Add ShardTree types & implement append operation.

This commit is contained in:
Kris Nuttycombe 2023-01-13 08:40:57 -07:00
parent dc5a3ed0e7
commit ebe3efa135
3 changed files with 567 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -500,9 +500,37 @@ pub fn check_root_hashes<T: Tree<String, usize>, F: Fn(usize) -> T>(new_tree: F)
assert_eq!(t.root(0).unwrap(), "aaaa____________");
pub fn check_witnesses<T: Tree<String, usize> + std::fmt::Debug, F: Fn(usize) -> T>(new_tree: F) {
/// This test expects a depth-4 tree and verifies that the tree reports itself as full after 2^4
/// appends.
pub fn check_append<T: Tree<String, usize> + std::fmt::Debug, F: Fn(usize) -> T>(new_tree: F) {
use Retention::*;
let mut tree = new_tree(100);
tree.append("a".to_string(), Retention::Marked);
assert_eq!(tree.depth(), 4);
// 16 appends should succeed
for i in 0..16 {
assert!(tree.append(i.to_string(), Ephemeral));
assert_eq!(tree.current_position(), Some(Position::from(i)));
// 17th append should fail
assert!(!tree.append("16".to_string(), Ephemeral));
// The following checks a condition on state restoration in the case that an append fails.
// We want to ensure that a failed append does not cause a loss of information.
let ops = (0..17)
.map(|i| Append(i.to_string(), Ephemeral))
let tree = new_tree(100);
check_operations(tree, &ops).unwrap();
pub fn check_witnesses<T: Tree<String, usize> + std::fmt::Debug, F: Fn(usize) -> T>(new_tree: F) {
use Retention::*;
let mut tree = new_tree(100);
tree.append("a".to_string(), Marked);
tree.witness(Position::from(0), 0),

View File

@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ mod tests {
use super::CompleteTree;
use crate::{
check_checkpoint_rewind, check_rewind_remove_mark, check_root_hashes, check_witnesses,
compute_root_from_witness, SipHashable, Tree,
check_append, check_checkpoint_rewind, check_rewind_remove_mark, check_root_hashes,
check_witnesses, compute_root_from_witness, SipHashable, Tree,
Hashable, Level, Position, Retention,
@ -367,6 +367,11 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(tree.root(0).unwrap(), expected);
fn append() {
check_append(|max_checkpoints| CompleteTree::<String, usize, 4>::new(max_checkpoints, 0));
fn root_hashes() {
check_root_hashes(|max_checkpoints| {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use core::convert::Infallible;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, Deref, Not, Range};
use either::Either;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
@ -1436,6 +1438,383 @@ impl<H: Hashable + Clone + PartialEq> LocatedPrunableTree<H> {
/// An enumeration of possible checkpoint locations.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum TreeState {
/// Checkpoints of the empty tree.
/// Checkpoint at a (possibly pruned) leaf state corresponding to the
/// wrapped leaf position.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Checkpoint {
tree_state: TreeState,
marks_removed: BTreeSet<Position>,
impl Checkpoint {
pub fn tree_empty() -> Self {
Checkpoint {
tree_state: TreeState::Empty,
marks_removed: BTreeSet::new(),
pub fn at_position(position: Position) -> Self {
Checkpoint {
tree_state: TreeState::AtPosition(position),
marks_removed: BTreeSet::new(),
pub fn is_tree_empty(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.tree_state, TreeState::Empty)
pub fn position(&self) -> Option<Position> {
match self.tree_state {
TreeState::Empty => None,
TreeState::AtPosition(pos) => Some(pos),
/// A capability for storage of fragment subtrees of the `ShardTree` type.
/// All fragment subtrees must have roots at level `SHARD_HEIGHT - 1`
pub trait ShardStore<H> {
type Error;
/// Returns the subtree at the given root address, if any such subtree exists.
fn get_shard(&self, shard_root: Address) -> Option<&LocatedPrunableTree<H>>;
/// Returns the subtree containing the maximum inserted leaf position.
fn last_shard(&self) -> Option<&LocatedPrunableTree<H>>;
/// Inserts or replaces the subtree having the same root address as the provided tree.
/// Implementations of this method MUST enforce the constraint that the root address
/// of the provided subtree has level `SHARD_HEIGHT - 1`.
fn put_shard(&mut self, subtree: LocatedPrunableTree<H>) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns the vector of addresses corresponding to the roots of subtrees stored in this
/// store.
fn get_shard_roots(&self) -> Vec<Address>;
/// Removes subtrees from the underlying store having root addresses at indices greater
/// than or equal to that of the specified address.
/// Implementations of this method MUST enforce the constraint that the root address
/// provided has level `SHARD_HEIGHT - 1`.
fn truncate(&mut self, from: Address) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
impl<H> ShardStore<H> for Vec<LocatedPrunableTree<H>> {
type Error = Infallible;
fn get_shard(&self, shard_root: Address) -> Option<&LocatedPrunableTree<H>> {
fn last_shard(&self) -> Option<&LocatedPrunableTree<H>> {
fn put_shard(&mut self, subtree: LocatedPrunableTree<H>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let subtree_addr = subtree.root_addr;
for subtree_idx in self.last().map_or(0, |s| s.root_addr.index() + 1)..=subtree_addr.index()
self.push(LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(subtree_addr.level(), subtree_idx),
root: Tree(Node::Nil),
self[subtree_addr.index()] = subtree;
fn get_shard_roots(&self) -> Vec<Address> {
self.iter().map(|s| s.root_addr).collect()
fn truncate(&mut self, from: Address) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// A left-dense, sparse binary Merkle tree of the specified depth, represented as a vector of
/// subtrees (shards) of the given maximum height.
/// This tree maintains a collection of "checkpoints" which represent positions, usually near the
/// front of the tree, that are maintained such that it's possible to truncate nodes to the right
/// of the specified position.
pub struct ShardTree<H, C: Ord, S: ShardStore<H>, const DEPTH: u8, const SHARD_HEIGHT: u8> {
/// The vector of tree shards.
store: S,
/// The maximum number of checkpoints to retain before pruning.
max_checkpoints: usize,
/// A map from position to the count of checkpoints at this position.
checkpoints: BTreeMap<C, Checkpoint>,
// /// A tree that is used to cache the known roots of subtrees in the "cap" of nodes between
// /// `SHARD_HEIGHT` and `DEPTH` that are otherwise not directly represented in the tree. This
// /// cache is automatically updated when computing roots and witnesses. Leaf nodes are empty
// /// because the annotation slot is consistently used to store the subtree hashes at each node.
// cap_cache: Tree<Option<Rc<H>>, ()>
_hash_type: PhantomData<H>,
H: Hashable + Clone + PartialEq,
C: Clone + Ord + core::fmt::Debug,
S: ShardStore<H>,
const DEPTH: u8,
const SHARD_HEIGHT: u8,
/// Creates a new empty tree.
pub fn new(store: S, max_checkpoints: usize, initial_checkpoint_id: C) -> Self {
Self {
checkpoints: BTreeMap::from([(initial_checkpoint_id, Checkpoint::tree_empty())]),
//cap_cache: Tree(None, ())
_hash_type: PhantomData,
/// Returns the root address of the tree.
pub fn root_addr() -> Address {
Address::from_parts(Level::from(DEPTH), 0)
/// Returns the fixed level of subtree roots within the vector of subtrees used as this tree's
/// representation.
pub fn subtree_level() -> Level {
Level::from(SHARD_HEIGHT - 1)
/// Returns the position and checkpoint count for each checkpointed position in the tree.
pub fn checkpoints(&self) -> &BTreeMap<C, Checkpoint> {
/// Returns the leaf value at the specified position, if it is a marked leaf.
pub fn get_marked_leaf(&self, position: Position) -> Option<&H> {
.get_shard(Address::above_position(Self::subtree_level(), position))
.and_then(|t| t.value_at_position(position))
.and_then(|(v, r)| if r.is_marked() { Some(v) } else { None })
/// Returns the positions of marked leaves in the tree.
pub fn marked_positions(&self) -> BTreeSet<Position> {
let mut result = BTreeSet::new();
for subtree_addr in & {
if let Some(subtree) =*subtree_addr) {
result.append(&mut subtree.marked_positions());
/// Inserts a new root into the tree at the given address.
/// This will pad from the left until the tree's subtrees vector contains enough trees to reach
/// the specified address, which must be at the [`Self::subtree_level`] level. If a subtree
/// already exists at this address, its root will be annotated with the specified hash value.
/// This will return an error if the specified hash conflicts with any existing annotation.
pub fn put_root(&mut self, addr: Address, value: H) -> Result<(), InsertionError<S::Error>> {
let updated_subtree = match {
Some(s) if !s.root.is_nil() => s.root.node_value().map_or_else(
|| {
|v| {
if v == &value {
// the existing root is already correctly annotated, so no need to
// do anything
} else {
// the provided value conflicts with the existing root value
_ => {
// there is no existing subtree root, so construct a new one.
Ok(Some(LocatedTree {
root_addr: addr,
root: Tree(Node::Leaf {
value: (value, EPHEMERAL),
if let Some(s) = updated_subtree {;
/// Append a single value at the first available position in the tree.
/// Prefer to use [`Self::batch_insert`] when appending multiple values, as these operations
/// require fewer traversals of the tree than are necessary when performing multiple sequential
/// calls to [`Self::append`].
pub fn append(
&mut self,
value: H,
retention: Retention<C>,
) -> Result<(), InsertionError<S::Error>> {
if let Retention::Checkpoint { id, .. } = &retention {
if self.checkpoints.keys().last() >= Some(id) {
return Err(InsertionError::CheckpointOutOfOrder);
let (append_result, position, checkpoint_id) =
if let Some(subtree) = {
if subtree.root.reduce(&is_complete) {
let addr = subtree.root_addr;
if addr.index() + 1 >= 0x1 << (SHARD_HEIGHT - 1) {
return Err(InsertionError::OutOfRange(addr.position_range()));
} else {
LocatedTree::empty(addr.next_at_level()).append(value, retention)?
} else {
subtree.append(value, retention)?
} else {
let root_addr = Address::from_parts(Self::subtree_level(), 0);
LocatedTree::empty(root_addr).append(value, retention)?
if let Some(c) = checkpoint_id {
.insert(c, Checkpoint::at_position(position));
fn prune_excess_checkpoints(&mut self) -> Result<(), S::Error> {
if self.checkpoints.len() > self.max_checkpoints {
// Batch removals by subtree & create a list of the checkpoint identifiers that
// will be removed from the checkpoints map.
let mut checkpoints_to_delete = vec![];
let mut clear_positions: BTreeMap<Address, BTreeMap<Position, RetentionFlags>> =
for (cid, checkpoint) in self
.take(self.checkpoints.len() - self.max_checkpoints)
// clear the checkpoint leaf
if let TreeState::AtPosition(pos) = checkpoint.tree_state {
let subtree_addr = Address::above_position(Self::subtree_level(), pos);
.and_modify(|to_clear| {
.and_modify(|flags| *flags = *flags | CHECKPOINT)
.or_insert_with(|| BTreeMap::from([(pos, CHECKPOINT)]));
// clear the leaves that have been marked for removal
for unmark_pos in checkpoint.marks_removed.iter() {
let subtree_addr = Address::above_position(Self::subtree_level(), *unmark_pos);
.and_modify(|to_clear| {
.and_modify(|flags| *flags = *flags | MARKED)
.or_insert_with(|| BTreeMap::from([(*unmark_pos, MARKED)]));
// Prune each affected subtree
for (subtree_addr, positions) in clear_positions.into_iter() {
let cleared = self
.map(|subtree| subtree.clear_flags(positions));
if let Some(cleared) = cleared {;
// Now that the leaves have been pruned, actually remove the checkpoints
for c in checkpoints_to_delete {
/// Returns the position of the checkpoint, if any, along with the number of subsequent
/// checkpoints at the same position. Returns `None` if `checkpoint_depth == 0` or if
/// insufficient checkpoints exist to seek back to the requested depth.
pub fn checkpoint_at_depth(&self, checkpoint_depth: usize) -> Option<(&C, &Checkpoint)> {
if checkpoint_depth == 0 {
} else {
self.checkpoints.iter().rev().nth(checkpoint_depth - 1)
/// Returns the position of the rightmost leaf inserted as of the given checkpoint.
/// Returns the maximum leaf position if `checkpoint_depth == 0` (or `Ok(None)` in this
/// case if the tree is empty) or an error if the checkpointed position cannot be restored
/// because it has been pruned. Note that no actual level-0 leaf may exist at this position.
pub fn max_leaf_position(
checkpoint_depth: usize,
) -> Result<Option<Position>, QueryError> {
if checkpoint_depth == 0 {
// TODO: This relies on the invariant that the last shard in the subtrees vector is
// never created without a leaf then being added to it. However, this may be a
// difficult invariant to maintain when adding empty roots, so perhaps we need a
// better way of tracking the actual max position of the tree; we might want to
// just store it directly.
Ok(|t| t.max_position()))
} else {
match self.checkpoint_at_depth(checkpoint_depth) {
Some((_, c)) => Ok(c.position()),
None => {
// There is no checkpoint at the specified depth, so we report it as pruned.
// We need an applicative functor for Result for this function so that we can correctly
// accumulate errors, but we don't have one so we just write a special- cased version here.
fn accumulate_result_with<A, B, C>(
@ -1499,10 +1878,14 @@ pub mod testing {
mod tests {
use crate::{
LocatedPrunableTree, LocatedTree, Node, PrunableTree, QueryError, Tree, EPHEMERAL, MARKED,
LocatedPrunableTree, LocatedTree, Node, PrunableTree, QueryError, ShardStore, ShardTree,
use core::convert::Infallible;
use incrementalmerkletree::{Address, Level, Position, Retention};
use incrementalmerkletree::{
testing::{self, check_append, complete_tree::CompleteTree, CombinedTree},
Address, Hashable, Level, Position, Retention,
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::rc::Rc;
@ -1582,6 +1965,81 @@ mod tests {
fn located_prunable_tree_insert_subtree() {
let t: LocatedPrunableTree<String> = LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 1),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
parent(nil(), leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL))),
LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(1.into(), 6),
root: parent(leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)), nil())
LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 1),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
parent(leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)), nil()),
leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL))
fn located_prunable_tree_witness() {
let t: LocatedPrunableTree<String> = LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 0),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)),
leaf(("f".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
t.witness(4.into(), 8.into()),
Ok(vec!["f", "gh", "abcd"]
.map(|s| s.to_string())
t.witness(4.into(), 6.into()),
Ok(vec!["f", "__", "abcd"]
.map(|s| s.to_string())
t.witness(4.into(), 7.into()),
type VecShardStore<H> = Vec<LocatedPrunableTree<H>>;
fn tree_marked_positions() {
let t: PrunableTree<String> = parent(
@ -1739,76 +2197,80 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(complete.subtree.right_filled_root(), Ok("abcd".to_string()));
fn located_prunable_tree_insert_subtree() {
let t: LocatedPrunableTree<String> = LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 1),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
parent(nil(), leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL))),
H: Hashable + Ord + Clone,
C: Clone + Ord + core::fmt::Debug,
S: ShardStore<H>,
const DEPTH: u8,
const SHARD_HEIGHT: u8,
> testing::Tree<H, C> for ShardTree<H, C, S, DEPTH, SHARD_HEIGHT>
fn depth(&self) -> u8 {
LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(1.into(), 6),
root: parent(leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)), nil())
LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 1),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
parent(leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)), nil()),
leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL))
fn append(&mut self, value: H, retention: Retention<C>) -> bool {
ShardTree::append(self, value, retention).is_ok()
fn current_position(&self) -> Option<Position> {
ShardTree::max_leaf_position(self, 0).ok().flatten()
fn get_marked_leaf(&self, _position: Position) -> Option<&H> {
fn marked_positions(&self) -> BTreeSet<Position> {
fn root(&self, _checkpoint_depth: usize) -> Option<H> {
fn witness(&self, _position: Position, _checkpoint_depth: usize) -> Option<Vec<H>> {
fn remove_mark(&mut self, _position: Position) -> bool {
fn checkpoint(&mut self, _checkpoint_id: C) -> bool {
fn rewind(&mut self) -> bool {
fn located_prunable_tree_witness() {
let t: LocatedPrunableTree<String> = LocatedTree {
root_addr: Address::from_parts(3.into(), 0),
root: parent(
leaf(("abcd".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
leaf(("e".to_string(), MARKED)),
leaf(("f".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
leaf(("gh".to_string(), EPHEMERAL)),
fn append() {
check_append(|m| {
ShardTree::<String, usize, VecShardStore<String>, 4, 3>::new(vec![], m, 0)
t.witness(4.into(), 8.into()),
Ok(vec!["f", "gh", "abcd"]
.map(|s| s.to_string())
t.witness(4.into(), 6.into()),
Ok(vec!["f", "__", "abcd"]
.map(|s| s.to_string())
t.witness(4.into(), 7.into()),
// Combined tree tests
fn new_combined_tree<H: Hashable + Ord + Clone + core::fmt::Debug>(
max_checkpoints: usize,
) -> CombinedTree<
CompleteTree<H, usize, 4>,
ShardTree<H, usize, VecShardStore<H>, 4, 3>,
> {
CompleteTree::new(max_checkpoints, 0),
ShardTree::new(vec![], max_checkpoints, 0),
fn combined_append() {