
1157 lines
40 KiB

//! Logic for building Orchard components of transactions.
use core::fmt;
use core::iter;
use std::fmt::Display;
use ff::Field;
use nonempty::NonEmpty;
use pasta_curves::pallas;
use rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, CryptoRng, RngCore};
use crate::{
bundle::{Authorization, Authorized, Bundle, Flags},
circuit::{Circuit, Instance, Proof, ProvingKey},
FullViewingKey, OutgoingViewingKey, Scope, SpendAuthorizingKey, SpendValidatingKey,
note::{Note, Rho, TransmittedNoteCiphertext},
primitives::redpallas::{self, Binding, SpendAuth},
tree::{Anchor, MerklePath},
value::{self, NoteValue, OverflowError, ValueCommitTrapdoor, ValueCommitment, ValueSum},
const MIN_ACTIONS: usize = 2;
/// An enumeration of rules for Orchard bundle construction.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BundleType {
/// A transactional bundle will be padded if necessary to contain at least 2 actions,
/// irrespective of whether any genuine actions are required.
Transactional {
/// The flags that control whether spends and/or outputs are enabled for the bundle.
flags: Flags,
/// A flag that, when set to `true`, indicates that a bundle should be produced even if no
/// spends or outputs have been added to the bundle; in such a circumstance, all of the
/// actions in the resulting bundle will be dummies.
bundle_required: bool,
/// A coinbase bundle is required to have no non-dummy spends. No padding is performed.
impl BundleType {
/// The default bundle type has all flags enabled, and does not require a bundle to be produced
/// if no spends or outputs have been added to the bundle.
pub const DEFAULT: BundleType = BundleType::Transactional {
flags: Flags::ENABLED,
bundle_required: false,
/// The DISABLED bundle type does not permit any bundle to be produced, and when used in the
/// builder will prevent any spends or outputs from being added.
pub const DISABLED: BundleType = BundleType::Transactional {
flags: Flags::from_parts(false, false),
bundle_required: false,
/// Returns the number of logical actions that builder will produce in constructing a bundle
/// of this type, given the specified numbers of spends and outputs.
/// Returns an error if the specified number of spends and outputs is incompatible with
/// this bundle type.
pub fn num_actions(
num_spends: usize,
num_outputs: usize,
) -> Result<usize, &'static str> {
let num_requested_actions = core::cmp::max(num_spends, num_outputs);
match self {
BundleType::Transactional {
} => {
if !flags.spends_enabled() && num_spends > 0 {
Err("Spends are disabled, so num_spends must be zero")
} else if !flags.outputs_enabled() && num_outputs > 0 {
Err("Outputs are disabled, so num_outputs must be zero")
} else {
Ok(if *bundle_required || num_requested_actions > 0 {
core::cmp::max(num_requested_actions, MIN_ACTIONS)
} else {
BundleType::Coinbase => {
if num_spends > 0 {
Err("Coinbase bundles have spends disabled, so num_spends must be zero")
} else {
/// Returns the set of flags and the anchor that will be used for bundle construction.
pub fn flags(&self) -> Flags {
match self {
BundleType::Transactional { flags, .. } => *flags,
BundleType::Coinbase => Flags::SPENDS_DISABLED,
/// An error type for the kinds of errors that can occur during bundle construction.
pub enum BuildError {
/// Spends are disabled for the provided bundle type.
/// Spends are disabled for the provided bundle type.
/// The anchor provided to this builder doesn't match the Merkle path used to add a spend.
/// A bundle could not be built because required signatures were missing.
/// An error occurred in the process of producing a proof for a bundle.
/// An overflow error occurred while attempting to construct the value
/// for a bundle.
/// External signature is not valid.
/// A signature is valid for more than one input. This should never happen if `alpha`
/// is sampled correctly, and indicates a critical failure in randomness generation.
/// The bundle being constructed violated the construction rules for the requested bundle type.
impl Display for BuildError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use BuildError::*;
match self {
MissingSignatures => f.write_str("Required signatures were missing during build"),
Proof(e) => f.write_str(&format!("Could not create proof: {}", e)),
ValueSum(_) => f.write_str("Overflow occurred during value construction"),
InvalidExternalSignature => f.write_str("External signature was invalid"),
DuplicateSignature => f.write_str("Signature valid for more than one input"),
BundleTypeNotSatisfiable => {
f.write_str("Bundle structure did not conform to requested bundle type.")
SpendsDisabled => f.write_str("Spends are not enabled for the requested bundle type."),
OutputsDisabled => f.write_str("Spends are not enabled for the requested bundle type."),
AnchorMismatch => {
f.write_str("All spends must share the anchor requested for the transaction.")
impl std::error::Error for BuildError {}
impl From<halo2_proofs::plonk::Error> for BuildError {
fn from(e: halo2_proofs::plonk::Error) -> Self {
impl From<value::OverflowError> for BuildError {
fn from(e: value::OverflowError) -> Self {
/// An error type for adding a spend to the builder.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SpendError {
/// Spends aren't enabled for this builder.
/// The anchor provided to this builder doesn't match the merkle path used to add a spend.
/// The full viewing key provided didn't match the note provided
impl Display for SpendError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use SpendError::*;
f.write_str(match self {
SpendsDisabled => "Spends are not enabled for this builder",
AnchorMismatch => "All anchors must be equal.",
FvkMismatch => "FullViewingKey does not correspond to the given note",
impl std::error::Error for SpendError {}
/// The only error that can occur here is if outputs are disabled for this builder.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct OutputError;
impl Display for OutputError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Outputs are not enabled for this builder")
impl std::error::Error for OutputError {}
/// Information about a specific note to be spent in an [`Action`].
pub struct SpendInfo {
pub(crate) dummy_sk: Option<SpendingKey>,
pub(crate) fvk: FullViewingKey,
pub(crate) scope: Scope,
pub(crate) note: Note,
pub(crate) merkle_path: MerklePath,
impl SpendInfo {
/// This constructor is public to enable creation of custom builders.
/// If you are not creating a custom builder, use [`Builder::add_spend`] instead.
/// Creates a `SpendInfo` from note, full viewing key owning the note,
/// and merkle path witness of the note.
/// Returns `None` if the `fvk` does not own the `note`.
/// [`Builder::add_spend`]: Builder::add_spend
pub fn new(fvk: FullViewingKey, note: Note, merkle_path: MerklePath) -> Option<Self> {
let scope = fvk.scope_for_address(&note.recipient())?;
Some(SpendInfo {
dummy_sk: None,
/// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.8.3: Dummy Notes (Orchard)][orcharddummynotes].
/// [orcharddummynotes]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orcharddummynotes
fn dummy(rng: &mut impl RngCore) -> Self {
let (sk, fvk, note) = Note::dummy(rng, None);
let merkle_path = MerklePath::dummy(rng);
SpendInfo {
dummy_sk: Some(sk),
// We use external scope to avoid unnecessary derivations, because the dummy
// note's spending key is random and thus scoping is irrelevant.
scope: Scope::External,
fn has_matching_anchor(&self, anchor: &Anchor) -> bool {
if self.note.value() == NoteValue::zero() {
} else {
let cm = self.note.commitment();
let path_root = self.merkle_path.root(cm.into());
&path_root == anchor
/// Information about a specific output to receive funds in an [`Action`].
pub struct OutputInfo {
ovk: Option<OutgoingViewingKey>,
recipient: Address,
value: NoteValue,
memo: [u8; 512],
impl OutputInfo {
/// Constructs a new OutputInfo from its constituent parts.
pub fn new(
ovk: Option<OutgoingViewingKey>,
recipient: Address,
value: NoteValue,
memo: Option<[u8; 512]>,
) -> Self {
Self {
memo: memo.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut memo = [0; 512];
memo[0] = 0xf6;
/// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.8.3: Dummy Notes (Orchard)][orcharddummynotes].
/// [orcharddummynotes]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orcharddummynotes
pub fn dummy(rng: &mut impl RngCore) -> Self {
let fvk: FullViewingKey = (&SpendingKey::random(rng)).into();
let recipient = fvk.address_at(0u32, Scope::External);
Self::new(None, recipient, NoteValue::zero(), None)
/// Information about a specific [`Action`] we plan to build.
struct ActionInfo {
spend: SpendInfo,
output: OutputInfo,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
impl ActionInfo {
fn new(spend: SpendInfo, output: OutputInfo, rng: impl RngCore) -> Self {
ActionInfo {
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor::random(rng),
/// Returns the value sum for this action.
fn value_sum(&self) -> ValueSum {
self.spend.note.value() - self.output.value
/// Builds the action.
/// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.7.3: Sending Notes (Orchard)][orchardsend].
/// [orchardsend]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardsend
fn build(self, mut rng: impl RngCore) -> (Action<SigningMetadata>, Circuit) {
let v_net = self.value_sum();
let cv_net = ValueCommitment::derive(v_net, self.rcv.clone());
let nf_old = self.spend.note.nullifier(&self.spend.fvk);
let rho = Rho::from_nf_old(nf_old);
let ak: SpendValidatingKey = self.spend.fvk.clone().into();
let alpha = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
let rk = ak.randomize(&alpha);
let note = Note::new(self.output.recipient, self.output.value, rho, &mut rng);
let cm_new = note.commitment();
let cmx = cm_new.into();
let encryptor = OrchardNoteEncryption::new(self.output.ovk, note, self.output.memo);
let encrypted_note = TransmittedNoteCiphertext {
epk_bytes: encryptor.epk().to_bytes().0,
enc_ciphertext: encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext(),
out_ciphertext: encryptor.encrypt_outgoing_plaintext(&cv_net, &cmx, &mut rng),
SigningMetadata {
dummy_ask: self.spend.dummy_sk.as_ref().map(SpendAuthorizingKey::from),
parts: SigningParts { ak, alpha },
Circuit::from_action_context_unchecked(self.spend, note, alpha, self.rcv),
/// Type alias for an in-progress bundle that has no proofs or signatures.
/// This is returned by [`Builder::build`].
pub type UnauthorizedBundle<V> = Bundle<InProgress<Unproven, Unauthorized>, V>;
/// Metadata about a bundle created by [`bundle`] or [`Builder::build`] that is not
/// necessarily recoverable from the bundle itself.
/// This includes information about how [`Action`]s within the bundle are ordered (after
/// padding and randomization) relative to the order in which spends and outputs were
/// provided (to [`bundle`]), or the order in which [`Builder`] mutations were performed.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BundleMetadata {
spend_indices: Vec<usize>,
output_indices: Vec<usize>,
impl BundleMetadata {
fn new(num_requested_spends: usize, num_requested_outputs: usize) -> Self {
BundleMetadata {
spend_indices: vec![0; num_requested_spends],
output_indices: vec![0; num_requested_outputs],
/// Returns the metadata for a [`Bundle`] that contains only dummy actions, if any.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
Self::new(0, 0)
/// Returns the index within the bundle of the [`Action`] corresponding to the `n`-th
/// spend specified in bundle construction. If a [`Builder`] was used, this refers to
/// the spend added by the `n`-th call to [`Builder::add_spend`].
/// For the purpose of improving indistinguishability, actions are padded and note
/// positions are randomized when building bundles. This means that the bundle
/// consumer cannot assume that e.g. the first spend they added corresponds to the
/// first action in the bundle.
pub fn spend_action_index(&self, n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
/// Returns the index within the bundle of the [`Action`] corresponding to the `n`-th
/// output specified in bundle construction. If a [`Builder`] was used, this refers to
/// the output added by the `n`-th call to [`Builder::add_output`].
/// For the purpose of improving indistinguishability, actions are padded and note
/// positions are randomized when building bundles. This means that the bundle
/// consumer cannot assume that e.g. the first output they added corresponds to the
/// first action in the bundle.
pub fn output_action_index(&self, n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
/// A builder that constructs a [`Bundle`] from a set of notes to be spent, and outputs
/// to receive funds.
pub struct Builder {
spends: Vec<SpendInfo>,
outputs: Vec<OutputInfo>,
bundle_type: BundleType,
anchor: Anchor,
impl Builder {
/// Constructs a new empty builder for an Orchard bundle.
pub fn new(bundle_type: BundleType, anchor: Anchor) -> Self {
Builder {
spends: vec![],
outputs: vec![],
/// Adds a note to be spent in this transaction.
/// - `note` is a spendable note, obtained by trial-decrypting an [`Action`] using the
/// [`zcash_note_encryption`] crate instantiated with [`OrchardDomain`].
/// - `merkle_path` can be obtained using the [`incrementalmerkletree`] crate
/// instantiated with [`MerkleHashOrchard`].
/// Returns an error if the given Merkle path does not have the required anchor for
/// the given note.
/// [`OrchardDomain`]: crate::note_encryption::OrchardDomain
/// [`MerkleHashOrchard`]: crate::tree::MerkleHashOrchard
pub fn add_spend(
&mut self,
fvk: FullViewingKey,
note: Note,
merkle_path: MerklePath,
) -> Result<(), SpendError> {
let flags = self.bundle_type.flags();
if !flags.spends_enabled() {
return Err(SpendError::SpendsDisabled);
let spend = SpendInfo::new(fvk, note, merkle_path).ok_or(SpendError::FvkMismatch)?;
// Consistency check: all anchors must be equal.
if !spend.has_matching_anchor(&self.anchor) {
return Err(SpendError::AnchorMismatch);
/// Adds an address which will receive funds in this transaction.
pub fn add_output(
&mut self,
ovk: Option<OutgoingViewingKey>,
recipient: Address,
value: NoteValue,
memo: Option<[u8; 512]>,
) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
let flags = self.bundle_type.flags();
if !flags.outputs_enabled() {
return Err(OutputError);
.push(OutputInfo::new(ovk, recipient, value, memo));
/// Returns the action spend components that will be produced by the
/// transaction being constructed
pub fn spends(&self) -> &Vec<impl InputView<()>> {
/// Returns the action output components that will be produced by the
/// transaction being constructed
pub fn outputs(&self) -> &Vec<impl OutputView> {
/// The net value of the bundle to be built. The value of all spends,
/// minus the value of all outputs.
/// Useful for balancing a transaction, as the value balance of an individual bundle
/// can be non-zero. Each bundle's value balance is [added] to the transparent
/// transaction value pool, which [must not have a negative value]. (If it were
/// negative, the transaction would output more value than it receives in inputs.)
/// [added]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#orchardbalance
/// [must not have a negative value]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#transactions
pub fn value_balance<V: TryFrom<i64>>(&self) -> Result<V, value::OverflowError> {
let value_balance = self
.map(|spend| spend.note.value() - NoteValue::zero())
.map(|output| NoteValue::zero() - output.value),
.fold(Some(ValueSum::zero()), |acc, note_value| acc? + note_value)
i64::try_from(value_balance).and_then(|i| V::try_from(i).map_err(|_| value::OverflowError))
/// Builds a bundle containing the given spent notes and outputs.
/// The returned bundle will have no proof or signatures; these can be applied with
/// [`Bundle::create_proof`] and [`Bundle::apply_signatures`] respectively.
pub fn build<V: TryFrom<i64>>(
rng: impl RngCore,
) -> Result<Option<(UnauthorizedBundle<V>, BundleMetadata)>, BuildError> {
/// Builds a bundle containing the given spent notes and outputs.
/// The returned bundle will have no proof or signatures; these can be applied with
/// [`Bundle::create_proof`] and [`Bundle::apply_signatures`] respectively.
pub fn bundle<V: TryFrom<i64>>(
mut rng: impl RngCore,
anchor: Anchor,
bundle_type: BundleType,
spends: Vec<SpendInfo>,
outputs: Vec<OutputInfo>,
) -> Result<Option<(UnauthorizedBundle<V>, BundleMetadata)>, BuildError> {
let flags = bundle_type.flags();
let num_requested_spends = spends.len();
if !flags.spends_enabled() && num_requested_spends > 0 {
return Err(BuildError::SpendsDisabled);
for spend in &spends {
if !spend.has_matching_anchor(&anchor) {
return Err(BuildError::AnchorMismatch);
let num_requested_outputs = outputs.len();
if !flags.outputs_enabled() && num_requested_outputs > 0 {
return Err(BuildError::OutputsDisabled);
let num_actions = bundle_type
.num_actions(num_requested_spends, num_requested_outputs)
.map_err(|_| BuildError::BundleTypeNotSatisfiable)?;
// Pair up the spends and outputs, extending with dummy values as necessary.
let (pre_actions, bundle_meta) = {
let mut indexed_spends = spends
.chain(iter::repeat_with(|| SpendInfo::dummy(&mut rng)))
let mut indexed_outputs = outputs
.chain(iter::repeat_with(|| OutputInfo::dummy(&mut rng)))
// Shuffle the spends and outputs, so that learning the position of a
// specific spent note or output note doesn't reveal anything on its own about
// the meaning of that note in the transaction context.
indexed_spends.shuffle(&mut rng);
indexed_outputs.shuffle(&mut rng);
let mut bundle_meta = BundleMetadata::new(num_requested_spends, num_requested_outputs);
let pre_actions = indexed_spends
.map(|(action_idx, ((spend_idx, spend), (out_idx, output)))| {
// Record the post-randomization spend location
if spend_idx < num_requested_spends {
bundle_meta.spend_indices[spend_idx] = action_idx;
// Record the post-randomization output location
if out_idx < num_requested_outputs {
bundle_meta.output_indices[out_idx] = action_idx;
ActionInfo::new(spend, output, &mut rng)
(pre_actions, bundle_meta)
// Determine the value balance for this bundle, ensuring it is valid.
let value_balance = pre_actions
.fold(Some(ValueSum::zero()), |acc, action| {
acc? + action.value_sum()
let result_value_balance: V = i64::try_from(value_balance)
.and_then(|i| V::try_from(i).map_err(|_| BuildError::ValueSum(value::OverflowError)))?;
// Compute the transaction binding signing key.
let bsk = pre_actions
.map(|a| &a.rcv)
// Create the actions.
let (actions, circuits): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
pre_actions.into_iter().map(|a| a.build(&mut rng)).unzip();
// Verify that bsk and bvk are consistent.
let bvk = (actions.iter().map(|a| a.cv_net()).sum::<ValueCommitment>()
- ValueCommitment::derive(value_balance, ValueCommitTrapdoor::zero()))
assert_eq!(redpallas::VerificationKey::from(&bsk), bvk);
Ok(NonEmpty::from_vec(actions).map(|actions| {
InProgress {
proof: Unproven { circuits },
sigs: Unauthorized { bsk },
/// Marker trait representing bundle signatures in the process of being created.
pub trait InProgressSignatures: fmt::Debug {
/// The authorization type of an Orchard action in the process of being authorized.
type SpendAuth: fmt::Debug;
/// Marker for a bundle in the process of being built.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InProgress<P, S: InProgressSignatures> {
proof: P,
sigs: S,
impl<P: fmt::Debug, S: InProgressSignatures> Authorization for InProgress<P, S> {
type SpendAuth = S::SpendAuth;
/// Marker for a bundle without a proof.
/// This struct contains the private data needed to create a [`Proof`] for a [`Bundle`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Unproven {
circuits: Vec<Circuit>,
impl<S: InProgressSignatures> InProgress<Unproven, S> {
/// Creates the proof for this bundle.
pub fn create_proof(
pk: &ProvingKey,
instances: &[Instance],
rng: impl RngCore,
) -> Result<Proof, halo2_proofs::plonk::Error> {
Proof::create(pk, &self.proof.circuits, instances, rng)
impl<S: InProgressSignatures, V> Bundle<InProgress<Unproven, S>, V> {
/// Creates the proof for this bundle.
pub fn create_proof(
pk: &ProvingKey,
mut rng: impl RngCore,
) -> Result<Bundle<InProgress<Proof, S>, V>, BuildError> {
let instances: Vec<_> = self
.map(|a| a.to_instance(*self.flags(), *self.anchor()))
&mut (),
|_, _, a| Ok(a),
|_, auth| {
let proof = auth.create_proof(pk, &instances, &mut rng)?;
Ok(InProgress {
sigs: auth.sigs,
/// The parts needed to sign an [`Action`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SigningParts {
/// The spend validating key for this action. Used to match spend authorizing keys to
/// actions they can create signatures for.
ak: SpendValidatingKey,
/// The randomization needed to derive the actual signing key for this note.
alpha: pallas::Scalar,
/// Marker for an unauthorized bundle with no signatures.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Unauthorized {
bsk: redpallas::SigningKey<Binding>,
impl InProgressSignatures for Unauthorized {
type SpendAuth = SigningMetadata;
/// Container for metadata needed to sign an [`Action`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SigningMetadata {
/// If this action is spending a dummy note, this field holds that note's spend
/// authorizing key.
/// These keys are used automatically in [`Bundle<Unauthorized>::prepare`] or
/// [`Bundle<Unauthorized>::apply_signatures`] to sign dummy spends.
dummy_ask: Option<SpendAuthorizingKey>,
parts: SigningParts,
/// Marker for a partially-authorized bundle, in the process of being signed.
pub struct PartiallyAuthorized {
binding_signature: redpallas::Signature<Binding>,
sighash: [u8; 32],
impl InProgressSignatures for PartiallyAuthorized {
type SpendAuth = MaybeSigned;
/// A heisen[`Signature`] for a particular [`Action`].
/// [`Signature`]: redpallas::Signature
pub enum MaybeSigned {
/// The information needed to sign this [`Action`].
/// The signature for this [`Action`].
impl MaybeSigned {
fn finalize(self) -> Result<redpallas::Signature<SpendAuth>, BuildError> {
match self {
Self::Signature(sig) => Ok(sig),
_ => Err(BuildError::MissingSignatures),
impl<P: fmt::Debug, V> Bundle<InProgress<P, Unauthorized>, V> {
/// Loads the sighash into this bundle, preparing it for signing.
/// This API ensures that all signatures are created over the same sighash.
pub fn prepare<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
sighash: [u8; 32],
) -> Bundle<InProgress<P, PartiallyAuthorized>, V> {
&mut rng,
|rng, _, SigningMetadata { dummy_ask, parts }| {
// We can create signatures for dummy spends immediately.
.map(|ask| ask.randomize(&parts.alpha).sign(rng, &sighash))
|rng, auth| InProgress {
proof: auth.proof,
sigs: PartiallyAuthorized {
binding_signature: auth.sigs.bsk.sign(rng, &sighash),
impl<V> Bundle<InProgress<Proof, Unauthorized>, V> {
/// Applies signatures to this bundle, in order to authorize it.
/// This is a helper method that wraps [`Bundle::prepare`], [`Bundle::sign`], and
/// [`Bundle::finalize`].
pub fn apply_signatures<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
sighash: [u8; 32],
signing_keys: &[SpendAuthorizingKey],
) -> Result<Bundle<Authorized, V>, BuildError> {
.fold(self.prepare(&mut rng, sighash), |partial, ask| {
partial.sign(&mut rng, ask)
impl<P: fmt::Debug, V> Bundle<InProgress<P, PartiallyAuthorized>, V> {
/// Signs this bundle with the given [`SpendAuthorizingKey`].
/// This will apply signatures for all notes controlled by this spending key.
pub fn sign<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(self, mut rng: R, ask: &SpendAuthorizingKey) -> Self {
let expected_ak = ask.into();
&mut rng,
|rng, partial, maybe| match maybe {
MaybeSigned::SigningMetadata(parts) if parts.ak == expected_ak => {
ask.randomize(&parts.alpha).sign(rng, &partial.sigs.sighash),
s => s,
|_, partial| partial,
/// Appends externally computed [`Signature`]s.
/// Each signature will be applied to the one input for which it is valid. An error
/// will be returned if the signature is not valid for any inputs, or if it is valid
/// for more than one input.
/// [`Signature`]: redpallas::Signature
pub fn append_signatures(
signatures: &[redpallas::Signature<SpendAuth>],
) -> Result<Self, BuildError> {
signatures.iter().try_fold(self, Self::append_signature)
fn append_signature(
signature: &redpallas::Signature<SpendAuth>,
) -> Result<Self, BuildError> {
let mut signature_valid_for = 0usize;
let bundle = self.map_authorization(
&mut signature_valid_for,
|valid_for, partial, maybe| match maybe {
MaybeSigned::SigningMetadata(parts) => {
let rk = parts.ak.randomize(&parts.alpha);
if rk.verify(&partial.sigs.sighash[..], signature).is_ok() {
*valid_for += 1;
} else {
// Signature isn't for this input.
s => s,
|_, partial| partial,
match signature_valid_for {
0 => Err(BuildError::InvalidExternalSignature),
1 => Ok(bundle),
_ => Err(BuildError::DuplicateSignature),
impl<V> Bundle<InProgress<Proof, PartiallyAuthorized>, V> {
/// Finalizes this bundle, enabling it to be included in a transaction.
/// Returns an error if any signatures are missing.
pub fn finalize(self) -> Result<Bundle<Authorized, V>, BuildError> {
&mut (),
|_, _, maybe| maybe.finalize(),
|_, partial| {
/// A trait that provides a minimized view of an Orchard input suitable for use in
/// fee and change calculation.
pub trait InputView<NoteRef> {
/// An identifier for the input being spent.
fn note_id(&self) -> &NoteRef;
/// The value of the input being spent.
fn value<V: From<u64>>(&self) -> V;
impl InputView<()> for SpendInfo {
fn note_id(&self) -> &() {
// The builder does not make use of note identifiers, so we can just return the unit value.
fn value<V: From<u64>>(&self) -> V {
/// A trait that provides a minimized view of an Orchard output suitable for use in
/// fee and change calculation.
pub trait OutputView {
/// The value of the output being produced.
fn value<V: From<u64>>(&self) -> V;
impl OutputView for OutputInfo {
fn value<V: From<u64>>(&self) -> V {
/// Generators for property testing.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-dependencies"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")))]
pub mod testing {
use core::fmt::Debug;
use incrementalmerkletree::{frontier::Frontier, Hashable};
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, CryptoRng, SeedableRng};
use proptest::collection::vec;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use crate::{
bundle::{Authorized, Bundle},
keys::{testing::arb_spending_key, FullViewingKey, SpendAuthorizingKey, SpendingKey},
tree::{Anchor, MerkleHashOrchard, MerklePath},
value::{testing::arb_positive_note_value, NoteValue, MAX_NOTE_VALUE},
Address, Note,
use super::{Builder, BundleType};
/// An intermediate type used for construction of arbitrary
/// bundle values. This type is required because of a limitation
/// of the proptest prop_compose! macro which does not correctly
/// handle polymorphic generator functions. Instead of generating
/// a bundle directly, we generate the bundle inputs, and then
/// are able to use the `build` function to construct the bundle
/// from these inputs, but using a `ValueBalance` implementation that
/// is defined by the end user.
struct ArbitraryBundleInputs<R> {
rng: R,
sk: SpendingKey,
anchor: Anchor,
notes: Vec<(Note, MerklePath)>,
output_amounts: Vec<(Address, NoteValue)>,
impl<R: RngCore + CryptoRng> ArbitraryBundleInputs<R> {
/// Create a bundle from the set of arbitrary bundle inputs.
fn into_bundle<V: TryFrom<i64>>(mut self) -> Bundle<Authorized, V> {
let fvk = FullViewingKey::from(&self.sk);
let mut builder = Builder::new(BundleType::DEFAULT, self.anchor);
for (note, path) in self.notes.into_iter() {
builder.add_spend(fvk.clone(), note, path).unwrap();
for (addr, value) in self.output_amounts.into_iter() {
let scope = fvk.scope_for_address(&addr).unwrap();
let ovk = fvk.to_ovk(scope);
.add_output(Some(ovk.clone()), addr, value, None)
let pk = ProvingKey::build();
.build(&mut self.rng)
.create_proof(&pk, &mut self.rng)
.prepare(&mut self.rng, [0; 32])
.sign(&mut self.rng, &SpendAuthorizingKey::from(&self.sk))
prop_compose! {
/// Produce a random valid Orchard bundle.
fn arb_bundle_inputs(sk: SpendingKey)
n_notes in 1usize..30,
n_outputs in 1..30,
// generate note values that we're certain won't exceed MAX_NOTE_VALUE in total
notes in vec(
arb_positive_note_value(MAX_NOTE_VALUE / n_notes as u64).prop_flat_map(arb_note),
output_amounts in vec(
arb_address().prop_flat_map(move |a| {
arb_positive_note_value(MAX_NOTE_VALUE / n_outputs as u64)
.prop_map(move |v| (a, v))
n_outputs as usize
rng_seed in prop::array::uniform32(prop::num::u8::ANY)
) -> ArbitraryBundleInputs<StdRng> {
use crate::constants::MERKLE_DEPTH_ORCHARD;
let mut frontier = Frontier::<MerkleHashOrchard, { MERKLE_DEPTH_ORCHARD as u8 }>::empty();
let mut notes_and_auth_paths: Vec<(Note, MerklePath)> = Vec::new();
for note in notes.iter() {
let leaf = MerkleHashOrchard::from_cmx(&note.commitment().into());
let path = frontier
.witness(|addr| Some(<MerkleHashOrchard as Hashable>::empty_root(addr.level())))
.expect("we can always construct a correct Merkle path");
notes_and_auth_paths.push((*note, path.into()));
ArbitraryBundleInputs {
rng: StdRng::from_seed(rng_seed),
anchor: frontier.root().into(),
notes: notes_and_auth_paths,
/// Produce an arbitrary valid Orchard bundle using a random spending key.
pub fn arb_bundle<V: TryFrom<i64> + Debug>() -> impl Strategy<Value = Bundle<Authorized, V>> {
.prop_map(|inputs| inputs.into_bundle::<V>())
/// Produce an arbitrary valid Orchard bundle using a specified spending key.
pub fn arb_bundle_with_key<V: TryFrom<i64> + Debug>(
k: SpendingKey,
) -> impl Strategy<Value = Bundle<Authorized, V>> {
arb_bundle_inputs(k).prop_map(|inputs| inputs.into_bundle::<V>())
mod tests {
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use super::Builder;
use crate::{
bundle::{Authorized, Bundle},
keys::{FullViewingKey, Scope, SpendingKey},
fn shielding_bundle() {
let pk = ProvingKey::build();
let mut rng = OsRng;
let sk = SpendingKey::random(&mut rng);
let fvk = FullViewingKey::from(&sk);
let recipient = fvk.address_at(0u32, Scope::External);
let mut builder = Builder::new(
.add_output(None, recipient, NoteValue::from_raw(5000), None)
let balance: i64 = builder.value_balance().unwrap();
assert_eq!(balance, -5000);
let bundle: Bundle<Authorized, i64> = builder
.build(&mut rng)
.create_proof(&pk, &mut rng)
.prepare(rng, [0; 32])
assert_eq!(bundle.value_balance(), &(-5000))