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// DerivationTool.swift
// Pods
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/8/20.
import Combine
import Foundation
public protocol KeyValidation {
func isValidUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ ufvk: String) -> Bool
func isValidTransparentAddress(_ tAddress: String) -> Bool
func isValidSaplingAddress(_ zAddress: String) -> Bool
func isValidSaplingExtendedSpendingKey(_ extsk: String) -> Bool
func isValidUnifiedAddress(_ unifiedAddress: String) -> Bool
public protocol KeyDeriving {
/// Given the seed bytes tand the account index, return the UnifiedSpendingKey
/// - Parameter seed: `[Uint8]` seed bytes
/// - Parameter accountNumber: `Int` with the account number
/// - Throws:
/// - `derivationToolSpendingKeyInvalidAccount` if the `accountIndex` is invalid.
/// - some `ZcashError.rust*` error if the derivation fails.
/// - Returns a `UnifiedSpendingKey`
func deriveUnifiedSpendingKey(seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int) throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey
/// Given a spending key, return the associated viewing key.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` from which to derive the `UnifiedFullViewingKey` from.
/// - Throws: some `ZcashError.rust*` error if the derivation fails.
/// - Returns: the viewing key that corresponds to the spending key.
func deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey) throws -> UnifiedFullViewingKey
/// Extracts the `SaplingAddress` from the given `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Parameter address: the `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Throws: some `ZcashError.rust*` error if the derivation fails.
func saplingReceiver(from unifiedAddress: UnifiedAddress) throws -> SaplingAddress
/// Extracts the `TransparentAddress` from the given `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Parameter address: the `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Throws: some `ZcashError.rust*` error if the derivation fails.
func transparentReceiver(from unifiedAddress: UnifiedAddress) throws -> TransparentAddress
/// Extracts the `UnifiedAddress.ReceiverTypecodes` from the given `UnifiedAddress`
/// - Throws: some `ZcashError.rust*` error if the derivation fails.
/// - Parameter address: the `UnifiedAddress`
func receiverTypecodesFromUnifiedAddress(_ address: UnifiedAddress) throws -> [UnifiedAddress.ReceiverTypecodes]
static func getAddressMetadata(_ addr: String) -> AddressMetadata?
public class DerivationTool: KeyDeriving {
let backend: ZcashKeyDerivationBackendWelding
public init(networkType: NetworkType) {
self.backend = ZcashKeyDerivationBackend(networkType: networkType)
public func saplingReceiver(from unifiedAddress: UnifiedAddress) throws -> SaplingAddress {
try backend.getSaplingReceiver(for: unifiedAddress)
public func transparentReceiver(from unifiedAddress: UnifiedAddress) throws -> TransparentAddress {
try backend.getTransparentReceiver(for: unifiedAddress)
public static func getAddressMetadata(_ addr: String) -> AddressMetadata? {
/// Given a spending key, return the associated viewing key.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` from which to derive the `UnifiedFullViewingKey` from.
/// - Returns: the viewing key that corresponds to the spending key.
public func deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey) throws -> UnifiedFullViewingKey {
try backend.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey(from: spendingKey)
/// Given a seed and a number of accounts, return the associated spending keys.
/// - Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive spending keys.
/// - Parameter numberOfAccounts: the number of accounts to use. Multiple accounts are not fully
/// supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
/// - Returns: the spending keys that correspond to the seed, formatted as Strings.
public func deriveUnifiedSpendingKey(seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int) throws -> UnifiedSpendingKey {
guard accountIndex >= 0, let accountIndex = Int32(exactly: accountIndex) else { throw ZcashError.derivationToolSpendingKeyInvalidAccount }
return try backend.deriveUnifiedSpendingKey(from: seed, accountIndex: accountIndex)
public func receiverTypecodesFromUnifiedAddress(_ address: UnifiedAddress) throws -> [UnifiedAddress.ReceiverTypecodes] {
return try backend.receiverTypecodesOnUnifiedAddress(address.stringEncoded)
.map { UnifiedAddress.ReceiverTypecodes(typecode: $0) }
public struct AddressMetadata {
let networkType: NetworkType
let addressType: AddressType
public init(network: NetworkType, addrType: AddressType) {
self.networkType = network
self.addressType = addrType
extension DerivationTool: KeyValidation {
public func isValidUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ ufvk: String) -> Bool {
public func isValidUnifiedAddress(_ unifiedAddress: String) -> Bool {
public func isValidTransparentAddress(_ tAddress: String) -> Bool {
public func isValidSaplingAddress(_ zAddress: String) -> Bool {
public func isValidSaplingExtendedSpendingKey(_ extsk: String) -> Bool {
extension TransparentAddress {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this.
init(validatedEncoding: String) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
extension SaplingAddress {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this.
init(validatedEncoding: String) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
extension UnifiedAddress {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this..
init(validatedEncoding: String, networkType: NetworkType) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
self.networkType = networkType
extension UnifiedFullViewingKey {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this.
init(validatedEncoding: String, account: UInt32) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
self.account = account
extension SaplingExtendedFullViewingKey {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this.
init(validatedEncoding: String) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
extension SaplingExtendedSpendingKey {
/// This constructor is for internal use for Strings encodings that are assumed to be
/// already validated by another function. only for internal use. Unless you are
/// constructing an address from a primitive function of the FFI, you probably
/// shouldn't be using this.
init(validatedEncoding: String) {
self.encoding = validatedEncoding
public extension UnifiedSpendingKey {
func map<T>(_ transform: (UnifiedSpendingKey) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
try transform(self)
public extension UnifiedAddress {
/// Extracts the sapling receiver from this UA if available
/// - Returns: an `Optional<SaplingAddress>`
func saplingReceiver() throws -> SaplingAddress {
try DerivationTool(networkType: networkType).saplingReceiver(from: self)
/// Extracts the transparent receiver from this UA if available
/// - Returns: an `Optional<TransparentAddress>`
func transparentReceiver() throws -> TransparentAddress {
try DerivationTool(networkType: networkType).transparentReceiver(from: self)