree: hash of the sapling tree
func initBlocksTable(
height: Int32,
hash: String,
time: UInt32,
saplingTree: String
) async throws
/// Returns a list of the transparent receivers for the diversified unified addresses that have
/// been allocated for the provided account.
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
func listTransparentReceivers(account: Int32) async throws -> [TransparentAddress]
/// Get the verified balance from the given account
/// - parameter account: index of the given account
func getVerifiedBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64
/// Get the verified cached transparent balance for the given account
/// - parameter account: account index to query the balance for.
func getVerifiedTransparentBalance(account: Int32) async throws -> Int64
/// Checks that the scanned blocks in the data database, when combined with the recent
/// `CompactBlock`s in the cache database, form a valid chain.
/// This function is built on the core assumption that the information provided in the
/// cache database is more likely to be accurate than the previously-scanned information.
/// This follows from the design (and trust) assumption that the `lightwalletd` server
/// provides accurate block information as of the time it was requested.
/// - parameter fsBlockDbRoot: `URL` pointing to the filesystem root directory where the fsBlock cache is.
/// this directory is expected to contain a `/blocks` sub-directory with the blocks stored in the convened filename
/// format `{height}-{hash}-block`. This directory has must be granted both write and read permissions.
/// - parameter dbData: location of the data db file
/// - parameter networkType: the network type
/// - parameter limit: a limit to validate a fixed number of blocks instead of the whole cache.
/// - Throws:
/// - `RustWeldingError.chainValidationFailed` if there was an error during validation unrelated to chain validity.
/// - `RustWeldingError.invalidChain(upperBound)` if the combined chain is invalid. `upperBound` is the height of the highest invalid block
/// (on the assumption that the highest block in the cache database is correct).
/// - Important: This function does not mutate either of the databases.
func validateCombinedChain(limit: UInt32) async throws
/// Resets the state of the database to only contain block and transaction information up to the given height. clears up all derived data as well
/// - parameter height: height to rewind to.
func rewindToHeight(height: Int32) async throws
/// Resets the state of the FsBlock database to only contain block and transaction information up to the given height.
/// - Note: this does not delete the files. Only rolls back the database.
/// - parameter height: height to rewind to. DON'T PASS ARBITRARY HEIGHT. Use `getNearestRewindHeight` when unsure
func rewindCacheToHeight(height: Int32) async throws
/// Scans new blocks added to the cache for any transactions received by the tracked
/// accounts.
/// This function pays attention only to cached blocks with heights greater than the
/// highest scanned block in `db_data`. Cached blocks with lower heights are not verified
/// against previously-scanned blocks. In particular, this function **assumes** that the
/// caller is handling rollbacks.
/// For brand-new light client databases, this function starts scanning from the Sapling
/// activation height. This height can be fast-forwarded to a more recent block by calling
/// [`initBlocksTable`] before this function.
/// Scanned blocks are required to be height-sequential. If a block is missing from the
/// cache, an error will be signalled.
/// - parameter limit: scan up to limit blocks. pass 0 to set no limit.
func scanBlocks(limit: UInt32) async throws
/// Upserts a UTXO into the data db database
/// - parameter txid: the txid bytes for the UTXO
/// - parameter index: the index of the UTXO
/// - parameter script: the script of the UTXO
/// - parameter value: the value of the UTXO
/// - parameter height: the mined height for the UTXO
func putUnspentTransparentOutput(
txid: [UInt8],
index: Int,
script: [UInt8],
value: Int64,
height: BlockHeight
) async throws
/// Creates a transaction to shield all found UTXOs in data db for the account the provided `UnifiedSpendingKey` has spend authority for.
/// - Parameter usk: `UnifiedSpendingKey` that spend transparent funds and where the funds will be shielded to.
/// - Parameter memo: the `Memo` for this transaction
func shieldFunds(
usk: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: MemoBytes?,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi
) async throws -> Int64
/// Gets the consensus branch id for the given height
/// - Parameter height: the height you what to know the branch id for
func consensusBranchIdFor(height: Int32) throws -> Int32
/// Initializes Filesystem based block cache
/// - throws `RustWeldingError` when fails to initialize
func initBlockMetadataDb() async throws
/// Write compact block metadata to a database known to the Rust layer
/// - Parameter blocks: The `ZcashCompactBlock`s that are going to be marked as stored by the metadata Db.
func writeBlocksMetadata(blocks: [ZcashCompactBlock]) async throws
/// Gets the latest block height stored in the filesystem based cache.
/// - Parameter fsBlockDbRoot: `URL` pointing to the filesystem root directory where the fsBlock cache is.
/// this directory is expected to contain a `/blocks` sub-directory with the blocks stored in the convened filename
/// format `{height}-{hash}-block`. This directory has must be granted both write and read permissions.
/// - Returns `BlockHeight` of the latest cached block or `.empty` if no blocks are stored.
func latestCachedBlockHeight() async -> BlockHeight