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// TransactionRepository.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/16/19.
import Foundation
protocol TransactionRepository {
func closeDBConnection()
/// count all transactions
func countAll() async throws -> Int
/// count all transactions that haven't been mined
func countUnmined() async throws -> Int
/// gets the block information for the given height
/// - parameter height: blockheight for the given block
func blockForHeight(_ height: BlockHeight) async throws -> Block?
/// last scanned height for this wallet.
func lastScannedHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight
/// last scanned block for this wallet
func lastScannedBlock() async throws -> Block?
/// find transaction by internal ID in the database
/// - parameter id: internal id of the transaction in this database instance
func find(id: Int) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
/// find transaction by transaction Id in the network
/// - parameter rawID: transaction id of the transaction found in the blockchain
func find(rawID: Data) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
/// find transactions by `TransactionKind`
/// - parameter offset: offset of the query (used for paging results)
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - parameter kind: `TransactionKind` of the query
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func find(offset: Int, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find transactions for a given `CompactBlockRange`
/// - parameter range: the range
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - parameter kind: `TransactionKind` of the query
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func find(in range: CompactBlockRange, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find transactions from a given transaction onwards
/// - parameter from: the transaction known by caller to use in the query
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - parameter kind: `TransactionKind` of the query
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func find(from: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int, kind: TransactionKind) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find pending transactions (of any kind) in relation from a given latest height
/// - parameter latestHeight: given latest height
/// - parameter offset: offset of the query (used for paging results)
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func findPendingTransactions(latestHeight: BlockHeight, offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find inbound transaction for the keys being tracked on this wallet
/// - parameter offset: offset of the query (used for paging results)
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func findReceived(offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find outbound transaction for the keys being tracked on this wallet
/// - parameter offset: offset of the query (used for paging results)
/// - parameter limit: limit for number of rows to be returned
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func findSent(offset: Int, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// find memos for a given transaction
/// - parameter transaction: the transaction of interest to get the memos for
/// - returns an array of `Memo`
func findMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo]
/// gets the recipients for a given (internal) transaction Id
/// - parameter id: internal transaction id
/// - returns array of recipients
func getRecipients(for id: Int) async throws -> [TransactionRecipient]
/// gets the transaction outputs known to this wallet for the given transactions
/// - parameter id: internal transaction id
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func getTransactionOutputs(for id: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Output]
/// gets the last transaction that was fully downloaded and decrypted.
/// - Note: if you are useing this to establish a last completed range, this doesn't mean that there
/// could be others that hadn't been downloaded and decrypted. For that you can get the
/// `unenhancedTransactions` functions
func firstUnenhancedTransaction() async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Output?
/// get all the transactions that haven't been downloaded and decrypted.
/// - Note: we use the `raw` field of the database to consider if the raw data has been downloaded
/// - Returns transactions found or empty array if none.
func unenhancedTransactions() async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Output]