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// Synchronizer.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/5/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
Represents errors thrown by a Synchronizer
public enum SynchronizerError: Error {
case initFailed(message: String)
case notPrepared
case syncFailed
case connectionFailed(message: Error)
case generalError(message: String)
case maxRetryAttemptsReached(attempts: Int)
case connectionError(status: Int, message: String)
case networkTimeout
case uncategorized(underlyingError: Error)
case criticalError
case parameterMissing(underlyingError: Error)
case rewindError(underlyingError: Error)
case rewindErrorUnknownArchorHeight
case invalidAccount
case lightwalletdValidationFailed(underlyingError: Error)
public enum ShieldFundsError: Error {
case noUTXOFound
case insuficientTransparentFunds
case shieldingFailed(underlyingError: Error)
extension ShieldFundsError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .noUTXOFound:
return "Could not find UTXOs for the given t-address"
case .insuficientTransparentFunds:
return "You don't have enough confirmed transparent funds to perform a shielding transaction."
case .shieldingFailed(let underlyingError):
return "Shielding transaction failed. Reason: \(underlyingError)"
Represent the connection state to the lightwalletd server
public enum ConnectionState {
not in use
case idle
there's a connection being attempted from a non error state
case connecting
connection is established, ready to use or in use
case online
the connection is being re-established after losing it temporarily
case reconnecting
the connection has been closed
case shutdown
Primary interface for interacting with the SDK. Defines the contract that specific
implementations like SdkSynchronizer fulfill.
public protocol Synchronizer {
Value representing the Status of this Synchronizer. As the status changes, it will be also notified
var status: SyncStatus { get }
reflects current connection state to LightwalletEndpoint
var connectionState: ConnectionState { get }
prepares this initializer to operate. Initializes the internal state with the given Extended Viewing Keys and a wallet birthday found in the initializer object
func prepare() throws
Starts this synchronizer within the given scope.
Implementations should leverage structured concurrency and
cancel all jobs when this scope completes.
func start(retry: Bool) throws
Stop this synchronizer. Implementations should ensure that calling this method cancels all
jobs that were created by this instance.
func stop() throws
Gets the sapling shielded address for the given account.
- Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
- Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getShieldedAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> SaplingShieldedAddress?
Gets the unified address for the given account.
- Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
- Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> UnifiedAddress?
Gets the transparent address for the given account.
- Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
- Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> TransparentAddress?
Sends zatoshi.
- Parameter spendingKey: the key that allows spends to occur.
- Parameter zatoshi: the amount of zatoshi to send.
- Parameter toAddress: the recipient's address.
- Parameter memo: the optional memo to include as part of the transaction.
- Parameter accountIndex: the optional account id to use. By default, the first account is used.
func sendToAddress(spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Int64, toAddress: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int, resultBlock: @escaping (_ result: Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
Sends zatoshi.
- Parameter spendingKey: the key that allows spends to occur.
- Parameter transparentSecretKey: the key that allows to spend transaprent funds
- Parameter memo: the optional memo to include as part of the transaction.
- Parameter accountIndex: the optional account id that will be used to shield your funds to. By default, the first account is used.
func shieldFunds(spendingKey: String, transparentSecretKey: String, memo: String?, from accountIndex: Int, resultBlock: @escaping (_ result: Result<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>) -> Void)
Attempts to cancel a transaction that is about to be sent. Typically, cancellation is only
an option if the transaction has not yet been submitted to the server.
- Parameter transaction: the transaction to cancel.
- Returns: true when the cancellation request was successful. False when it is too late.
func cancelSpend(transaction: PendingTransactionEntity) -> Bool
all outbound pending transactions that have been sent but are awaiting confirmations
var pendingTransactions: [PendingTransactionEntity] { get }
al the transactions that are on the blockchain
var clearedTransactions: [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] { get }
All transactions that are related to sending funds
var sentTransactions: [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] { get }
all transactions related to receiving funds
var receivedTransactions: [ConfirmedTransactionEntity] { get }
a repository serving transactions in a paginated manner
- Parameter kind: Transaction Kind expected from this PaginatedTransactionRepository
func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository
Returns a list of confirmed transactions that preceed the given transaction with a limit count.
- Parameters:
- from: the confirmed transaction from which the query should start from or nil to retrieve from the most recent transaction
- limit: the maximum amount of items this should return if available
- Returns: an array with the given Transactions or nil
func allConfirmedTransactions(from transaction: ConfirmedTransactionEntity?, limit: Int) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]?
gets the latest downloaded height from the compact block cache
func latestDownloadedHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
Gets the latest block height from the provided Lightwallet endpoint
func latestHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight, Error>) -> Void)
Gets the latest block height from the provided Lightwallet endpoint
func latestHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
Gets the latests UTXOs for the given address from the specified height on
func refreshUTXOs(address: String, from height: BlockHeight, result: @escaping (Result<RefreshedUTXOs,Error>) -> Void)
gets the last stored unshielded balance
func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) throws -> WalletBalance
gets the shielded total balance (includes verified and unverified balance)
func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int) -> Int64
gets the shielded verified balance (anchor is 10 blocks back)
func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int) -> Int64
Stops the synchronizer and rescans the known blocks with the current keys.
- Parameter policy: the rewind policy
- Throws rewindErrorUnknownArchorHeight when the rewind points to an invalid height
- Throws rewindError for other errors
- Note rewind does not trigger notifications as a reorg would. You need to restart the synchronizer afterwards
func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) throws
public enum SyncStatus: Equatable {
Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively preparing to start, which usually involves
setting up database tables, migrations or taking other maintenance steps that need to
occur after an upgrade.
case unprepared
Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively downloading new blocks from the server.
case downloading(_ status: BlockProgressReporting)
Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively validating new blocks that were downloaded
from the server. Blocks need to be verified before they are scanned. This confirms that
each block is chain-sequential, thereby detecting missing blocks and reorgs.
case validating
Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively scanning new valid blocks that were downloaded
from the server.
case scanning(_ progress: BlockProgressReporting)
Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively enhancing newly scanned blocks with
additional transaction details, fetched from the server.
case enhancing(_ progress: EnhancementProgress)
fetches the transparent balance and stores it locally
case fetching
Indicates that this Synchronizer is fully up to date and ready for all wallet functions.
When set, a UI element may want to turn green.
case synced
Indicates that [stop] has been called on this Synchronizer and it will no longer be used.
case stopped
Indicates that this Synchronizer is disconnected from its lightwalletd server.
When set, a UI element may want to turn red.
case disconnected
case error(_ error: Error)
public var isSyncing: Bool {
switch self {
case .downloading, .validating, .scanning, .enhancing, .fetching:
return true
return false
public var isSynced: Bool {
switch self {
case .synced:
return true
return false
Kind of transactions handled by a Synchronizer
public enum TransactionKind {
case sent
case received
case all
Type of rewind available
birthday: rewinds the local state to this wallet's birthday
height: rewinds to the nearest blockheight to the one given as argument.
transaction: rewinds to the nearest height based on the anchor of the provided transaction.
public enum RewindPolicy {
case birthday
case height(blockheight: BlockHeight)
case transaction(_ transaction: TransactionEntity)
case quick
extension SyncStatus {
public static func == (lhs: SyncStatus, rhs: SyncStatus) -> Bool {
switch lhs {
case .unprepared:
if case .unprepared = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .disconnected:
if case .disconnected = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .downloading:
if case .downloading = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .validating:
if case .validating = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .scanning:
if case .scanning = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .enhancing:
if case .enhancing = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .fetching:
if case .fetching = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .synced:
if case .synced = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .stopped:
if case .stopped = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
case .error:
if case .error = rhs {
return true
} else {
return false
extension SyncStatus {
init(_ blockProcessorProgress: CompactBlockProgress) {
switch blockProcessorProgress {
case .download(let progressReport):
self = SyncStatus.downloading(progressReport)
case .validate:
self = .validating
case .scan(let progressReport):
self = .scanning(progressReport)
case .enhance(let enhancingReport):
self = .enhancing(enhancingReport)
case .fetch:
self = .fetching