Change to XMD:BLAKE2b, and use the same test vectors as the Rust implementation.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-02-21 21:11:19 +00:00
parent 779c3b117e
commit c51449a535
2 changed files with 116 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -6,15 +6,8 @@
import sys
from math import ceil, log
from struct import pack
import hashlib
if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
import sha3
except ImportError:
print('Please run:\n`sage -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"` -m pip install pysha3\n')
from hashlib import shake_128
from pyblake2 import blake2b
from hashlib import sha256
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
range = xrange
@ -22,6 +15,10 @@ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
as_byte = lambda x: x
def as_bytes(x):
# <>
return bytes(bytearray(x))
DEBUG = True
@ -64,7 +61,12 @@ def is_good_Z(F, g, A, B, Z):
# Point in Chudnovsky coordinates (Jacobian with Z^2 and Z^3 cached).
class ChudnovskyPoint:
def __init__(self, E, x, y, z, z2, z3):
def __init__(self, E, x, y, z, z2=None, z3=None):
if z2 is None:
z2 = z^2
if z3 is None:
z3 = z^3
(0, 0, 0, A, B) = E.a_invariants()
assert z2 == z^2
@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ class ChudnovskyPoint:
return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __repr__(self):
return "%r : %r : %r : %r : %r" % (hex(int(self.x)), hex(int(self.y)), hex(int(self.z)), hex(int(self.z2)), hex(int(self.z3)))
return "ChudnovskyPoint {\n 0x%064x\n: 0x%064x\n: 0x%064x\n: 0x%064x\n: 0x%064x\n}" % (int(self.x), int(self.y), int(self.z), int(self.z2), int(self.z3))
assert p == 0x40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001
@ -167,25 +169,25 @@ assert q == 0x40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc0994a8dd8c46eb2100000001
Fp = GF(p)
Fq = GF(q)
E_isop_A = 10949663248450308183708987909873589833737836120165333298109615750520499732811
E_isoq_A = 17413348858408915339762682399132325137863850198379221683097628341577494210225
E_isop_B = 1265
E_isoq_B = 1265
E_isop = EllipticCurve(Fp, [E_isop_A, E_isop_B])
E_isoq = EllipticCurve(Fq, [E_isoq_A, E_isoq_B])
E_p = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0, 5])
E_q = EllipticCurve(Fq, [0, 5])
IsoEp_A = 10949663248450308183708987909873589833737836120165333298109615750520499732811
IsoEq_A = 17413348858408915339762682399132325137863850198379221683097628341577494210225
IsoEp_B = 1265
IsoEq_B = 1265
IsoEp = EllipticCurve(Fp, [IsoEp_A, IsoEp_B])
IsoEq = EllipticCurve(Fq, [IsoEq_A, IsoEq_B])
Ep = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0, 5])
Eq = EllipticCurve(Fq, [0, 5])
k = 128
k = 256
Lp = (len(format(p, 'b')) + k + 7) // 8
Lq = (len(format(q, 'b')) + k + 7) // 8
assert Lp == 48 and Lq == 48
L = Lp
assert Lp == 64 and Lq == 64
Z_isop = find_z_sswu(E_isop)
Z_isoq = find_z_sswu(E_isoq)
assert Z_isop == Mod(-13, p)
assert Z_isoq == Mod(-13, q)
IsoEpZ = find_z_sswu(IsoEp)
IsoEqZ = find_z_sswu(IsoEq)
assert IsoEpZ == Mod(-13, p)
assert IsoEqZ == Mod(-13, q)
def select_z_nz(s, ifz, ifnz):
@ -193,6 +195,8 @@ def select_z_nz(s, ifz, ifnz):
return ifz if (s == 0) else ifnz
def map_to_curve_simple_swu(F, E, Z, u, c):
if VERBOSE: print("map_to_curve(0x%064x)" % (u,))
# would be precomputed
h = F.g
(0, 0, 0, A, B) = E.a_invariants()
@ -248,6 +252,7 @@ def map_to_curve_simple_swu(F, E, Z, u, c):
# 7. If is_square(gx1), set x = x1 and y = sqrt(gx1)
# 8. Else set x = x2 and y = sqrt(gx2)
(y1, zero_if_gx1_square) = F.sarkar_divsqrt(U, D3, c)
if VERBOSE: print("zero_if_gx1_square = %064x" % (zero_if_gx1_square,))
# This magic also comes from a generalization of [WB2019, section 4.2].
@ -314,6 +319,7 @@ def isop_map_jacobian(P, c):
z4 = c.sqr(z2)
z6 = c.sqr(z3)
if VERBOSE: print("IsoEp { x: 0x%064x, y: 0x%064x, z: 0x%064x }" % (x, y, z))
Nx = ((( 6432893846517566412420610278260439325191790329320346825767705947633326140075 *x +
23989696149150192365340222745168215001509815558210986772351135915822265203574*z2)*x +
10492611921771203378452795982353351666191589197598957448093274638589204800759*z4)*x +
@ -335,6 +341,8 @@ def isop_map_jacobian(P, c):
28948022309329048855892746252171976963363056481941560715954676764349967629797*z6) * z3
c.muls += 6
if VERBOSE: print("num_x = 0x%064x\ndiv_x = 0x%064x\nnum_y = 0x%064x\ndiv_y = 0x%064x" % (Nx, Dx, Ny, Dy))
zo = c.mul(Dx, Dy)
xo = c.mul(c.mul(Nx, Dy), zo)
yo = c.mul(c.mul(Ny, Dx), c.sqr(zo))
@ -405,22 +413,27 @@ def isoq_map_jacobian(P, c):
assert isoq_map_affine(x / z2, y / z3, Cost()) == (xo / zo^2, yo / zo^3)
return (xo, yo, zo)
def hex_bytes(bs):
return "[%s]" % (", ".join(["%02x" % (as_byte(b),) for b in bs]),)
def expand_message_xof(msg, DST, len_in_bytes):
assert len(DST) < 256
len_in_bytes = int(len_in_bytes)
def hash(hasher, msg):
if VERBOSE: print(hex_bytes(msg))
h = hasher()
return h.digest()
# This is horrible but matches the reference code.
xof = shake_128()
xof.update(pack(">H", len_in_bytes))
xof.update(pack("B", len(DST)))
return xof.digest(len_in_bytes)
SHA256 = (sha256, 32, 64)
BLAKE2b = (blake2b, 64, 64)
def hash_to_field(modulus, msg, DST, count):
uniform_bytes = expand_message_xof(msg, DST, L*count)
return [Mod(OS2IP(uniform_bytes[L*i : L*(i+1)]), modulus) for i in range(count)]
def hash_to_field(modulus, message, DST, count):
outlen = int(count * CHUNKLEN)
uniform_bytes = expand_message_xmd(BLAKE2b, message, DST, outlen)
print(hex_bytes(uniform_bytes[: 64]))
print(hex_bytes(uniform_bytes[64 :]))
return [Mod(OS2IP(uniform_bytes[CHUNKLEN*i : CHUNKLEN*(i+1)]), modulus) for i in range(count)]
def OS2IP(bs):
acc = 0
@ -428,50 +441,91 @@ def OS2IP(bs):
acc = (acc<<8) + as_byte(b)
return acc
def expand_message_xmd(H, msg, DST, len_in_bytes):
(hasher, b_in_bytes, r_in_bytes) = H
assert len(DST) <= 255
ell = (len_in_bytes + b_in_bytes - 1)//b_in_bytes
assert ell <= 255
DST_prime = DST + as_bytes([len(DST)])
msg_prime = b"\x00"*r_in_bytes + bytes(msg) + as_bytes([len_in_bytes >> 8, len_in_bytes & 0xFF, 0]) + DST_prime
if VERBOSE: print("b_0:")
b_0 = hash(hasher, msg_prime)
if VERBOSE: print("b_1:")
b = hash(hasher, b_0 + b"\x01" + DST_prime)
for i in range(2, ell+1):
if VERBOSE: print("b_%d:" % (i,))
b += hash(hasher, as_bytes(as_byte(x) ^^ as_byte(y) for x, y in zip(b_0, b[-64 :])) + as_bytes([i]) + DST_prime)
return b[: len_in_bytes]
def hash_to_pallas_jacobian(msg, DST):
c = Cost()
us = hash_to_field(p, msg, DST, 2)
#print("u = ", u)
Q0 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, E_isop, Z_isop, us[0], c)
Q1 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, E_isop, Z_isop, us[1], c)
if VERBOSE: print("us = [0x%064x, 0x064%x]" % (us[0], us[1]))
Q0 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, IsoEp, IsoEpZ, us[0], c)
Q1 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, IsoEp, IsoEpZ, us[1], c)
R = Q0.add(Q1, E_isop, c)
# Q0.add(Q0, E_isop, Cost()) # check that unified addition works
R = Q0.add(Q1, IsoEp, c)
# Q0.add(Q0, IsoEp, Cost()) # check that unified addition works
# no cofactor clearing needed since Pallas is prime-order
(Px, Py, Pz) = isop_map_jacobian(R, c)
P = E_p((Px / Pz^2, Py / Pz^3))
return (P, c)
P = Ep((Px / Pz^2, Py / Pz^3))
return ((Px, Py, Pz), c)
def hash_to_vesta_jacobian(msg, DST):
c = Cost()
us = hash_to_field(q, msg, DST, 2)
#print("u = ", u)
Q0 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, E_isoq, Z_isoq, us[0], c)
Q1 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, E_isoq, Z_isoq, us[1], c)
if VERBOSE: print("us = [0x%064x, 0x064%x]" % (us[0], us[1]))
Q0 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, IsoEq, IsoEqZ, us[0], c)
Q1 = map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, IsoEq, IsoEqZ, us[1], c)
R = Q0.add(Q1, E_isoq, c)
# Q0.add(Q0, E_isoq, Cost()) # check that unified addition works
R = Q0.add(Q1, IsoEq, c)
# Q0.add(Q0, IsoEq, Cost()) # check that unified addition works
# no cofactor clearing needed since Vesta is prime-order
(Px, Py, Pz) = isoq_map_jacobian(R, c)
P = E_q((Px / Pz^2, Py / Pz^3))
return (P, c)
P = Eq((Px / Pz^2, Py / Pz^3))
return ((Px, Py, Pz), c)
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, E_isop, Z_isop, Mod(1, p), Cost()))
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, E_isoq, Z_isoq, Mod(1, q), Cost()))
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, IsoEp, IsoEpZ, Mod(0, p), Cost()))
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_p, IsoEp, IsoEpZ, Mod(1, p), Cost()))
print(hash_to_pallas_jacobian("hello", "blah"))
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, IsoEq, IsoEqZ, Mod(0, q), Cost()))
print(hash_to_vesta_jacobian("hello", "blah"))
print(map_to_curve_simple_swu(F_q, IsoEq, IsoEqZ, Mod(1, q), Cost()))
(x, y, z) = isop_map_jacobian(
Mod(0x0a881e4d556945aa9c6cfc47bce1aba6593c053e5e2337adc37f111df5c4419e, p),
Mod(0x035e5c8a06d5cfb4a62eec46f662cb4e6979f7f2b0acf188f234e04434502b47, p),
Mod(0x3af37975b09331256ac4e343558dcbf3575baa717958ef1f11ab791d4fb6f6b4, p)),
print("Ep { x: 0x%064x, y: 0x%064x, z: 0x%064x }" % (x, y, z))
# This test vector is chosen so that the first map_to_curve_simple_swu takes the gx1 square
# "branch" and the second takes the gx1 non-square "branch" (opposite to the Vesta test vector).
((x, y, z), c) = hash_to_pallas_jacobian(b"world", "")
print("Ep { x: 0x%064x, y: 0x%064x, z: 0x%064x }" % (x, y, z))
# This test vector is chosen so that the first map_to_curve_simple_swu takes the gx1 non-square
# "branch" and the second takes the gx1 square "branch" (opposite to the Pallas test vector).
((x, y, z), c) = hash_to_vesta_jacobian(b"hello", "")
print("Eq { x: 0x%064x, y: 0x%064x, z: 0x%064x }" % (x, y, z))
iters = 100
for i in range(iters):
(R, cost) = hash_to_pallas_jacobian(pack(">I", i), "blah")
(R, cost) = hash_to_pallas_jacobian(pack(">I", i), "")
print(R, cost)

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ DEBUG = True
OP_COUNT = False
class Cost:
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ class SqrtField:
return (res, zero_if_square)
Return (sqrt(N/D), True, c), if N/D is square in the field.
(sqrt(g*N/D), False, c), otherwise.
Return (sqrt(N/D), True ), if N/D is square in the field.
(sqrt(g*N/D), False), otherwise.
This avoids the full cost of computing N/D.