
660 lines
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// SDKSynchronizer.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/6/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
/// Synchronizer implementation for UIKit and iOS 13+
// swiftlint:disable type_body_length
public class SDKSynchronizer: Synchronizer {
public var alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias { initializer.alias }
private lazy var streamsUpdateQueue = { DispatchQueue(label: "streamsUpdateQueue_\(initializer.alias.description)") }()
private let stateSubject = CurrentValueSubject<SynchronizerState, Never>(.zero)
public var stateStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerState, Never> { stateSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() }
public private(set) var latestState: SynchronizerState = .zero
private let eventSubject = PassthroughSubject<SynchronizerEvent, Never>()
public var eventStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerEvent, Never> { eventSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher() }
public let metrics: SDKMetrics
public let logger: Logger
// Don't read this variable directly. Use `status` instead. And don't update this variable directly use `updateStatus()` methods instead.
private var underlyingStatus: GenericActor<SyncStatus>
var status: SyncStatus {
get async { await underlyingStatus.value }
let blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor
lazy var blockProcessorEventProcessingQueue = { DispatchQueue(label: "blockProcessorEventProcessingQueue_\(initializer.alias.description)") }()
public let initializer: Initializer
public var connectionState: ConnectionState
public let network: ZcashNetwork
private let transactionEncoder: TransactionEncoder
private let transactionRepository: TransactionRepository
private let utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository
private let syncSessionIDGenerator: SyncSessionIDGenerator
private let syncSession: SyncSession
private let syncSessionTicker: SessionTicker
private var syncStartDate: Date?
let latestBlocksDataProvider: LatestBlocksDataProvider
/// Creates an SDKSynchronizer instance
/// - Parameter initializer: a wallet Initializer object
public convenience init(initializer: Initializer) {
status: .unprepared,
initializer: initializer,
transactionEncoder: WalletTransactionEncoder(initializer: initializer),
transactionRepository: initializer.transactionRepository,
utxoRepository: UTXORepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer),
blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor(
initializer: initializer,
walletBirthdayProvider: { initializer.walletBirthday }
syncSessionTicker: .live
status: SyncStatus,
initializer: Initializer,
transactionEncoder: TransactionEncoder,
transactionRepository: TransactionRepository,
utxoRepository: UnspentTransactionOutputRepository,
blockProcessor: CompactBlockProcessor,
syncSessionTicker: SessionTicker
) {
self.connectionState = .idle
self.underlyingStatus = GenericActor(status)
self.initializer = initializer
self.transactionEncoder = transactionEncoder
self.transactionRepository = transactionRepository
self.utxoRepository = utxoRepository
self.blockProcessor = blockProcessor
self.network = initializer.network
self.metrics = initializer.container.resolve(SDKMetrics.self)
self.logger = initializer.logger
self.syncSessionIDGenerator = initializer.container.resolve(SyncSessionIDGenerator.self)
self.syncSession = SyncSession(.nullID)
self.syncSessionTicker = syncSessionTicker
self.latestBlocksDataProvider = initializer.container.resolve(LatestBlocksDataProvider.self)
initializer.lightWalletService.connectionStateChange = { [weak self] oldState, newState in
self?.connectivityStateChanged(oldState: oldState, newState: newState)
Task(priority: .high) { [weak self] in await self?.subscribeToProcessorEvents(blockProcessor) }
deinit {
UsedAliasesChecker.stopUsing(alias: initializer.alias, id: initializer.id)
Task { [blockProcessor] in
await blockProcessor.stop()
func updateStatus(_ newValue: SyncStatus) async {
let oldValue = await underlyingStatus.update(newValue)
await notify(oldStatus: oldValue, newStatus: newValue)
func throwIfUnprepared() throws {
if !latestState.syncStatus.isPrepared {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerNotPrepared
func checkIfCanContinueInitialisation() -> ZcashError? {
if let initialisationError = initializer.urlsParsingError {
return initialisationError
if !UsedAliasesChecker.tryToUse(alias: initializer.alias, id: initializer.id) {
return .initializerAliasAlreadyInUse(initializer.alias)
return nil
public func prepare(
with seed: [UInt8]?,
viewingKeys: [UnifiedFullViewingKey],
walletBirthday: BlockHeight
) async throws -> Initializer.InitializationResult {
guard await status == .unprepared else { return .success }
if let error = checkIfCanContinueInitialisation() {
throw error
try await utxoRepository.initialise()
if case .seedRequired = try await self.initializer.initialize(with: seed, viewingKeys: viewingKeys, walletBirthday: walletBirthday) {
return .seedRequired
await latestBlocksDataProvider.updateWalletBirthday(initializer.walletBirthday)
await latestBlocksDataProvider.updateScannedData()
await updateStatus(.disconnected)
return .success
/// Starts the synchronizer
/// - Throws: ZcashError when failures occur
public func start(retry: Bool = false) async throws {
switch await status {
case .unprepared:
throw ZcashError.synchronizerNotPrepared
case .syncing, .enhancing, .fetching:
logger.warn("warning: Synchronizer started when already running. Next sync process will be started when the current one stops.")
/// This may look strange but `CompactBlockProcessor` has mechanisms which can handle this situation. So we are fine with calling
/// it's start here.
await blockProcessor.start(retry: retry)
case .stopped, .synced, .disconnected, .error:
await updateStatus(.syncing(.nullProgress))
syncStartDate = Date()
await blockProcessor.start(retry: retry)
/// Stops the synchronizer
public func stop() {
// Calling `await blockProcessor.stop()` make take some time. If the downloading of blocks is in progress then this method inside waits until
// downloading is really done. Which could block execution of the code on the client side. So it's better strategy to spin up new task and
// exit fast on client side.
Task(priority: .high) {
let status = await self.status
guard status != .stopped, status != .disconnected else {
logger.info("attempted to stop when status was: \(status)")
await blockProcessor.stop()
// MARK: Connectivity State
func connectivityStateChanged(oldState: ConnectionState, newState: ConnectionState) {
connectionState = newState
streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in
// MARK: Handle CompactBlockProcessor.Flow
private func subscribeToProcessorEvents(_ processor: CompactBlockProcessor) async {
let eventClosure: CompactBlockProcessor.EventClosure = { [weak self] event in
switch event {
case let .failed(error):
await self?.failed(error: error)
case let .finished(height, foundBlocks):
await self?.finished(lastScannedHeight: height, foundBlocks: foundBlocks)
case let .foundTransactions(transactions, range):
self?.foundTransactions(transactions: transactions, in: range)
case let .handledReorg(reorgHeight, rewindHeight):
// log reorg information
self?.logger.info("handling reorg at: \(reorgHeight) with rewind height: \(rewindHeight)")
case let .progressUpdated(progress):
await self?.progressUpdated(progress: progress)
case let .storedUTXOs(utxos):
self?.storedUTXOs(utxos: utxos)
case .startedEnhancing:
await self?.updateStatus(.enhancing(.zero))
case .startedFetching:
await self?.updateStatus(.fetching)
case .startedSyncing:
await self?.updateStatus(.syncing(.nullProgress))
case .stopped:
await self?.updateStatus(.stopped)
await processor.updateEventClosure(identifier: "SDKSynchronizer", closure: eventClosure)
private func failed(error: Error) async {
await updateStatus(.error(error))
private func finished(lastScannedHeight: BlockHeight, foundBlocks: Bool) async {
await latestBlocksDataProvider.updateScannedData()
await updateStatus(.synced)
if let syncStartDate {
start: syncStartDate,
end: Date()
private func foundTransactions(transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview], in range: CompactBlockRange) {
streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in
self?.eventSubject.send(.foundTransactions(transactions, range))
private func progressUpdated(progress: CompactBlockProgress) async {
let newStatus = SyncStatus(progress)
await updateStatus(newStatus)
private func storedUTXOs(utxos: (inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity])) {
streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in
self?.eventSubject.send(.storedUTXOs(utxos.inserted, utxos.skipped))
// MARK: Synchronizer methods
public func sendToAddress(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
toAddress: Recipient,
memo: Memo?
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
try throwIfUnprepared()
if case Recipient.transparent = toAddress, memo != nil {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerSendMemoToTransparentAddress
try await SaplingParameterDownloader.downloadParamsIfnotPresent(
spendURL: initializer.spendParamsURL,
spendSourceURL: initializer.saplingParamsSourceURL.spendParamFileURL,
outputURL: initializer.outputParamsURL,
outputSourceURL: initializer.saplingParamsSourceURL.outputParamFileURL,
logger: logger
return try await createToAddress(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
zatoshi: zatoshi,
recipient: toAddress,
memo: memo
public func shieldFunds(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: Memo,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
try throwIfUnprepared()
// let's see if there are funds to shield
let accountIndex = Int(spendingKey.account)
let tBalance = try await self.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: accountIndex)
// Verify that at least there are funds for the fee. Ideally this logic will be improved by the shielding wallet.
guard tBalance.verified >= self.network.constants.defaultFee(for: await self.latestBlocksDataProvider.latestScannedHeight) else {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerShieldFundsInsuficientTransparentFunds
let transaction = try await transactionEncoder.createShieldingTransaction(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
shieldingThreshold: shieldingThreshold,
memoBytes: memo.asMemoBytes(),
from: Int(spendingKey.account)
let encodedTx = try transaction.encodedTransaction()
try await transactionEncoder.submit(transaction: encodedTx)
return transaction
func createToAddress(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
recipient: Recipient,
memo: Memo?
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview {
do {
case .transparent = recipient,
memo != nil {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerSendMemoToTransparentAddress
let transaction = try await transactionEncoder.createTransaction(
spendingKey: spendingKey,
zatoshi: zatoshi,
to: recipient.stringEncoded,
memoBytes: memo?.asMemoBytes(),
from: Int(spendingKey.account)
let encodedTransaction = try transaction.encodedTransaction()
try await transactionEncoder.submit(transaction: encodedTransaction)
return transaction
} catch {
throw error
public func allReceivedTransactions() async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
try await transactionRepository.findReceived(offset: 0, limit: Int.max)
public func allPendingTransactions() async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
let latestScannedHeight = self.latestState.latestScannedHeight
return try await transactionRepository.findPendingTransactions(latestHeight: latestScannedHeight, offset: 0, limit: .max)
public func allTransactions() async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
return try await transactionRepository.find(offset: 0, limit: Int.max, kind: .all)
public func allSentTransactions() async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
return try await transactionRepository.findSent(offset: 0, limit: Int.max)
public func allTransactions(from transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
return try await transactionRepository.find(from: transaction, limit: limit, kind: .all)
public func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind = .all) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository {
PagedTransactionRepositoryBuilder.build(initializer: initializer, kind: .all)
public func getMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo] {
return try await transactionRepository.findMemos(for: transaction)
public func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [TransactionRecipient] {
return (try? await transactionRepository.getRecipients(for: transaction.id)) ?? []
public func getTransactionOutputs(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [ZcashTransaction.Output] {
return (try? await transactionRepository.getTransactionOutputs(for: transaction.id)) ?? []
public func latestHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight {
try await blockProcessor.blockDownloaderService.latestBlockHeight()
public func latestUTXOs(address: String) async throws -> [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] {
try throwIfUnprepared()
guard initializer.isValidTransparentAddress(address) else {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerLatestUTXOsInvalidTAddress
let stream = initializer.lightWalletService.fetchUTXOs(for: address, height: network.constants.saplingActivationHeight)
// swiftlint:disable:next array_constructor
var utxos: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity] = []
for try await transactionEntity in stream {
try await self.utxoRepository.clearAll(address: address)
try await self.utxoRepository.store(utxos: utxos)
return utxos
public func refreshUTXOs(address: TransparentAddress, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs {
try throwIfUnprepared()
return try await blockProcessor.refreshUTXOs(tAddress: address, startHeight: height)
public func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) async throws -> Zatoshi {
let balance = try await initializer.rustBackend.getBalance(account: Int32(accountIndex))
return Zatoshi(balance)
public func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int = 0) async throws -> Zatoshi {
let balance = try await initializer.rustBackend.getVerifiedBalance(account: Int32(accountIndex))
return Zatoshi(balance)
public func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> UnifiedAddress {
try await blockProcessor.getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)
public func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> SaplingAddress {
try await blockProcessor.getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)
public func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> TransparentAddress {
try await blockProcessor.getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: accountIndex)
/// Returns the last stored transparent balance
public func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> WalletBalance {
try await blockProcessor.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: accountIndex)
// MARK: Rewind
public func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
let subject = PassthroughSubject<Void, Error>()
Task(priority: .high) {
if !latestState.syncStatus.isPrepared {
subject.send(completion: .failure(ZcashError.synchronizerNotPrepared))
let height: BlockHeight?
switch policy {
case .quick:
height = nil
case .birthday:
let birthday = await self.blockProcessor.config.walletBirthday
height = birthday
case .height(let rewindHeight):
height = rewindHeight
case .transaction(let transaction):
guard let txHeight = transaction.anchor(network: self.network) else {
throw ZcashError.synchronizerRewindUnknownArchorHeight
height = txHeight
let context = AfterSyncHooksManager.RewindContext(
height: height,
completion: { result in
switch result {
case .success:
subject.send(completion: .finished)
case let .failure(error):
subject.send(completion: .failure(error))
await blockProcessor.rewind(context: context)
return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
// MARK: Wipe
public func wipe() -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error> {
let subject = PassthroughSubject<Void, Error>()
Task(priority: .high) {
if let error = checkIfCanContinueInitialisation() {
subject.send(completion: .failure(error))
let context = AfterSyncHooksManager.WipeContext(
prewipe: { [weak self] in
completion: { [weak self] possibleError in
await self?.updateStatus(.unprepared)
if let error = possibleError {
subject.send(completion: .failure(error))
} else {
subject.send(completion: .finished)
await blockProcessor.wipe(context: context)
return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
// MARK: notify state
private func snapshotState(status: SyncStatus) async -> SynchronizerState {
return await SynchronizerState(
syncSessionID: syncSession.value,
shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(
verified: (try? await getShieldedVerifiedBalance()) ?? .zero,
total: (try? await getShieldedBalance()) ?? .zero
transparentBalance: (try? await blockProcessor.getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: 0)) ?? .zero,
syncStatus: status,
latestScannedHeight: latestBlocksDataProvider.latestScannedHeight,
latestBlockHeight: latestBlocksDataProvider.latestBlockHeight,
latestScannedTime: latestBlocksDataProvider.latestScannedTime
private func notify(oldStatus: SyncStatus, newStatus: SyncStatus) async {
guard oldStatus != newStatus else { return }
let newState: SynchronizerState
// When the wipe happens status is switched to `unprepared`. And we expect that everything is deleted. All the databases including data DB.
// When new snapshot is created balance is checked. And when balance is checked and data DB doesn't exist then rust initialise new database.
// So it's necessary to not create new snapshot after status is switched to `unprepared` otherwise data DB exists after wipe
if newStatus == .unprepared {
var nextState = SynchronizerState.zero
let nextSessionID = await self.syncSession.update(.nullID)
nextState.syncSessionID = nextSessionID
newState = nextState
} else {
if SessionTicker.live.isNewSyncSession(oldStatus, newStatus) {
await self.syncSession.newSession(with: self.syncSessionIDGenerator)
newState = await snapshotState(status: newStatus)
latestState = newState
updateStateStream(with: latestState)
private func updateStateStream(with newState: SynchronizerState) {
streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in
private func notifyMinedTransaction(_ transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) {
streamsUpdateQueue.async { [weak self] in
extension SDKSynchronizer {
public var transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
get async {
(try? await self.allTransactions()) ?? []
public var sentTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
get async {
(try? await allSentTransactions()) ?? []
public var receivedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
get async {
(try? await allReceivedTransactions()) ?? []
public var pendingTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] {
get async {
(try? await allPendingTransactions()) ?? []
extension SyncStatus {
func isDifferent(from otherStatus: SyncStatus) -> Bool {
switch (self, otherStatus) {
case (.unprepared, .unprepared): return false
case (.syncing, .syncing): return false
case (.enhancing, .enhancing): return false
case (.fetching, .fetching): return false
case (.synced, .synced): return false
case (.stopped, .stopped): return false
case (.disconnected, .disconnected): return false
case (.error, .error): return false
default: return true
struct SessionTicker {
/// Helper function to determine whether we are in front of a SyncSession change for a given syncStatus
/// transition we consider that every sync attempt is a new sync session and should have it's unique UUID reported.
var isNewSyncSession: (SyncStatus, SyncStatus) -> Bool
extension SessionTicker {
static let live = SessionTicker { oldStatus, newStatus in
// if the state hasn't changed to a different syncStatus member
guard oldStatus.isDifferent(from: newStatus) else { return false }
switch (oldStatus, newStatus) {
case (.unprepared, .syncing):
return true
case (.error, .syncing),
(.disconnected, .syncing),
(.stopped, .syncing),
(.synced, .syncing):
return true
return false