
268 lines
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//! Abstractions over the proving system and parameters.
use bellman::groth16::{create_random_proof, Proof};
use bls12_381::Bls12;
use rand_core::RngCore;
use crate::{
circuit::{self, GROTH_PROOF_SIZE},
value::{NoteValue, ValueCommitTrapdoor},
use super::{
circuit::{Output, OutputParameters, Spend, SpendParameters, ValueCommitmentOpening},
Diversifier, Note, PaymentAddress, ProofGenerationKey, Rseed,
/// Interface for creating Sapling Spend proofs.
pub trait SpendProver {
/// The proof type created by this prover.
type Proof;
/// Prepares an instance of the Sapling Spend circuit for the given inputs.
/// Returns `None` if `diversifier` is not a valid Sapling diversifier.
fn prepare_circuit(
proof_generation_key: ProofGenerationKey,
diversifier: Diversifier,
rseed: Rseed,
value: NoteValue,
alpha: jubjub::Fr,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
anchor: bls12_381::Scalar,
merkle_path: MerklePath,
) -> Option<circuit::Spend>;
/// Create the proof for a Sapling [`SpendDescription`].
/// [`SpendDescription`]: crate::bundle::SpendDescription
fn create_proof<R: RngCore>(&self, circuit: circuit::Spend, rng: &mut R) -> Self::Proof;
/// Encodes the given Sapling [`SpendDescription`] proof, erasing its type.
/// [`SpendDescription`]: crate::bundle::SpendDescription
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes;
/// Interface for creating Sapling Output proofs.
pub trait OutputProver {
/// The proof type created by this prover.
type Proof;
/// Prepares an instance of the Sapling Output circuit for the given inputs.
/// Returns `None` if `diversifier` is not a valid Sapling diversifier.
fn prepare_circuit(
esk: jubjub::Fr,
payment_address: PaymentAddress,
rcm: jubjub::Fr,
value: NoteValue,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
) -> circuit::Output;
/// Create the proof for a Sapling [`OutputDescription`].
/// [`OutputDescription`]: crate::bundle::OutputDescription
fn create_proof<R: RngCore>(&self, circuit: circuit::Output, rng: &mut R) -> Self::Proof;
/// Encodes the given Sapling [`OutputDescription`] proof, erasing its type.
/// [`OutputDescription`]: crate::bundle::OutputDescription
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes;
impl SpendProver for SpendParameters {
type Proof = Proof<Bls12>;
fn prepare_circuit(
proof_generation_key: ProofGenerationKey,
diversifier: Diversifier,
rseed: Rseed,
value: NoteValue,
alpha: jubjub::Fr,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
anchor: bls12_381::Scalar,
merkle_path: MerklePath,
) -> Option<Spend> {
// Construct the value commitment
let value_commitment_opening = ValueCommitmentOpening {
randomness: rcv.inner(),
// Construct the viewing key
let viewing_key = proof_generation_key.to_viewing_key();
// Construct the payment address with the viewing key / diversifier
let payment_address = viewing_key.to_payment_address(diversifier)?;
let note = Note::from_parts(payment_address, value, rseed);
// We now have the full witness for our circuit
let pos: u64 = merkle_path.position().into();
Some(Spend {
value_commitment_opening: Some(value_commitment_opening),
proof_generation_key: Some(proof_generation_key),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(note.rcm()),
ar: Some(alpha),
auth_path: merkle_path
.map(|(i, node)| Some(((*node).into(), pos >> i & 0x1 == 1)))
anchor: Some(anchor),
fn create_proof<R: RngCore>(&self, circuit: Spend, rng: &mut R) -> Self::Proof {
create_random_proof(circuit, &self.0, rng).expect("proving should not fail")
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes {
let mut zkproof = [0u8; GROTH_PROOF_SIZE];
.write(&mut zkproof[..])
.expect("should be able to serialize a proof");
impl OutputProver for OutputParameters {
type Proof = Proof<Bls12>;
fn prepare_circuit(
esk: jubjub::Fr,
payment_address: PaymentAddress,
rcm: jubjub::Fr,
value: NoteValue,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
) -> Output {
// Construct the value commitment for the proof instance
let value_commitment_opening = ValueCommitmentOpening {
randomness: rcv.inner(),
// We now have a full witness for the output proof.
Output {
value_commitment_opening: Some(value_commitment_opening),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(rcm),
esk: Some(esk),
fn create_proof<R: RngCore>(&self, circuit: Output, rng: &mut R) -> Self::Proof {
create_random_proof(circuit, &self.0, rng).expect("proving should not fail")
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes {
let mut zkproof = [0u8; GROTH_PROOF_SIZE];
.write(&mut zkproof[..])
.expect("should be able to serialize a proof");
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-dependencies"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")))]
pub mod mock {
use ff::Field;
use super::{OutputProver, SpendProver};
use crate::{
circuit::{self, ValueCommitmentOpening, GROTH_PROOF_SIZE},
value::{NoteValue, ValueCommitTrapdoor},
Diversifier, MerklePath, PaymentAddress, ProofGenerationKey, Rseed,
pub struct MockSpendProver;
impl SpendProver for MockSpendProver {
type Proof = GrothProofBytes;
fn prepare_circuit(
proof_generation_key: ProofGenerationKey,
diversifier: Diversifier,
_rseed: Rseed,
value: NoteValue,
alpha: jubjub::Fr,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
anchor: bls12_381::Scalar,
_merkle_path: MerklePath,
) -> Option<circuit::Spend> {
let payment_address = proof_generation_key
Some(circuit::Spend {
value_commitment_opening: Some(ValueCommitmentOpening {
randomness: rcv.inner(),
proof_generation_key: Some(proof_generation_key),
commitment_randomness: Some(jubjub::Scalar::ZERO),
ar: Some(alpha),
auth_path: vec![],
anchor: Some(anchor),
fn create_proof<R: rand_core::RngCore>(
_circuit: circuit::Spend,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Self::Proof {
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes {
pub struct MockOutputProver;
impl OutputProver for MockOutputProver {
type Proof = GrothProofBytes;
fn prepare_circuit(
esk: jubjub::Fr,
payment_address: PaymentAddress,
rcm: jubjub::Fr,
value: NoteValue,
rcv: ValueCommitTrapdoor,
) -> circuit::Output {
circuit::Output {
value_commitment_opening: Some(ValueCommitmentOpening {
randomness: rcv.inner(),
payment_address: Some(payment_address),
commitment_randomness: Some(rcm),
esk: Some(esk),
fn create_proof<R: rand_core::RngCore>(
_circuit: circuit::Output,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Self::Proof {
fn encode_proof(proof: Self::Proof) -> GrothProofBytes {