
340 lines
14 KiB

// TransactionDao.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/15/19.
import Foundation
import SQLite
struct Transaction: TransactionEntity, Decodable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "id_tx"
case transactionId = "txid"
case created
case transactionIndex = "tx_index"
case expiryHeight = "expiry_height"
case minedHeight = "block"
case raw
var id: Int?
var transactionId: Data
var created: String?
var transactionIndex: Int?
var expiryHeight: BlockHeight?
var minedHeight: BlockHeight?
var raw: Data?
struct ConfirmedTransaction: ConfirmedTransactionEntity {
var toAddress: String?
var expiryHeight: BlockHeight?
var minedHeight: Int
var noteId: Int
var blockTimeInSeconds: TimeInterval
var transactionIndex: Int
var raw: Data?
var id: Int?
var value: Int
var memo: Data?
var rawTransactionId: Data?
class TransactionSQLDAO: TransactionRepository {
private var blockDao: BlockSQLDAO
func lastScannedHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
try blockDao.latestBlockHeight()
func isInitialized() throws -> Bool {
func findEncodedTransactionBy(txId: Int) -> EncodedTransaction? {
// try dbProvider
return nil
struct TableStructure {
static var id = Expression<Int>(Transaction.CodingKeys.id.rawValue)
static var transactionId = Expression<Blob>(Transaction.CodingKeys.transactionId.rawValue)
static var created = Expression<String?>(Transaction.CodingKeys.created.rawValue)
static var txIndex = Expression<Int?>(Transaction.CodingKeys.transactionIndex.rawValue)
static var expiryHeight = Expression<Int?>(Transaction.CodingKeys.expiryHeight.rawValue)
static var minedHeight = Expression<Int?>(Transaction.CodingKeys.minedHeight.rawValue)
static var raw = Expression<Blob?>(Transaction.CodingKeys.raw.rawValue)
var dbProvider: ConnectionProvider
var transactions = Table("transactions")
init(dbProvider: ConnectionProvider) {
self.dbProvider = dbProvider
self.blockDao = BlockSQLDAO(dbProvider: dbProvider)
func countAll() throws -> Int {
try dbProvider.connection().scalar(transactions.count)
func countUnmined() throws -> Int {
try dbProvider.connection().scalar(transactions.filter(TableStructure.minedHeight == nil).count)
func findBy(id: Int) throws -> TransactionEntity? {
let query = transactions.filter(TableStructure.id == id).limit(1)
let sequence = try dbProvider.connection().prepare(query)
let entity: Transaction? = try sequence.map({ try $0.decode() }).first
return entity
func findBy(rawId: Data) throws -> TransactionEntity? {
let query = transactions.filter(TableStructure.transactionId == Blob(bytes: rawId.bytes)).limit(1)
let entity: Transaction? = try dbProvider.connection().prepare(query).map({ try $0.decode() }).first
return entity
func findAllSentTransactions(offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = Int.max) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]? {
try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.expiry_height AS expiryHeight,
transactions.raw AS raw,
sent_notes.address AS toAddress,
sent_notes.value AS value,
sent_notes.memo AS memo,
sent_notes.id_note AS noteId,
blocks.time AS blockTimeInSeconds
FROM transactions
INNER JOIN sent_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = sent_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN blocks
ON transactions.block = blocks.height
WHERE transactions.raw IS NOT NULL
AND minedheight > 0
ORDER BY block IS NOT NULL, height DESC, time DESC, txid DESC
LIMIT \(limit) OFFSET \(offset)
""").map({ (bindings) -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createConfirmedTransaction(from: bindings) else {
throw TransactionRepositoryError.malformedTransaction
return tx
func findAllReceivedTransactions(offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = Int.max) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]? {
try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.raw AS raw,
received_notes.value AS value,
received_notes.memo AS memo,
received_notes.id_note AS noteId,
blocks.time AS blockTimeInSeconds
FROM transactions
LEFT JOIN received_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = received_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN blocks
ON transactions.block = blocks.height
WHERE received_notes.is_change != 1
ORDER BY minedheight DESC, blocktimeinseconds DESC, id DESC
LIMIT \(limit) OFFSET \(offset)
""").map({ (bindings) -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createReceivedTransaction(from: bindings) else {
throw TransactionRepositoryError.malformedTransaction
return tx
func findAll(offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = Int.max) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]? {
try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.expiry_height AS expiryHeight,
transactions.raw AS raw,
sent_notes.address AS toAddress,
WHEN sent_notes.value IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.value
ELSE received_notes.value
end AS value,
WHEN sent_notes.memo IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.memo
ELSE received_notes.memo
end AS memo,
WHEN sent_notes.id_note IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.id_note
ELSE received_notes.id_note
end AS noteId,
blocks.time AS blockTimeInSeconds
FROM transactions
LEFT JOIN received_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = received_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN sent_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = sent_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN blocks
ON transactions.block = blocks.height
WHERE (sent_notes.address IS NULL AND received_notes.is_change != 1)
OR sent_notes.address IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ( minedheight IS NOT NULL ),
minedheight DESC,
blocktimeinseconds DESC,
LIMIT \(limit) OFFSET \(offset)
""").compactMap({ (bindings) -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity? in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createConfirmedTransaction(from: bindings) else {
return nil
return tx
func findAll(from transaction: ConfirmedTransactionEntity?, limit: Int) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]? {
guard let fromTransaction = transaction else {
return try findAll(offset: 0, limit: limit)
return try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.expiry_height AS expiryHeight,
transactions.raw AS raw,
sent_notes.address AS toAddress,
WHEN sent_notes.value IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.value
ELSE received_notes.value
end AS value,
WHEN sent_notes.memo IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.memo
ELSE received_notes.memo
end AS memo,
WHEN sent_notes.id_note IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.id_note
ELSE received_notes.id_note
end AS noteId,
blocks.time AS blockTimeInSeconds
FROM transactions
LEFT JOIN received_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = received_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN sent_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = sent_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN blocks
ON transactions.block = blocks.height
WHERE (\(fromTransaction.blockTimeInSeconds), \(fromTransaction.transactionIndex)) > (blocktimeinseconds, transactionIndex) AND
(sent_notes.address IS NULL AND received_notes.is_change != 1)
OR sent_notes.address IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ( minedheight IS NOT NULL ),
minedheight DESC,
blocktimeinseconds DESC,
LIMIT \(limit)
""").compactMap({ (bindings) -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity? in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createConfirmedTransaction(from: bindings) else {
return nil
return tx
func findTransactions(in range: BlockRange, limit: Int = Int.max) throws -> [TransactionEntity]? {
try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.expiry_height AS expiryHeight,
transactions.raw AS raw
FROM transactions
WHERE \(range.start.height) <= minedheight
AND minedheight <= \(range.end.height)
ORDER BY ( minedheight IS NOT NULL ),
minedheight ASC,
LIMIT \(limit)
""").compactMap({ (bindings) -> TransactionEntity? in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createTransactionEntity(from: bindings) else {
return nil
return tx
func findConfirmedTransactions(in range: BlockRange, offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = Int.max) throws -> [ConfirmedTransactionEntity]? {
try dbProvider.connection().run("""
SELECT transactions.id_tx AS id,
transactions.block AS minedHeight,
transactions.tx_index AS transactionIndex,
transactions.txid AS rawTransactionId,
transactions.expiry_height AS expiryHeight,
transactions.raw AS raw,
sent_notes.address AS toAddress,
WHEN sent_notes.value IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.value
ELSE received_notes.value
end AS value,
WHEN sent_notes.memo IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.memo
ELSE received_notes.memo
end AS memo,
WHEN sent_notes.id_note IS NOT NULL THEN sent_notes.id_note
ELSE received_notes.id_note
end AS noteId,
blocks.time AS blockTimeInSeconds
FROM transactions
LEFT JOIN received_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = received_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN sent_notes
ON transactions.id_tx = sent_notes.tx
LEFT JOIN blocks
ON transactions.block = blocks.height
WHERE (\(range.start.height) <= minedheight
AND minedheight <= \(range.end.height)) AND
(sent_notes.address IS NULL AND received_notes.is_change != 1)
OR sent_notes.address IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ( minedheight IS NOT NULL ),
minedheight DESC,
blocktimeinseconds DESC,
LIMIT \(limit) OFFSET \(offset)
""").compactMap({ (bindings) -> ConfirmedTransactionEntity? in
guard let tx = TransactionBuilder.createConfirmedTransaction(from: bindings) else {
return nil
return tx
extension Data {
init(blob: SQLite.Blob) {
let bytes = blob.bytes
self = Data(bytes: bytes, count: bytes.count)
var bytes: [UInt8] {
return [UInt8](self)
extension Array where Element == UInt8 {
var data: Data {
return Data(self)