#!/usr/bin/env python3 import networkx as nx from str2bool import str2bool as strtobool import itertools import os import re from textwrap import wrap from urllib.parse import urlparse from helpers import github, zenhub GITHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN') ZENHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('ZENHUB_TOKEN') # IDs of repos we look for releases in. RUST = 85334928 ANDROID_SDK = 151763639 SWIFT_SDK = 185480114 ZASHI_ANDROID = 390808594 ZASHI_IOS = 387551125 REPOS = { **github.CORE_REPOS, **github.WALLET_REPOS, } RELEASE_MATRIX = { RUST: [ANDROID_SDK, SWIFT_SDK], ANDROID_SDK: [ZASHI_ANDROID], SWIFT_SDK: [ZASHI_IOS], ZASHI_ANDROID: [], ZASHI_IOS: [] } class TrackedIssue: def __init__(self, issue): self.issue = issue def build_release_matrix_from(dg, issue, repo_id): acc = [] for child in dg.neighbors(issue): if child.repo_id == repo_id and 'C-release' in child.labels: # Fetch the rows that each child's downstreams need rendered. child_deps = [ build_release_matrix_from(dg, child, dep_repo) for dep_repo in RELEASE_MATRIX.get(repo_id) ] # Merge the rows from each downstream repo together. child_releases = [ {k: v for d in prod for k, v in d.items()} for prod in itertools.product(*child_deps) ] if len(child_releases) > 0: for rec in child_releases: rec[repo_id] = child else: child_releases = [{repo_id: child}] acc.extend(child_releases) else: acc.extend(build_release_matrix_from(dg, child, repo_id)) return acc def main(): gapi = github.api(GITHUB_TOKEN) zapi = zenhub.api(ZENHUB_TOKEN) print('Fetching tracked issues') tracked_issues = github.download_issues_with_labels(gapi, ['C-tracked-bug', 'C-tracked-feature'], REPOS) # The repos we care about are now: # - Any repo containing a tracked issue. # - The wallet repos where releases occur. tracked_repos = set([repo_id for (repo_id, _) in tracked_issues]) repos = { **github.WALLET_REPOS, } for repo_id in tracked_repos: repos[repo_id] = REPOS[repo_id] workspaces = { workspace_id: [repo_id for repo_id in repos if repo_id in repos] for (workspace_id, repos) in zenhub.WORKSPACE_SETS.items() } # Build the full dependency graph from ZenHub's per-workspace API. print('Fetching graph') dg = nx.compose_all([ zenhub.get_dependency_graph(zapi, workspace_id, repos) for (workspace_id, repos) in workspaces.items() if len(repos) > 0 ]) print('Rendering deployment pipeline') # Ensure that the tracked issues all exist in the graph. This is a no-op for # issues that are already present. start_at = set([issue for issue in tracked_issues]) for i in start_at: dg.add_node(i) # Replace the graph with the subgraph that only includes the tracked # issues and their descendants. descendants = [nx.descendants(dg, n) for n in start_at] dg = nx.subgraph(dg, start_at.union(*descendants)) # Fetch the issues within the graph. mapping = github.download_issues(gapi, dg.nodes, repos) # Relabel the graph dg = nx.relabel_nodes(dg, mapping) # Filter out unknown issues unknown = [n for n in dg if n.repo_id not in repos] if len(unknown) > 0: dg.remove_nodes_from(unknown) # Apply property annotations for (source, sink) in dg.edges: attrs = dg.edges[source, sink] attrs['is_open'] = 0 if source.state == 'closed' else 1 # Render the HTML version! html_header = '''
🐞 = bug, 💡 = feature, ✅ = implemented / released, 🛑 = unfinished, 📥 = unassigned / DAG needs updating
Type | Issue | Rust crate | Android SDK | Swift SDK | Zashi Android | Zashi iOS |