2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# Dependencies:
# <https://pypi.org/project/bintrees/> (pip install bintrees)
# <https://pypi.org/project/Pillow/> (pip install Pillow), if --animate is used
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from collections import deque
from math import log
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
# From the Halo paper:
# Let A = [0, 2^{λ/2 + 1} + 2^{λ/2} - 1]. It is straightforward to verify that a, b ∈ A
# at the end of Algorithm 3 for any input \mathbf{r}.
# {In fact a, b ∈ [2^{λ/2} + 1, 2^{λ/2 + 1} + 2^{λ/2} - 1], but it is convenient to
# define A to start at 0.}
# Next we need to show that the mapping (a ⦂ A, b ⦂ A) ↦ (a ζ_q + b) mod q is injective.
# This will depend on the specific values of ζ_q and q, and can be cast as a sumset problem.
# We use the notation v·A + A for { (av + b) mod q : a, b ∈ A }, and A - A for -1·A + A.
# {We take sumsets using this notation to implicitly be subsets of F_q.}
# The question is then whether |ζ_q·A + A| = |A|^2.
# For intuition, note that if av + b = a'v + b' (mod q), with a ≠ a', we would have
# v = (b' - b)/(a - a') (mod q). Thus the number of v ∈ F_q for which |v·A + A| < |A|^2
# is at most (|A - A| - 1)^2. {We thank Robert Israel for this observation. [HI2019]}
# Since in our case (|A - A| - 1)^2 ≈ 9·2^130 is small compared to q ≈ 2^254, we would
# heuristically expect that |ζ_q·A + A| = |A|^2 unless there is some reason why ζ_q does
# not "behave like a random element of F_q".
# Of course ζ_q is *not* a random element of F_q, and so the above argument can only be
# used for intuition. Even when (|A - A| - 1)^2 is small compared to q, there are clearly
# values of ζ_q and q for which it would not hold. To prove that it holds in the needed
# cases for the Tweedledum and Tweedledee curves used in our implementation, we take a
# different tack.
# Define a distance metric δ_q on F_q so that δ_q(x, y) is the minimum distance between
# x and y around the ring of integers modulo q in either direction, i.e.
# δ_q(x, y) = min(z, q - z) where z = (x - y) mod q
# Now let D_{q,ζ_q}(m) be the minimum δ_q-distance between any two elements of ζ_q·[0, m],
# i.e.
# D_{q,ζ_q}(m) = min{ δ_q(a ζ_q, a' ζ_q ) : a, a' ∈ [0, m] }
# An algorithm to compute D_{q,ζ_q}(m) is implemented by checksumsets.py in [Hopw2019]
# [i.e. this file]; it works by iteratively finding each m at which D_{q,ζ_q}(m)
# decreases. [...]
# Now if D_{q,ζ_q}(2^{λ/2 + 1} + 2^{λ/2} - 1) ≥ 2^{λ/2 + 1} + 2^{λ/2}, then copies of
# A will "fit within the gaps" in ζ_q·A. That is, ζ_q·A + A will have |A|^2 elements,
# because all of the sets { ζ_q·{a} + A : a ∈ A } will be disjoint.
# The algorithm is based on the observation that the problem of deciding when
# D_{q,ζ_q}(m) next decreases is self-similar to deciding when it first decreases.
# It computes the exact min-distance at each decrease (not just a lower bound),
# which facilitates detecting any bugs in the algorithm. Also, we check correctness
# of the partial results up to a given bound on m, against a naive algorithm.
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
DEBUG = False
class State:
2020-08-24 04:56:05 -07:00
u: int
m: int
n: int
d: int
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
def D(q, zeta, mm, animator=None):
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
if DEBUG: print("(q, zeta, mm) =", (q, zeta, mm))
2020-02-23 03:36:02 -08:00
Dcheck = [] if BRUTEFORCE_THRESHOLD == 0 else bruteforce_D(q, zeta, min(mm, BRUTEFORCE_THRESHOLD))
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# (u + am) : a ∈ Nat is the current arithmetic progression
# n is the previous min-distance
# d is the current min-distance
cur = State(u=0, m=1, n=q, d=zeta)
old = None
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
while True:
# Consider values of x where D_{q,ζ_q}(x) decreases, i.e. where
# D_{q,ζ_q}(x) < D_{q,ζ_q})(x-1).
# We keep track of an arithmetic progression (u + am) such that the next
# value at which D_{q,ζ_q}(x) decreases will be for x in this progression,
# at the point at which xζ gets close to (but not equal to) 0.
# TODO: explain why the target is always 0.
# If we set s = floor(n/d), then D_{q,ζ_q}(x) can decrease at a = s
# and potentially also at a = s+1.
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
assert (cur.m*zeta) % q in (cur.d, q - cur.d)
s = cur.n // cur.d
x0 = cur.u + s*cur.m
d0 = cur.n % cur.d
if DEBUG: print("\n(x0, d0, cur, s) =", (x0, d0, cur, s))
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
assert dist(0, x0*zeta, q) == d0
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
if x0-1 < len(Dcheck): assert Dcheck[x0-1] == cur.d
if x0 > mm:
if animator is not None:
animator.render(q, zeta, old, cur, None, s)
return cur.d
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
if x0 < len(Dcheck): assert Dcheck[x0] == d0
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
x1 = cur.u + (s+1)*cur.m
d1 = (s+1)*cur.d - cur.n
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
if d1 < d0:
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
if DEBUG: print("(x1, d1, cur, s+1) =", (x1, d1, cur, s+1))
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
assert dist(0, x1*zeta, q) == d1
if x1-1 < len(Dcheck): assert Dcheck[x1-1] == d0
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
if x1 > mm:
if animator is not None:
animator.render(q, zeta, old, cur, None, s+1)
return d0
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
if x1 < len(Dcheck): assert Dcheck[x1] == d1
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# This is the case where the smaller new distance is past zero.
# The next iteration should consider the region of size d0 starting at x = x0
# (i.e. just before we went past zero) and increasing by x1, i.e. dividing
# that region by intervals of d1.
new = State(u=x0, m=x1, n=d0, d=d1)
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# This is the case where the smaller new distance is short of zero.
# The next iteration should check the region of size cur.d - d0 starting at x = x1
# (i.e. the wraparound past zero) and increasing by x0, i.e. dividing that
# region by intervals of d0.
new = State(u=x1, m=x0, n=cur.d - d0, d=d0)
assert dist(0, new.u*zeta, q) in (new.n, q - new.n)
#if dist(0, new.u*zeta, q) != new.n: print("hmm")
if animator is not None:
animator.render(q, zeta, old, cur, new, s)
(old, cur) = (cur, new)
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
def bruteforce_D(q, zeta, mm):
# Can't use sortedcontainers because its data structures are backed by
# lists-of-lists, not trees. We must have O(log n) insert, prev, and succ.
from bintrees import RBTree as sortedset
resD = deque([zeta])
lastd = zeta
S = sortedset()
S.insert(0, None)
S.insert(q, None)
for x in range(1, mm+1):
v = (x*zeta) % q
S.insert(v, None)
vp = S.prev_key(v)
vs = S.succ_key(v)
d = min(v-vp, vs-v)
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
#if DEBUG and d < lastd: print((x, d))
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
lastd = d
return list(resD)
def dist(x, y, q):
z = (x-y+q) % q
return min(z, q-z)
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
def signed_mod(x, q):
r = x % q
return r if r <= q//2 else r-q
class Animator:
fontfile = '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/google/roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf'
frame_duration = 20 # ms
pause_frames = 35
zoom_frames = 45
width = 800 # pixels
height = 400 # pixels
oversample = 3
line_halfwidth = 1 # subpixels
ground_colour = '#ffffff' # white
scale_colour = '#0000a0' # blue
midline_colour = '#c00000' # red
old_colour = '#a0a0a0' # grey
cur_colour = '#000000' # black
new_colour = '#008000' # green
final_colour = '#c00000' # red
def __init__(self, name):
# We don't want to depend on PIL unless an Animator is instantiated.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor, ImageFont
self.Image = Image
self.ImageDraw = ImageDraw
self.ImageColor = ImageColor
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.fontfile, 20*self.oversample, index=0, encoding='unic')
self.font_super = ImageFont.truetype(self.fontfile, 12*self.oversample, index=0, encoding='unic')
self.images = deque()
self.name = name
def render(self, q, zeta, old, cur, new, s):
n = min(cur.n, q//2)
for aa in range(1, s+1):
self.render_zoomed(q, zeta, old, cur, None, aa, n)
if new is None:
self.render_zoomed(q, zeta, old, cur, new, s+1, n, final=True)
self.render_zoomed( q, zeta, old, cur, new, s+1, n, frames=self.pause_frames)
step = (1.0*n/new.n - 1.0)/self.zoom_frames
for zoom in range(1, self.zoom_frames):
n_scale = int(n/(1.0 + zoom*step))
self.render_zoomed(q, zeta, old, cur, new, s+1, n_scale)
self.render_zoomed( q, zeta, old, cur, new, s+1, new.n, frames=self.pause_frames)
def render_zoomed(self, q, zeta, old, cur, new, aa, n_scale, frames=1, final=False):
px = self.oversample
lx = self.line_halfwidth
(w, h) = (self.width * px, self.height * px)
scale = (w/2)/n_scale
xmid = w//2
ymid = (40*px + h)//2
image = self.Image.new('RGB', (w, h), color=self.ground_colour)
draw = self.ImageDraw.Draw(image)
bits = int(log(n_scale, 2))
for tick in range(bits-3, bits+1):
xoff = int(scale*(1<<tick))
draw.text((xmid-xoff-21*px, 7*px), '−2', self.scale_colour, font=self.font)
draw.text((xmid-xoff, px), str(tick), self.scale_colour, font=self.font_super)
draw.rectangle((xmid-xoff-lx, 30*px, xmid-xoff+lx, 40*px), fill=self.scale_colour)
draw.text((xmid+xoff-21*px, 7*px), '+2', self.scale_colour, font=self.font)
draw.text((xmid+xoff, px), str(tick), self.scale_colour, font=self.font_super)
draw.rectangle((xmid+xoff-lx, 30*px, xmid+xoff+lx, 40*px), fill=self.scale_colour)
draw.rectangle((xmid-lx, 0, xmid+lx, h), fill=self.midline_colour)
draw.rectangle((0, 40*px-lx, w, 40*px+lx), fill=self.scale_colour)
if old is not None:
old_aa = (old.n // old.d)+1
for a in range(old_aa+1):
x = signed_mod(zeta*(old.u + a*old.m), q)
xpos = w//2 + int(scale*x)
draw.rectangle((xpos-lx, 40*px, xpos+lx, h), fill=self.old_colour)
for a in range(aa+1):
x = signed_mod(zeta*(cur.u + a*cur.m), q)
xpos = w//2 + int(scale*x)
draw.rectangle((xpos-lx, 40*px, xpos+lx, h), fill=self.cur_colour)
if new is not None:
x = signed_mod(zeta*new.u, q)
xpos = w//2 + int(scale*x)
draw.rectangle((xpos, ymid-lx, xmid, ymid+lx), fill=self.new_colour)
draw.rectangle((xpos-lx, 40*px, xpos+lx, h), fill=self.new_colour)
if final:
x = signed_mod(zeta*(cur.u + aa*cur.m), q)
xpos = w//2 + int(scale*x)
draw.rectangle((xpos, ymid-lx, xmid, ymid+lx), fill=self.final_colour)
draw.rectangle((xpos-lx, 40*px, xpos+lx, h), fill=self.final_colour)
image = image.resize((self.width, self.height), self.Image.ANTIALIAS)
for f in range(frames):
def save(self):
filename = 'animation-%s.gif' % (self.name,)
print("Saving %s..." % (filename,))
first, *rest = list(self.images)
# Save as animated GIF. We can convert to a more space-efficient format separately.
first.save(fp=filename, format='GIF', append_images=rest,
save_all=True, duration=self.frame_duration, loop=1)
del self.images
def check_sumset(name, q, zeta, limit, animator=None):
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
print("===== %s =====" % (name,))
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
Dq = D(q, zeta, limit-1, animator)
print("\nD_%s = %s" % (name, Dq))
print(" %s" % ('≥' if Dq >= limit else '<'), limit)
if animator is not None:
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
assert Dq >= limit
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:]
if "--help" in args:
print("Usage: checksumsets.py [--animate]")
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
halflambda = 64
limit = 3<<halflambda
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# Tweedledum and Tweedledee
p = (1<<254) + 4707489545178046908921067385359695873
q = (1<<254) + 4707489544292117082687961190295928833
zeta_p = 9513155655832138286304767221959569637168364952810827555227185832555034233288
zeta_q = 24775483399512474214391554062650059912556682109176536098332128018848638018813
2020-02-10 07:06:43 -08:00
2020-06-23 08:27:06 -07:00
# Tests
global DEBUG
DEBUG = False
assert(D(65537, 6123, 10000, None) == 3)
assert(D(1299721, 538936, 10000, None) == 41)
assert(D(179424691, 134938504, 100000, None) == 121)
p_params = ("p", p, zeta_p, limit)
q_params = ("q", q, zeta_q, limit)
DEBUG = False
for (name, prime, zeta, limit) in (p_params, q_params):
animator = None
if "--animate" in args:
animator = Animator(name)
check_sumset(name, prime, zeta, limit, animator=animator)