
113 lines
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// LightWalletService.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 12/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
import SwiftProtobuf
public enum LightWalletServiceError: Error {
case generalError
case failed(statusCode: StatusCode)
case invalidBlock
case sentFailed(sendResponse: LightWalletServiceResponse)
case genericError(error: Error)
extension LightWalletServiceError: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
switch lhs {
case .generalError:
switch rhs {
case .generalError:
return true
return false
case .failed(let statusCode):
switch rhs {
case .failed(let anotherStatus):
return statusCode == anotherStatus
return false
case .invalidBlock:
switch rhs {
case .invalidBlock:
return true
return false
case .sentFailed(let sendResponse):
switch rhs {
case .sentFailed(let response):
return response.errorCode == sendResponse.errorCode
return false
case .genericError:
return false
public protocol LightWalletServiceResponse {
var errorCode: Int32 { get }
var errorMessage: String { get }
var unknownFields: SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage { get }
extension SendResponse: LightWalletServiceResponse {}
public protocol LightWalletService {
Return the latest block height known to the service.
- Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
func latestBlockHeight(result: @escaping (Result<BlockHeight,LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
Return the latest block height known to the service.
- Parameter result: a result containing the height or an Error
func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight
Return the given range of blocks.
- Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
Non blocking
func blockRange(_ range: Range<BlockHeight>, result: @escaping (Result<[ZcashCompactBlock], LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void )
Return the given range of blocks.
- Parameter range: the inclusive range to fetch.
For instance if 1..5 is given, then every block in that will be fetched, including 1 and 5.
func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) throws -> [ZcashCompactBlock]
Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Non-Blocking
func submit(spendTransaction: Data, result: @escaping(Result<LightWalletServiceResponse,LightWalletServiceError>) -> Void)
Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd. Blocking
func submit(spendTransaction: Data) throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse