
89 lines
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// CombineSynchronizer.swift
// Created by Michal Fousek on 16.03.2023.
import Combine
import Foundation
/* These aliases are here to just make the API easier to read. */
// Publisher which emitts completed or error. No value is emitted.
public typealias Completable<E: Error> = AnyPublisher<Void, E>
// Publisher that either emits one value and then finishes or it emits error.
public typealias Single = AnyPublisher
/// This defines a Combine-based API for the SDK. It's expected that the implementation of this protocol is only a very thin layer that translates
/// async API defined in `Synchronizer` to Combine-based API. And it doesn't do anything else. It's here so each client can choose the API that suits
/// its case the best.
/// If you are looking for documentation for a specific method or property look for it in the `Synchronizer` protocol.
public protocol CombineSynchronizer {
var alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias { get }
var latestState: SynchronizerState { get }
var connectionState: ConnectionState { get }
var stateStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerState, Never> { get }
var eventStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerEvent, Never> { get }
func prepare(
with seed: [UInt8]?,
viewingKeys: [UnifiedFullViewingKey],
walletBirthday: BlockHeight
) -> Single<Initializer.InitializationResult, Error>
func start(retry: Bool) -> Completable<Error>
func stop() -> Completable<Never>
func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> Single<SaplingAddress?, Never>
func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> Single<UnifiedAddress?, Never>
func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) -> Single<TransparentAddress?, Never>
func sendToAddress(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
toAddress: Recipient,
memo: Memo?
) -> Single<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>
func shieldFunds(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: Memo,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi
) -> Single<PendingTransactionEntity, Error>
func cancelSpend(transaction: PendingTransactionEntity) -> Single<Bool, Never>
var pendingTransactions: Single<[PendingTransactionEntity], Never> { get }
var clearedTransactions: Single<[ZcashTransaction.Overview], Never> { get }
var sentTransactions: Single<[ZcashTransaction.Sent], Never> { get }
var receivedTransactions: Single<[ZcashTransaction.Received], Never> { get }
func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository
func getMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) -> Single<[Memo], Error>
func getMemos(for receivedTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Received) -> Single<[Memo], Error>
func getMemos(for sentTransaction: ZcashTransaction.Sent) -> Single<[Memo], Error>
func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) -> Single<[TransactionRecipient], Never>
func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Sent) -> Single<[TransactionRecipient], Never>
func allConfirmedTransactions(from transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int) -> Single<[ZcashTransaction.Overview], Error>
func latestHeight() -> Single<BlockHeight, Error>
func refreshUTXOs(address: TransparentAddress, from height: BlockHeight) -> Single<RefreshedUTXOs, Error>
func getTransparentBalance(accountIndex: Int) -> Single<WalletBalance, Error>
func getShieldedBalance(accountIndex: Int) -> Zatoshi
func getShieldedVerifiedBalance(accountIndex: Int) -> Zatoshi
func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) -> Completable<Error>
func wipe() -> Completable<Error>