
349 lines
14 KiB

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
const char *extfvk;
const char *extpub;
} FFIUnifiedViewingKey;
typedef struct {
FFIUnifiedViewingKey *ptr;
uintptr_t len;
} FFIUVKBoxedSlice;
int32_t zcashlc_branch_id_for_height(int32_t height);
* Clears the record of the last error message.
void zcashlc_clear_last_error(void);
int32_t zcashlc_clear_utxos(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const char *taddress,
int32_t above_height);
* Creates a transaction paying the specified address from the given account.
* Returns the row index of the newly-created transaction in the `transactions` table
* within the data database. The caller can read the raw transaction bytes from the `raw`
* column in order to broadcast the transaction to the network.
* Do not call this multiple times in parallel, or you will generate transactions that
* double-spend the same notes.
int64_t zcashlc_create_to_address(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int32_t account,
const char *extsk,
const char *to,
int64_t value,
const char *memo,
const uint8_t *spend_params,
uintptr_t spend_params_len,
const uint8_t *output_params,
uintptr_t output_params_len);
int32_t zcashlc_decrypt_and_store_transaction(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const uint8_t *tx,
uintptr_t tx_len);
* derives a shielded address from the given extended full viewing key.
* call zcashlc_string_free with the returned pointer when done using it
char *zcashlc_derive_extended_full_viewing_key(const char *extsk);
* Derives Extended Full Viewing Keys from the given seed into 'accounts' number of accounts.
* Returns the Extended Full Viewing Keys for the accounts. The caller should store these
* securely
* Call `zcashlc_vec_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char **zcashlc_derive_extended_full_viewing_keys(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t accounts,
uintptr_t *capacity_ret);
* Derives Extended Spending Keys from the given seed into 'accounts' number of accounts.
* Returns the ExtendedSpendingKeys for the accounts. The caller should store these
* securely for use while spending.
* Call `zcashlc_vec_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char **zcashlc_derive_extended_spending_keys(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t accounts,
uintptr_t *capacity_ret);
* derives a shielded address from the given seed.
* call zcashlc_string_free with the returned pointer when done using it
char *zcashlc_derive_shielded_address_from_seed(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t account_index);
* derives a shielded address from the given viewing key.
* call zcashlc_string_free with the returned pointer when done using it
char *zcashlc_derive_shielded_address_from_viewing_key(const char *extfvk);
* derives a shielded address from the given viewing key.
* call zcashlc_string_free with the returned pointer when done using it
char *zcashlc_derive_transparent_address_from_public_key(const char *pubkey);
* Derives a transparent address from the given secret key enconded as a WIF string
char *zcashlc_derive_transparent_address_from_secret_key(const char *tsk);
* Derives a transparent address from the given seed
char *zcashlc_derive_transparent_address_from_seed(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t account,
int32_t index);
* Derives a transparent private key from seed
char *zcashlc_derive_transparent_private_key_from_seed(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t account,
int32_t index);
FFIUVKBoxedSlice *zcashlc_derive_unified_viewing_keys_from_seed(const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t accounts);
* Copies the last error message into the provided allocated buffer.
int32_t zcashlc_error_message_utf8(char *buf, int32_t length);
void zcashlc_free_uvk_array(FFIUVKBoxedSlice *uvks);
* Returns the address for the account.
* Call `zcashlc_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char *zcashlc_get_address(const uint8_t *db_data, uintptr_t db_data_len, int32_t account);
* Returns the balance for the account, including all unspent notes that we know about.
int64_t zcashlc_get_balance(const uint8_t *db_data, uintptr_t db_data_len, int32_t account);
int32_t zcashlc_get_nearest_rewind_height(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int32_t height);
* Returns the memo for a received note, if it is known and a valid UTF-8 string.
* The note is identified by its row index in the `received_notes` table within the data
* database.
* Call `zcashlc_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char *zcashlc_get_received_memo_as_utf8(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int64_t id_note);
* Returns the memo for a sent note, if it is known and a valid UTF-8 string.
* The note is identified by its row index in the `sent_notes` table within the data
* database.
* Call `zcashlc_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char *zcashlc_get_sent_memo_as_utf8(const uint8_t *db_data, uintptr_t db_data_len, int64_t id_note);
* Returns the verified transparent balance for the address, which ignores utxos that have been
* received too recently and are not yet deemed spendable.
int64_t zcashlc_get_total_transparent_balance(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const char *address);
* Returns the verified balance for the account, which ignores notes that have been
* received too recently and are not yet deemed spendable.
int64_t zcashlc_get_verified_balance(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int32_t account);
* Returns the verified transparent balance for the address, which ignores utxos that have been
* received too recently and are not yet deemed spendable.
int64_t zcashlc_get_verified_transparent_balance(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const char *address);
* Initialises the data database with the given number of accounts using the given seed.
* Returns the ExtendedSpendingKeys for the accounts. The caller should store these
* securely for use while spending.
* Call `zcashlc_vec_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
char **zcashlc_init_accounts_table(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const uint8_t *seed,
uintptr_t seed_len,
int32_t accounts,
uintptr_t *capacity_ret);
* Initialises the data database with the given extended full viewing keys
* Call `zcashlc_vec_string_free` on the returned pointer when you are finished with it.
bool zcashlc_init_accounts_table_with_keys(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
FFIUVKBoxedSlice *uvks);
* Initialises the data database with the given block.
* This enables a newly-created database to be immediately-usable, without needing to
* synchronise historic blocks.
int32_t zcashlc_init_blocks_table(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int32_t height,
const char *hash_hex,
uint32_t time,
const char *sapling_tree_hex);
* Sets up the internal structure of the data database.
int32_t zcashlc_init_data_database(const uint8_t *db_data, uintptr_t db_data_len);
* Returns true when the address is valid and shielded.
* Returns false in any other case
* Errors when the provided address belongs to another network
bool zcashlc_is_valid_shielded_address(const char *address);
* Returns true when the address is valid and transparent.
* Returns false in any other case
bool zcashlc_is_valid_transparent_address(const char *address);
* returns whether the given viewing key is valid or not
bool zcashlc_is_valid_viewing_key(const char *key);
* Returns the length of the last error message to be logged.
int32_t zcashlc_last_error_length(void);
bool zcashlc_put_utxo(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
const char *address_str,
const uint8_t *txid_bytes,
uintptr_t txid_bytes_len,
int32_t index,
const uint8_t *script_bytes,
uintptr_t script_bytes_len,
int64_t value,
int32_t height);
* Rewinds the data database to the given height.
* If the requested height is greater than or equal to the height of the last scanned
* block, this function does nothing.
bool zcashlc_rewind_to_height(const uint8_t *db_data, uintptr_t db_data_len, int32_t height);
* Scans new blocks added to the cache for any transactions received by the tracked
* accounts.
* This function pays attention only to cached blocks with heights greater than the
* highest scanned block in `db_data`. Cached blocks with lower heights are not verified
* against previously-scanned blocks. In particular, this function **assumes** that the
* caller is handling rollbacks.
* For brand-new light client databases, this function starts scanning from the Sapling
* activation height. This height can be fast-forwarded to a more recent block by calling
* [`zcashlc_init_blocks_table`] before this function.
* Scanned blocks are required to be height-sequential. If a block is missing from the
* cache, an error will be signalled.
int32_t zcashlc_scan_blocks(const uint8_t *db_cache,
uintptr_t db_cache_len,
const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len);
int64_t zcashlc_shield_funds(const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len,
int32_t account,
const char *tsk,
const char *extsk,
const char *memo,
const uint8_t *spend_params,
uintptr_t spend_params_len,
const uint8_t *output_params,
uintptr_t output_params_len);
* Frees strings returned by other zcashlc functions.
void zcashlc_string_free(char *s);
* Checks that the scanned blocks in the data database, when combined with the recent
* `CompactBlock`s in the cache database, form a valid chain.
* This function is built on the core assumption that the information provided in the
* cache database is more likely to be accurate than the previously-scanned information.
* This follows from the design (and trust) assumption that the `lightwalletd` server
* provides accurate block information as of the time it was requested.
* Returns:
* - `-1` if the combined chain is valid.
* - `upper_bound` if the combined chain is invalid.
* `upper_bound` is the height of the highest invalid block (on the assumption that the
* highest block in the cache database is correct).
* - `0` if there was an error during validation unrelated to chain validity.
* This function does not mutate either of the databases.
int32_t zcashlc_validate_combined_chain(const uint8_t *db_cache,
uintptr_t db_cache_len,
const uint8_t *db_data,
uintptr_t db_data_len);
* Frees vectors of strings returned by other zcashlc functions.
void zcashlc_vec_string_free(char **v, uintptr_t len, uintptr_t capacity);