#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ZenHub issue dependency graph generator for the ECC core team. # Author: jack@electriccoin.co # Last updated: 2021-05-07 import drest import networkx as nx from distutils.util import strtobool import mimetypes import os from textwrap import wrap from urllib.parse import urlparse from sgqlc.endpoint.http import HTTPEndpoint from sgqlc.operation import Operation from github_schema import github_schema as schema GITHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN') ZENHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('ZENHUB_TOKEN') DAG_VIEW = os.environ.get('DAG_VIEW', 'core') # To get the id of a repo, see . HALO2_REPOS = { 290019239: ('zcash', 'halo2'), 344239327: ('zcash', 'pasta_curves'), } CORE_REPOS = { 26987049: ('zcash', 'zcash'), 47279130: ('zcash', 'zips'), 48303644: ('zcash', 'incrementalmerkletree'), 85334928: ('zcash', 'librustzcash'), 133857578: ('zcash-hackworks', 'zcash-test-vectors'), 111058300: ('zcash', 'sapling-crypto'), **HALO2_REPOS, 305835578: ('zcash', 'orchard'), } TFL_REPOS = { 642135348: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'tfl-book'), 725179873: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zebra-tfl'), 695805989: ('zcash', 'simtfl'), } ANDROID_REPOS = { 390808594: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zashi-android'), 151763639: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zcash-android-wallet-sdk'), 719178328: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zashi'), } IOS_REPOS = { 387551125: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zashi-ios'), 185480114: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zcash-swift-wallet-sdk'), 270825987: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'MnemonicSwift'), 439137887: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zcash-light-client-ffi'), 719178328: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'zashi'), } WALLET_REPOS = { 85334928: ('zcash', 'librustzcash'), 159714694: ('zcash', 'lightwalletd'), **ANDROID_REPOS, **IOS_REPOS, } ECC_REPOS = { **CORE_REPOS, **TFL_REPOS, **WALLET_REPOS, 65419597: ('Electric-Coin-Company', 'infrastructure'), } ZF_REPOS = { 205255683: ('ZcashFoundation', 'zebra'), 225479018: ('ZcashFoundation', 'redjubjub'), 235651437: ('ZcashFoundation', 'ed25519-zebra'), 279422254: ('ZcashFoundation', 'zcash_script'), } ZCASHD_DEPRECATION_REPOS = { 26987049: ('zcash', 'zcash'), 47279130: ('zcash', 'zips'), 85334928: ('zcash', 'librustzcash'), } REPO_SETS = { 'core': CORE_REPOS, 'halo2': HALO2_REPOS, 'tfl': TFL_REPOS, 'wallet': WALLET_REPOS, 'wallet-ios': IOS_REPOS, 'wallet-android': ANDROID_REPOS, 'ecc': ECC_REPOS, 'zf': ZF_REPOS, 'zcashd-deprecation': ZCASHD_DEPRECATION_REPOS, } REPOS = REPO_SETS[DAG_VIEW] SUPPORTED_CATEGORIES = set(['releases', 'targets']) def cats(s): return set([x.strip() for x in s.split(',')]) - set(['']) # If set, removes all issues and PRs that are not ancestors of the given issues. # This can be used to render a sub-graph focused on one area. # # Format is ORG/REPO#ISSUE[,ORG/REPO#ISSUE[, ..]] TERMINATE_AT = cats(os.environ.get('TERMINATE_AT', '')) # Whether to remove issues and PRs that are not target or release issues. ONLY_INCLUDE = cats(os.environ.get('ONLY_INCLUDE', '')) # Whether to include subgraphs where all issues and PRs are closed. INCLUDE_FINISHED = strtobool(os.environ.get('INCLUDE_FINISHED', 'false')) # Whether to remove closed issues and PRs that are not downstream of open ones. # When set to 'targets' or 'releases', only issues upstream of a closed target # or release issue will be removed. PRUNE_FINISHED = os.environ.get('PRUNE_FINISHED', 'true') # Whether to group issues and PRs by milestone. SHOW_MILESTONES = strtobool(os.environ.get('SHOW_MILESTONES', 'false')) # Whether to group issues and PRs by ZenHub epics. SHOW_EPICS = strtobool(os.environ.get('SHOW_EPICS', 'false')) class GitHubIssue: def __init__(self, repo_id, issue_number, data): self.repo_id = repo_id self.issue_number = issue_number self.milestone = None if data is not None: labels = [label['name'] for label in data['labels']['nodes']] self.title = data['title'] self.is_release = 'C-release' in labels self.is_target = 'C-target' in labels self.is_pr = 'merged' in data self.is_committed = 'S-committed' in labels self.is_in_progress = 'S-in-progress' in labels self.waiting_on_review = 'S-waiting-on-review' in labels self.url = data['url'] self.state = 'closed' if data['state'] in ['CLOSED', 'MERGED'] else 'open' if 'milestone' in data and data['milestone']: self.milestone = data['milestone']['title'] else: # If we can't fetch issue data, assume we don't care. self.title = '' self.url = None self.is_release = False self.is_target = False self.is_pr = False self.is_committed = False self.is_in_progress = False self.waiting_on_review = False self.state = 'closed' def __repr__(self): if self.repo_id in REPOS: repo = REPOS[self.repo_id] # Shorten the representation of long repo names. if repo[0] == 'Electric-Coin-Company': repo = ('ECC', repo[1]) repo = '/'.join(repo) return '%s#%d' % (repo, self.issue_number) else: return 'Unknown' def __eq__(self, other): return (self.repo_id, self.issue_number) == (other.repo_id, other.issue_number) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.repo_id, self.issue_number)) def any_cat(self, categories): release_cat = self.is_release if 'releases' in categories else False targets_cat = self.is_target if 'targets' in categories else False return release_cat or targets_cat def fetch_issues(op, issues): repos = set([repo for (repo, _) in issues]) repos = {repo: [issue for (r, issue) in issues if r == repo] for repo in repos} for (repo, issues) in repos.items(): conn = op.repository( owner=REPOS[repo][0], name=REPOS[repo][1], __alias__='repo%d' % repo, ) for issue in issues: res = conn.issue_or_pull_request(number=issue, __alias__='issue%d' % issue) for typ in [schema.Issue, schema.PullRequest]: node = res.__as__(typ) node.labels(first=50).nodes().name() node.state() node.milestone().title() node.title() node.url() if typ == schema.PullRequest: node.merged() def download_issues(endpoint, nodes): issues = [(repo, issue) for (repo, issue) in nodes if repo in REPOS] ret = {} # Ensure that any graph nodes from ZenHub that are not in the repos we care about have # default entries, to simplify subsequent graph manipulation code. for (repo, issue) in [(repo, issue) for (repo, issue) in nodes if repo not in REPOS]: ret[(repo, issue)] = GitHubIssue(repo, issue, None) def chunks(lst, n): for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] for issues in chunks(issues, 50): op = Operation(schema.Query) fetch_issues(op, issues) d = endpoint(op) data = (op + d) for (repo, issue) in issues: repo_data = data['repo%d' % repo] issue_key = 'issue%d' % issue # If GITHUB_TOKEN doesn't have permission to read from a particular private # repository in REPOS, GitHub returns an empty repo_data section. issue_data = repo_data[issue_key] if issue_key in repo_data else None ret[(repo, issue)] = GitHubIssue(repo, issue, issue_data) return ret class ZHDepsResourceHandler(drest.resource.ResourceHandler): def get(self, repo_id): path = '/repositories/%d/dependencies' % repo_id try: response = self.api.make_request('GET', path, {}) except drest.exc.dRestRequestError as e: msg = "%s (repo_id: %s)" % (e.msg, repo_id) raise drest.exc.dRestRequestError(msg, e.response) def issue(json): return (int(json['repo_id']), int(json['issue_number'])) return nx.DiGraph([ (issue(edge['blocking']), issue(edge['blocked'])) for edge in response.data['dependencies'] ]) class ZHEpicsResourceHandler(drest.resource.ResourceHandler): def get(self, repo_id): path = '/repositories/%d/epics' % repo_id try: response = self.api.make_request('GET', path, {}) except drest.exc.dRestRequestError as e: msg = "%s (repo_id: %s)" % (e.msg, repo_id) raise drest.exc.dRestRequestError(msg, e.response) return [i['issue_number'] for i in response.data['epic_issues']] class ZHEpicsIssuesResourceHandler(drest.resource.ResourceHandler): def get(self, repo_id, epic_id): path = '/repositories/%d/epics/%d' % (repo_id, epic_id) try: response = self.api.make_request('GET', path, {}) except drest.exc.dRestRequestError as e: msg = "%s (repo_id: %s)" % (e.msg, repo_id) raise drest.exc.dRestRequestError(msg, e.response) return [(i['repo_id'], i['issue_number']) for i in response.data['issues']] class ZenHubAPI(drest.api.API): class Meta: baseurl = 'https://api.zenhub.com/p1' extra_headers = { 'X-Authentication-Token': ZENHUB_TOKEN, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ZenHubAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.add_resource('dependencies', ZHDepsResourceHandler) self.add_resource('epics', ZHEpicsResourceHandler) self.add_resource('epics_issues', ZHEpicsIssuesResourceHandler) def auth(self, *args, **kw): pass def main(): gapi = HTTPEndpoint( 'https://api.github.com/graphql', {'Authorization': 'bearer %s' % GITHUB_TOKEN}, ) zapi = ZenHubAPI() # Build the full dependency graph from ZenHub's per-repo APIs. dg = nx.compose_all([zapi.dependencies.get(x) for x in REPOS]) if SHOW_EPICS: epics_issues = [] for repo_id in REPOS: for epic_id in zapi.epics.get(repo_id): epics_issues.append((repo_id, epic_id)) epics_mapping = download_issues(gapi, epics_issues) epics_mapping = {k: v for (k, v) in epics_mapping.items() if v.state != 'closed'} issues_by_epic = {} for (i, ((repo_id, epic_id), epic)) in enumerate(epics_mapping.items()): issues = set(zapi.epics_issues.get(repo_id, epic_id)) issues_by_epic[epic] = issues for i in issues: # zapi.dependencies only returns nodes that have some connection, # but we'd like to show all issues from epics even if they are # disconnected. dg.add_node(i) if len(TERMINATE_AT) > 0: # Look up the repo IDs for the given terminating issues. reverse_repos = {v:k for k,v in REPOS.items()} terminate_at = [x.split('#') for x in TERMINATE_AT] terminate_at = set([(reverse_repos[tuple(r.split('/', 1))], int(i)) for (r, i) in terminate_at]) # Replace the graph with the subgraph that only includes the terminating # issues and their ancestors. ancestors = [nx.ancestors(dg, n) for n in terminate_at] dg = nx.subgraph(dg, terminate_at.union(*ancestors)) # Fetch the issues within the graph. mapping = download_issues(gapi, dg.nodes) # Relabel the graph dg = nx.relabel_nodes(dg, mapping) # Filter out unknown issues unknown = [n for n in dg if n.repo_id not in REPOS] if len(unknown) > 0: dg.remove_nodes_from(unknown) # Apply property annotations for (source, sink) in dg.edges: attrs = dg.edges[source, sink] attrs['is_open'] = 0 if source.state == 'closed' else 1 if len(ONLY_INCLUDE) > 0 and ONLY_INCLUDE.issubset(SUPPORTED_CATEGORIES): # Insert direct edges for all transitive paths in the graph. This creates edges # between target issues that were not previously directly connected, but were # "reachable". tc = nx.transitive_closure_dag(dg) # Remove non-target issues. This also removes their involved edges, leaving behind # the transitive closure of the target issues. tc.remove_nodes_from([n for n in dg.nodes if not n.any_cat(ONLY_INCLUDE)]) # Reduce to the minimum number of edges representing the same transitive paths. # This is unique for a DAG. dg = nx.transitive_reduction(tc) if not INCLUDE_FINISHED: # Identify the disconnected subgraphs. subgraphs = [dg.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(dg.to_undirected())] # Identify subgraphs comprised entirely of closed issues. ignore = [g for g in subgraphs if all([n.state == 'closed' for n in g])] # Remove fully-closed subgraphs. if len(ignore) > 0: dg.remove_nodes_from(nx.compose_all(ignore)) # Prune nodes that are not downstream of any open issues. if cats(PRUNE_FINISHED).issubset(SUPPORTED_CATEGORIES): closed_targets = [n for n in dg.nodes if n.any_cat(cats(PRUNE_FINISHED)) and n.state == 'closed'] for target in closed_targets: # Check that the target (and by extension its ancestors) wasn't already # removed for being the ancestor of another closed target. if target in dg: ancestors = nx.ancestors(dg, target) if all(n.state == 'closed' for n in ancestors): # Only prune ancestors, not the closed target node, so that # we see the most recently-closed target nodes in the DAG. dg.remove_nodes_from(ancestors) elif PRUNE_FINISHED in ['true', 'all']: # - It would be nice to keep the most recently-closed issues on the DAG, but # dg.out_degree seems to be broken... to_prune = [n for (n, degree) in dg.in_degree() if degree == 0 and n.state == 'closed'] while len(to_prune) > 0: dg.remove_nodes_from(to_prune) to_prune = [n for (n, degree) in dg.in_degree() if degree == 0 and n.state == 'closed'] do_next = [n for (n, degree) in dg.in_degree(weight='is_open') if degree == 0 and n.state != 'closed'] # Apply style annotations. for n in dg: attrs = dg.nodes[n] if n.title: attrs['label'] = '\n'.join(['%s' % n] + wrap(n.title, 25)) if n.state == 'closed': attrs['class'] = 'closed' attrs['fillcolor'] = '#fad8c7' elif n.waiting_on_review: attrs['class'] = 'needs-review' attrs['fillcolor'] = '#dfc150' elif n.is_committed or n.is_in_progress: attrs['class'] = 'committed' attrs['fillcolor'] = '#a6cfff' else: attrs['class'] = 'open' attrs['fillcolor'] = '#c2e0c6' attrs['penwidth'] = 2 if n in do_next else 1 if n.is_target: attrs['shape'] = 'folder' elif n.is_pr: attrs['shape'] = 'component' else: attrs['shape'] = 'box' attrs['style'] = 'filled' if n.url: attrs['URL'] = n.url attrs['target'] = '_blank' ag = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(dg) clusters = 0 if SHOW_MILESTONES: # Identify milestone nbunches milestones = {n.milestone: [] for n in dg} for m in milestones: milestones[m] = [n for n in dg if n.milestone == m] if None in milestones: del milestones[None] for (milestone, nodes) in milestones.items(): ag.add_subgraph(nodes, 'cluster_%d' % clusters, label=milestone, color='blue') clusters += 1 if SHOW_EPICS: for (epic, issues) in issues_by_epic.items(): issues = [n for n in dg if (n.repo_id, n.issue_number) in issues] if issues: ag.add_subgraph(issues, 'cluster_%d' % clusters, label=epic.title, color='blue') clusters += 1 # Draw the result! ag.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' ag.graph_attr['stylesheet'] = 'zcash-dag.css' ag.layout(prog='dot') os.makedirs('public', exist_ok=True) ag.draw('public/zcash-%s-dag.svg' % DAG_VIEW) # Render the HTML version! with open('public/zcash-%s-dag.svg' % DAG_VIEW) as f: svg_data = f.read() svg_start = svg_data.find(' Zcash %s DAG
''' % (DAG_VIEW, svg_data[svg_start:]) with open('public/zcash-%s-dag.html' % DAG_VIEW, 'w') as f: f.write(html_data) if __name__ == '__main__': if GITHUB_TOKEN and ZENHUB_TOKEN: main() else: print('Please set the GITHUB_TOKEN and ZENHUB_TOKEN environment variables.')