//! Constants used in the Orchard protocol. pub mod fixed_bases; pub mod sinsemilla; pub mod util; pub use fixed_bases::{NullifierK, OrchardFixedBases, OrchardFixedBasesFull, ValueCommitV, H}; pub use sinsemilla::{OrchardCommitDomains, OrchardHashDomains}; /// $\mathsf{MerkleDepth^{Orchard}}$ pub(crate) const MERKLE_DEPTH_ORCHARD: usize = 32; /// The Pallas scalar field modulus is $q = 2^{254} + \mathsf{t_q}$. /// pub(crate) const T_Q: u128 = 45560315531506369815346746415080538113; /// The Pallas base field modulus is $p = 2^{254} + \mathsf{t_p}$. /// pub(crate) const T_P: u128 = 45560315531419706090280762371685220353; /// $\ell^\mathsf{Orchard}_\mathsf{base}$ pub(crate) const L_ORCHARD_BASE: usize = 255; /// $\ell^\mathsf{Orchard}_\mathsf{scalar}$ pub(crate) const L_ORCHARD_SCALAR: usize = 255; /// $\ell_\mathsf{value}$ pub(crate) const L_VALUE: usize = 64; /// SWU hash-to-curve personalization for the group hash for key diversification pub const KEY_DIVERSIFICATION_PERSONALIZATION: &str = "z.cash:Orchard-gd"; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ff::PrimeField; use pasta_curves::{arithmetic::FieldExt, pallas}; #[test] // Orchard uses the Pallas base field as its base field. fn l_orchard_base() { assert_eq!(super::L_ORCHARD_BASE, pallas::Base::NUM_BITS as usize); } #[test] // Orchard uses the Pallas base field as its base field. fn l_orchard_scalar() { assert_eq!(super::L_ORCHARD_SCALAR, pallas::Scalar::NUM_BITS as usize); } #[test] fn t_q() { let t_q = pallas::Scalar::from_u128(super::T_Q); let two_pow_254 = pallas::Scalar::from_u128(1 << 127).square(); assert_eq!(t_q + two_pow_254, pallas::Scalar::zero()); } #[test] fn t_p() { let t_p = pallas::Base::from_u128(super::T_P); let two_pow_254 = pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 127).square(); assert_eq!(t_p + two_pow_254, pallas::Base::zero()); } }