
1074 lines
38 KiB

//! The Sapling circuits.
use core::fmt;
use std::io;
use group::{ff::PrimeField, Curve};
use bellman::{groth16, Circuit, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError};
use bls12_381::Bls12;
use super::{value::NoteValue, PaymentAddress, ProofGenerationKey};
use bellman::gadgets::blake2s;
use bellman::gadgets::boolean;
use bellman::gadgets::multipack;
use bellman::gadgets::num;
use bellman::gadgets::Assignment;
use self::constants::{
use group::ff::PrimeFieldBits;
mod constants;
mod ecc;
mod pedersen_hash;
// π_A + π_B + π_C
pub(crate) const GROTH_PROOF_SIZE: usize = 48 + 96 + 48;
/// The opening (value and randomness) of a Sapling value commitment.
pub struct ValueCommitmentOpening {
pub value: NoteValue,
pub randomness: jubjub::Scalar,
impl ValueCommitmentOpening {
fn commitment(&self) -> jubjub::ExtendedPoint {
let cv = (super::constants::VALUE_COMMITMENT_VALUE_GENERATOR
* jubjub::Fr::from(self.value.inner()))
+ (super::constants::VALUE_COMMITMENT_RANDOMNESS_GENERATOR * self.randomness);
/// This is an instance of the `Spend` circuit.
pub struct Spend {
/// The opening of a Pedersen commitment to the value being spent.
pub value_commitment_opening: Option<ValueCommitmentOpening>,
/// Key required to construct proofs for spending notes
/// for a particular spending key
pub proof_generation_key: Option<ProofGenerationKey>,
/// The payment address associated with the note
pub payment_address: Option<PaymentAddress>,
/// The randomness of the note commitment
pub commitment_randomness: Option<jubjub::Fr>,
/// Re-randomization of the public key
pub ar: Option<jubjub::Fr>,
/// The authentication path of the commitment in the tree
pub auth_path: Vec<Option<(bls12_381::Scalar, bool)>>,
/// The anchor; the root of the tree. If the note being
/// spent is zero-value, this can be anything.
pub anchor: Option<bls12_381::Scalar>,
impl fmt::Debug for Spend {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("anchor", &self.anchor)
/// This is an output circuit instance.
pub struct Output {
/// The opening of a Pedersen commitment to the value being spent.
pub value_commitment_opening: Option<ValueCommitmentOpening>,
/// The payment address of the recipient
pub payment_address: Option<PaymentAddress>,
/// The randomness used to hide the note commitment data
pub commitment_randomness: Option<jubjub::Fr>,
/// The ephemeral secret key for DH with recipient
pub esk: Option<jubjub::Fr>,
impl fmt::Debug for Output {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Exposes a Pedersen commitment to the value as an
/// input to the circuit
fn expose_value_commitment<CS>(
mut cs: CS,
value_commitment_opening: Option<ValueCommitmentOpening>,
) -> Result<Vec<boolean::Boolean>, SynthesisError>
CS: ConstraintSystem<bls12_381::Scalar>,
// Booleanize the value into little-endian bit order
let value_bits = boolean::u64_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "value"),
value_commitment_opening.as_ref().map(|c| c.value.inner()),
// Compute the note value in the exponent
let value = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "compute the value in the exponent"),
// Booleanize the randomness. This does not ensure
// the bit representation is "in the field" because
// it doesn't matter for security.
let rcv = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "rcv"),
value_commitment_opening.as_ref().map(|c| c.randomness),
// Compute the randomness in the exponent
let rcv = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of rcv"),
// Compute the Pedersen commitment to the value
let cv = value.add(cs.namespace(|| "computation of cv"), &rcv)?;
// Expose the commitment as an input to the circuit
cv.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "commitment point"))?;
impl Circuit<bls12_381::Scalar> for Spend {
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<bls12_381::Scalar>>(
cs: &mut CS,
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
// Prover witnesses ak (ensures that it's on the curve)
let ak = ecc::EdwardsPoint::witness(
cs.namespace(|| "ak"),
self.proof_generation_key.as_ref().map(|k| (&k.ak).into()),
// There are no sensible attacks on small order points
// of ak (that we're aware of!) but it's a cheap check,
// so we do it.
ak.assert_not_small_order(cs.namespace(|| "ak not small order"))?;
// Rerandomize ak and expose it as an input to the circuit
let ar = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(cs.namespace(|| "ar"),;
// Compute the randomness in the exponent
let ar = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of randomization for the signing key"),
let rk = ak.add(cs.namespace(|| "computation of rk"), &ar)?;
rk.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "rk"))?;
// Compute nk = [nsk] ProofGenerationKey
let nk;
// Witness nsk as bits
let nsk = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "nsk"),
self.proof_generation_key.as_ref().map(|k| k.nsk),
// NB: We don't ensure that the bit representation of nsk
// is "in the field" (jubjub::Fr) because it's not used
// except to demonstrate the prover knows it. If they know
// a congruency then that's equivalent.
// Compute nk = [nsk] ProvingPublicKey
nk = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of nk"),
// This is the "viewing key" preimage for CRH^ivk
let mut ivk_preimage = vec![];
// Place ak in the preimage for CRH^ivk
ivk_preimage.extend(ak.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of ak"))?);
// This is the nullifier preimage for PRF^nf
let mut nf_preimage = vec![];
// Extend ivk and nf preimages with the representation of
// nk.
let repr_nk = nk.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of nk"))?;
assert_eq!(ivk_preimage.len(), 512);
assert_eq!(nf_preimage.len(), 256);
// Compute the incoming viewing key ivk
let mut ivk = blake2s::blake2s(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of ivk"),
// drop_5 to ensure it's in the field
ivk.truncate(jubjub::Fr::CAPACITY as usize);
// Witness g_d, checking that it's on the curve.
let g_d = {
cs.namespace(|| "witness g_d"),
self.payment_address.as_ref().map(|a| {
.expect("checked at construction")
// Check that g_d is not small order. Technically, this check
// is already done in the Output circuit, and this proof ensures
// g_d is bound to a product of that check, but for defense in
// depth let's check it anyway. It's cheap.
g_d.assert_not_small_order(cs.namespace(|| "g_d not small order"))?;
// Compute pk_d = g_d^ivk
let pk_d = g_d.mul(cs.namespace(|| "compute pk_d"), &ivk)?;
// Compute note contents:
// value (in big endian) followed by g_d and pk_d
let mut note_contents = vec![];
// Handle the value; we'll need it later for the
// dummy input check.
let mut value_num = num::Num::zero();
// Get the value in little-endian bit order
let value_bits = expose_value_commitment(
cs.namespace(|| "value commitment"),
// Compute the note's value as a linear combination
// of the bits.
let mut coeff = bls12_381::Scalar::one();
for bit in &value_bits {
value_num = value_num.add_bool_with_coeff(CS::one(), bit, coeff);
coeff = coeff.double();
// Place the value in the note
// Place g_d in the note
note_contents.extend(g_d.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of g_d"))?);
// Place pk_d in the note
note_contents.extend(pk_d.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of pk_d"))?);
64 + // value
256 + // g_d
256 // p_d
// Compute the hash of the note contents
let mut cm = pedersen_hash::pedersen_hash(
cs.namespace(|| "note content hash"),
// Booleanize the randomness for the note commitment
let rcm = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "rcm"),
// Compute the note commitment randomness in the exponent
let rcm = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of commitment randomness"),
// Randomize the note commitment. Pedersen hashes are not
// themselves hiding commitments.
cm = cm.add(cs.namespace(|| "randomization of note commitment"), &rcm)?;
// This will store (least significant bit first)
// the position of the note in the tree, for use
// in nullifier computation.
let mut position_bits = vec![];
// This is an injective encoding, as cur is a
// point in the prime order subgroup.
let mut cur = cm.get_u().clone();
// Ascend the merkle tree authentication path
for (i, e) in self.auth_path.into_iter().enumerate() {
let cs = &mut cs.namespace(|| format!("merkle tree hash {}", i));
// Determines if the current subtree is the "right" leaf at this
// depth of the tree.
let cur_is_right = boolean::Boolean::from(boolean::AllocatedBit::alloc(
cs.namespace(|| "position bit"),|e| e.1),
// Push this boolean for nullifier computation later
// Witness the authentication path element adjacent
// at this depth.
let path_element =
num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "path element"), || Ok(e.get()?.0))?;
// Swap the two if the current subtree is on the right
let (ul, ur) = num::AllocatedNum::conditionally_reverse(
cs.namespace(|| "conditional reversal of preimage"),
// We don't need to be strict, because the function is
// collision-resistant. If the prover witnesses a congruency,
// they will be unable to find an authentication path in the
// tree with high probability.
let mut preimage = vec![];
preimage.extend(ul.to_bits_le(cs.namespace(|| "ul into bits"))?);
preimage.extend(ur.to_bits_le(cs.namespace(|| "ur into bits"))?);
// Compute the new subtree value
cur = pedersen_hash::pedersen_hash(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of pedersen hash"),
.clone(); // Injective encoding
let real_anchor_value = self.anchor;
// Allocate the "real" anchor that will be exposed.
let rt = num::AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "conditional anchor"), || {
// (cur - rt) * value = 0
// if value is zero, cur and rt can be different
// if value is nonzero, they must be equal
|| "conditionally enforce correct root",
|lc| lc + cur.get_variable() - rt.get_variable(),
|lc| lc + &,
|lc| lc,
// Expose the anchor
rt.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "anchor"))?;
// Compute the cm + g^position for preventing
// faerie gold attacks
let mut rho = cm;
// Compute the position in the exponent
let position = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "g^position"),
// Add the position to the commitment
rho = rho.add(cs.namespace(|| "faerie gold prevention"), &position)?;
// Let's compute nf = BLAKE2s(nk || rho)
nf_preimage.extend(rho.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of rho"))?);
assert_eq!(nf_preimage.len(), 512);
// Compute nf
let nf = blake2s::blake2s(
cs.namespace(|| "nf computation"),
multipack::pack_into_inputs(cs.namespace(|| "pack nullifier"), &nf)
impl Circuit<bls12_381::Scalar> for Output {
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<bls12_381::Scalar>>(
cs: &mut CS,
) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
// Let's start to construct our note, which contains
// value (big endian)
let mut note_contents = vec![];
// Expose the value commitment and place the value
// in the note.
cs.namespace(|| "value commitment"),
// Let's deal with g_d
// Prover witnesses g_d, ensuring it's on the
// curve.
let g_d = ecc::EdwardsPoint::witness(
cs.namespace(|| "witness g_d"),
self.payment_address.as_ref().map(|a| {
.expect("checked at construction")
// g_d is ensured to be large order. The relationship
// between g_d and pk_d ultimately binds ivk to the
// note. If this were a small order point, it would
// not do this correctly, and the prover could
// double-spend by finding random ivk's that satisfy
// the relationship.
// Further, if it were small order, epk would be
// small order too!
g_d.assert_not_small_order(cs.namespace(|| "g_d not small order"))?;
// Extend our note contents with the representation of
// g_d.
note_contents.extend(g_d.repr(cs.namespace(|| "representation of g_d"))?);
// Booleanize our ephemeral secret key
let esk = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(cs.namespace(|| "esk"), self.esk)?;
// Create the ephemeral public key from g_d.
let epk = g_d.mul(cs.namespace(|| "epk computation"), &esk)?;
// Expose epk publicly.
epk.inputize(cs.namespace(|| "epk"))?;
// Now let's deal with pk_d. We don't do any checks and
// essentially allow the prover to witness any 256 bits
// they would like.
// Just grab pk_d from the witness
let pk_d = self
.map(|e| jubjub::ExtendedPoint::from(e.pk_d().inner()).to_affine());
// Witness the v-coordinate, encoded as little
// endian bits (to match the representation)
let v_contents = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "pk_d bits of v"),|e| e.get_v()),
// Witness the sign bit
let sign_bit = boolean::Boolean::from(boolean::AllocatedBit::alloc(
cs.namespace(|| "pk_d bit of u"),|e| e.get_u().is_odd().into()),
// Extend the note with pk_d representation
64 + // value
256 + // g_d
256 // pk_d
// Compute the hash of the note contents
let mut cm = pedersen_hash::pedersen_hash(
cs.namespace(|| "note content hash"),
// Booleanize the randomness
let rcm = boolean::field_into_boolean_vec_le(
cs.namespace(|| "rcm"),
// Compute the note commitment randomness in the exponent
let rcm = ecc::fixed_base_multiplication(
cs.namespace(|| "computation of commitment randomness"),
// Randomize our note commitment
cm = cm.add(cs.namespace(|| "randomization of note commitment"), &rcm)?;
// Only the u-coordinate of the output is revealed,
// since we know it is prime order, and we know that
// the u-coordinate is an injective encoding for
// elements in the prime-order subgroup.
cm.get_u().inputize(cs.namespace(|| "commitment"))?;
/// The parameters for the Sapling Spend circuit.
pub struct SpendParameters(pub(crate) groth16::Parameters<Bls12>);
impl SpendParameters {
/// Reads the parameters from their encoding.
/// Only set `verify_point_encodings` to false if you are verifying the parameters in
/// another way (such as checking the hash of the parameters file on disk).
pub fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: R, verify_point_encodings: bool) -> io::Result<Self> {
groth16::Parameters::<Bls12>::read(reader, verify_point_encodings).map(Self)
/// Returns the verifying key for the Sapling Spend circuit.
pub fn verifying_key(&self) -> SpendVerifyingKey {
/// Returns the verifying key for the Sapling Spend circuit, with precomputations
/// optimized for verifying individual proofs.
pub fn prepared_verifying_key(&self) -> PreparedSpendVerifyingKey {
/// The verifying key for the Sapling Spend circuit.
pub struct SpendVerifyingKey(pub(crate) groth16::VerifyingKey<Bls12>);
impl SpendVerifyingKey {
/// Performs precomputations optimized for verifying individual proofs.
pub fn prepare(&self) -> PreparedSpendVerifyingKey {
/// The verifying key for the Sapling Spend circuit, with precomputations optimized for
/// verifying individual proofs.
pub struct PreparedSpendVerifyingKey(pub(crate) groth16::PreparedVerifyingKey<Bls12>);
/// The parameters for the Sapling Output circuit.
pub struct OutputParameters(pub(crate) groth16::Parameters<Bls12>);
impl OutputParameters {
/// Reads the parameters from their encoding.
/// Only set `verify_point_encodings` to false if you are verifying the parameters in
/// another way (such as checking the hash of the parameters file on disk).
pub fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: R, verify_point_encodings: bool) -> io::Result<Self> {
groth16::Parameters::<Bls12>::read(reader, verify_point_encodings).map(Self)
/// Returns the verifying key for the Sapling Output circuit.
pub fn verifying_key(&self) -> OutputVerifyingKey {
/// Returns the verifying key for the Sapling Output circuit, with precomputations
/// optimized for verifying individual proofs.
pub fn prepared_verifying_key(&self) -> PreparedOutputVerifyingKey {
/// The verifying key for the Sapling Output circuit.
pub struct OutputVerifyingKey(pub(crate) groth16::VerifyingKey<Bls12>);
impl OutputVerifyingKey {
/// Performs precomputations optimized for verifying individual proofs.
pub fn prepare(&self) -> PreparedOutputVerifyingKey {
/// The verifying key for the Sapling Output circuit, with precomputations optimized for
/// verifying individual proofs.
pub struct PreparedOutputVerifyingKey(pub(crate) groth16::PreparedVerifyingKey<Bls12>);
fn test_input_circuit_with_bls12_381() {
use crate::{
keys::SpendValidatingKey, pedersen_hash, Diversifier, Note, ProofGenerationKey, Rseed,
use bellman::gadgets::test::*;
use group::ff::Field;
use rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([
0x58, 0x62, 0xbe, 0x3d, 0x76, 0x3d, 0x31, 0x8d, 0x17, 0xdb, 0x37, 0x32, 0x54, 0x06, 0xbc,
let tree_depth = 32;
for _ in 0..10 {
let value_commitment = ValueCommitmentOpening {
value: NoteValue::from_raw(rng.next_u64()),
randomness: jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng),
let proof_generation_key = ProofGenerationKey {
ak: SpendValidatingKey::fake_random(&mut rng),
nsk: jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng),
let viewing_key = proof_generation_key.to_viewing_key();
let payment_address;
loop {
let diversifier = {
let mut d = [0; 11];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut d);
if let Some(p) = viewing_key.to_payment_address(diversifier) {
payment_address = p;
let commitment_randomness = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let auth_path =
vec![Some((bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng), rng.next_u32() % 2 != 0)); tree_depth];
let ar = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let rk = jubjub::AffinePoint::from_bytes(viewing_key.rk(ar).into()).unwrap();
let expected_value_commitment = value_commitment.commitment().to_affine();
let note = Note::from_parts(
let mut position = 0u64;
let cmu = note.cmu();
let mut cur = bls12_381::Scalar::from_bytes(&cmu.to_bytes()).unwrap();
for (i, val) in auth_path.clone().into_iter().enumerate() {
let (uncle, b) = val.unwrap();
let mut lhs = cur;
let mut rhs = uncle;
if b {
::std::mem::swap(&mut lhs, &mut rhs);
let lhs = lhs.to_le_bits();
let rhs = rhs.to_le_bits();
cur = jubjub::ExtendedPoint::from(pedersen_hash::pedersen_hash(
.take(bls12_381::Scalar::NUM_BITS as usize)
.take(bls12_381::Scalar::NUM_BITS as usize),
if b {
position |= 1 << i;
let expected_nf =, position);
let expected_nf = multipack::bytes_to_bits_le(&expected_nf.0);
let expected_nf = multipack::compute_multipacking(&expected_nf);
assert_eq!(expected_nf.len(), 2);
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::new();
let instance = Spend {
value_commitment_opening: Some(value_commitment.clone()),
proof_generation_key: Some(proof_generation_key.clone()),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(commitment_randomness),
ar: Some(ar),
auth_path: auth_path.clone(),
anchor: Some(cur),
instance.synthesize(&mut cs).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cs.num_constraints(), 98777);
cs.get("randomization of note commitment/u3/num").to_repr(),
assert_eq!(cs.num_inputs(), 8);
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(0, "ONE"), bls12_381::Scalar::one());
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(1, "rk/u/input variable"), rk.get_u());
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(2, "rk/v/input variable"), rk.get_v());
cs.get_input(3, "value commitment/commitment point/u/input variable"),
cs.get_input(4, "value commitment/commitment point/v/input variable"),
cs.get_input(5, "anchor/input variable").to_repr(),
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(6, "pack nullifier/input 0"), expected_nf[0]);
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(7, "pack nullifier/input 1"), expected_nf[1]);
fn test_input_circuit_with_bls12_381_external_test_vectors() {
use crate::{
keys::SpendValidatingKey, pedersen_hash, Diversifier, Note, ProofGenerationKey, Rseed,
use bellman::gadgets::test::*;
use group::ff::Field;
use rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([
0x59, 0x62, 0xbe, 0x3d, 0x76, 0x3d, 0x31, 0x8d, 0x17, 0xdb, 0x37, 0x32, 0x54, 0x06, 0xbc,
let tree_depth = 32;
let expected_commitment_us = vec![
let expected_commitment_vs = vec![
for i in 0..10 {
let value_commitment = ValueCommitmentOpening {
value: NoteValue::from_raw(i),
randomness: jubjub::Fr::from(1000 * (i + 1)),
let proof_generation_key = ProofGenerationKey {
ak: SpendValidatingKey::fake_random(&mut rng),
nsk: jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng),
let viewing_key = proof_generation_key.to_viewing_key();
let payment_address;
loop {
let diversifier = {
let mut d = [0; 11];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut d);
if let Some(p) = viewing_key.to_payment_address(diversifier) {
payment_address = p;
let commitment_randomness = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let auth_path =
vec![Some((bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng), rng.next_u32() % 2 != 0)); tree_depth];
let ar = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let rk = jubjub::AffinePoint::from_bytes(viewing_key.rk(ar).into()).unwrap();
let expected_value_commitment = value_commitment.commitment().to_affine();
bls12_381::Scalar::from_str_vartime(expected_commitment_us[i as usize]).unwrap()
bls12_381::Scalar::from_str_vartime(expected_commitment_vs[i as usize]).unwrap()
let note = Note::from_parts(
let mut position = 0u64;
let cmu = note.cmu();
let mut cur = bls12_381::Scalar::from_bytes(&cmu.to_bytes()).unwrap();
for (i, val) in auth_path.clone().into_iter().enumerate() {
let (uncle, b) = val.unwrap();
let mut lhs = cur;
let mut rhs = uncle;
if b {
::std::mem::swap(&mut lhs, &mut rhs);
let lhs = lhs.to_le_bits();
let rhs = rhs.to_le_bits();
cur = jubjub::ExtendedPoint::from(pedersen_hash::pedersen_hash(
.take(bls12_381::Scalar::NUM_BITS as usize)
.take(bls12_381::Scalar::NUM_BITS as usize),
if b {
position |= 1 << i;
let expected_nf =, position);
let expected_nf = multipack::bytes_to_bits_le(&expected_nf.0);
let expected_nf = multipack::compute_multipacking(&expected_nf);
assert_eq!(expected_nf.len(), 2);
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::new();
let instance = Spend {
value_commitment_opening: Some(value_commitment.clone()),
proof_generation_key: Some(proof_generation_key.clone()),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(commitment_randomness),
ar: Some(ar),
auth_path: auth_path.clone(),
anchor: Some(cur),
instance.synthesize(&mut cs).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cs.num_constraints(), 98777);
cs.get("randomization of note commitment/u3/num").to_repr(),
assert_eq!(cs.num_inputs(), 8);
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(0, "ONE"), bls12_381::Scalar::one());
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(1, "rk/u/input variable"), rk.get_u());
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(2, "rk/v/input variable"), rk.get_v());
cs.get_input(3, "value commitment/commitment point/u/input variable"),
cs.get_input(4, "value commitment/commitment point/v/input variable"),
cs.get_input(5, "anchor/input variable").to_repr(),
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(6, "pack nullifier/input 0"), expected_nf[0]);
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(7, "pack nullifier/input 1"), expected_nf[1]);
fn test_output_circuit_with_bls12_381() {
use crate::{keys::SpendValidatingKey, Diversifier, ProofGenerationKey, Rseed};
use bellman::gadgets::test::*;
use group::ff::Field;
use rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed([
0x58, 0x62, 0xbe, 0x3d, 0x76, 0x3d, 0x31, 0x8d, 0x17, 0xdb, 0x37, 0x32, 0x54, 0x06, 0xbc,
for _ in 0..100 {
let value_commitment = ValueCommitmentOpening {
value: NoteValue::from_raw(rng.next_u64()),
randomness: jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng),
let nsk = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let ak = SpendValidatingKey::fake_random(&mut rng);
let proof_generation_key = ProofGenerationKey { ak, nsk };
let viewing_key = proof_generation_key.to_viewing_key();
let payment_address;
loop {
let diversifier = {
let mut d = [0; 11];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut d);
if let Some(p) = viewing_key.to_payment_address(diversifier) {
payment_address = p;
let commitment_randomness = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let esk = jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::new();
let instance = Output {
value_commitment_opening: Some(value_commitment.clone()),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(commitment_randomness),
esk: Some(esk),
instance.synthesize(&mut cs).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cs.num_constraints(), 7827);
let expected_cmu = payment_address
let expected_value_commitment = value_commitment.commitment().to_affine();
let expected_epk = jubjub::ExtendedPoint::from(
.expect("should be valid")
* esk,
assert_eq!(cs.num_inputs(), 6);
assert_eq!(cs.get_input(0, "ONE"), bls12_381::Scalar::one());
cs.get_input(1, "value commitment/commitment point/u/input variable"),
cs.get_input(2, "value commitment/commitment point/v/input variable"),
cs.get_input(3, "epk/u/input variable"),
cs.get_input(4, "epk/v/input variable"),
cs.get_input(5, "commitment/input variable").to_repr(),