package cash.z.ecc.ui import android.content.ClipData import android.content.ClipboardManager import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import android.os.SystemClock import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity import androidx.activity.compose.setContent import androidx.activity.viewModels import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import import import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat import androidx.core.splashscreen.SplashScreen.Companion.installSplashScreen import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import import cash.z.ecc.sdk.model.PersistableWallet import cash.z.ecc.sdk.model.SeedPhrase import cash.z.ecc.sdk.type.fromResources import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.backup.view.BackupWallet import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.backup.viewmodel.BackupViewModel import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.common.GradientSurface import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.home.view.Home import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.home.viewmodel.WalletState import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.home.viewmodel.WalletViewModel import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.onboarding.view.Onboarding import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.onboarding.viewmodel.OnboardingViewModel import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.restore.view.RestoreWallet import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.restore.viewmodel.CompleteWordSetState import cash.z.ecc.ui.screen.restore.viewmodel.RestoreViewModel import cash.z.ecc.ui.theme.ZcashTheme import cash.z.ecc.ui.util.AndroidApiVersion import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlin.time.Duration import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { private val walletViewModel by viewModels() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setupSplashScreen() if (AndroidApiVersion.isAtLeastO) { setupUiContent() } else { lifecycleScope.launch { prefetchFontLegacy(applicationContext, R.font.rubik_medium) prefetchFontLegacy(applicationContext, R.font.rubik_regular) setupUiContent() } } } private fun setupSplashScreen() { val splashScreen = installSplashScreen() val start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().milliseconds splashScreen.setKeepVisibleCondition { if (SPLASH_SCREEN_DELAY > Duration.ZERO) { val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().milliseconds // This delay is for debug purposes only; do not enable for production usage. if (now - start < SPLASH_SCREEN_DELAY) { return@setKeepVisibleCondition true } } WalletState.Loading == walletViewModel.state.value } } private fun setupUiContent() { setContent { ZcashTheme { GradientSurface( Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .fillMaxHeight() ) { val walletState = walletViewModel.state.collectAsState().value when (walletState) { WalletState.Loading -> { // For now, keep displaying splash screen using condition above. // In the future, we might consider displaying something different here. } WalletState.NoWallet -> { WrapOnboarding() } is WalletState.NeedsBackup -> WrapBackup(walletState.persistableWallet) is WalletState.Ready -> WrapHome(walletState.persistableWallet) } if (walletState != WalletState.Loading) { reportFullyDrawn() } } } } } @Composable private fun WrapOnboarding() { val onboardingViewModel by viewModels() if (!onboardingViewModel.isImporting.collectAsState().value) { Onboarding( onboardingState = onboardingViewModel.onboardingState, onImportWallet = { onboardingViewModel.isImporting.value = true }, onCreateWallet = { walletViewModel.persistNewWallet() } ) } else { WrapRestore() } } @Composable private fun WrapBackup(persistableWallet: PersistableWallet) { val backupViewModel by viewModels() BackupWallet( persistableWallet, backupViewModel.backupState, backupViewModel.testChoices, onCopyToClipboard = { val clipboardManager = getSystemService( val data = ClipData.newPlainText( getString(R.string.new_wallet_clipboard_tag), persistableWallet.seedPhrase.joinToString() ) clipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(data) }, onComplete = { walletViewModel.persistBackupComplete() } ) } @Composable private fun WrapRestore() { val onboardingViewModel by viewModels() val restoreViewModel by viewModels() when (val completeWordList = restoreViewModel.completeWordList.collectAsState().value) { CompleteWordSetState.Loading -> { // Although it might perform IO, it should be relatively fast. // Consider whether to display indeterminate progress here. // Another option would be to go straight to the restore screen with autocomplete // disabled for a few milliseconds. Users would probably never notice due to the // time it takes to re-orient on the new screen, unless users were doing this // on a daily basis and become very proficient at our UI. The Therac-25 has // historical precedent on how that could cause problems. } is CompleteWordSetState.Loaded -> { RestoreWallet( completeWordList.list, restoreViewModel.userWordList, onBack = { onboardingViewModel.isImporting.value = false }, paste = { val clipboardManager = getSystemService( return@RestoreWallet clipboardManager?.primaryClip?.toString() }, onFinished = { // Write the backup complete flag first, then the seed phrase. That avoids the UI // flickering to the backup screen. Assume if a user is restoring from // a backup, then the user has a valid backup. walletViewModel.persistBackupComplete() val restoredWallet = PersistableWallet( ZcashNetwork.fromResources(application), null, SeedPhrase(restoreViewModel.userWordList.current.value) ) walletViewModel.persistExistingWallet(restoredWallet) } ) } } } @Composable private fun WrapHome(persistableWallet: PersistableWallet) { Home(persistableWallet) } companion object { @VisibleForTesting internal val SPLASH_SCREEN_DELAY = 0.seconds } } /** * Pre-fetches fonts on Android N (API 25) and below. */ /* * ResourcesCompat is used implicitly by Compose on older Android versions. * The backwards compatibility library performs disk IO and then * caches the results. This moves that IO off the main thread, to prevent ANRs and * jank during app startup. */ private suspend fun prefetchFontLegacy(context: Context, @androidx.annotation.FontRes fontRes: Int) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, fontRes) }