import co.electriccoin.zcash.Git import publish.ChangelogParser import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import java.util.TimeZone plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("secant.kotlin-multiplatform-build-conventions") id("secant.dependency-conventions") } private val gitShaKey = "gitSha" private val gitCommitCountKey = "gitCommitCount" private val releaseNotesEn = "releaseNotesEn" private val releaseNotesEs = "releaseNotesEs" private val releaseNotesEnPath = "docs/whatsNew/" private val releaseNotesEsPath = "docs/whatsNew/" // Injects build information // Note timestamp is not currently injected because it effectively disables the cache since it // changes with every build val generateBuildConfigTask = tasks.create("buildConfig") { val generatedDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated").get().asFile val gitInfo = co.electriccoin.zcash.Git.newInfo( Git.HEAD, parent!!.projectDir ), gitInfo.sha), gitInfo.commitCount) //val buildTimestamp = newIso8601Timestamp() //"buildTimestamp", buildTimestamp) // Add release notes for all supported languages fillInReleaseNotes(inputs) outputs.dir(generatedDir) doLast { val outputFile = File("$generatedDir/co/electriccoin/zcash/build/BuildConfig.kt") outputFile.parentFile.mkdirs() // To add timestamp, add this to the output below // import kotlinx.datetime.Instant // import kotlinx.datetime.toInstant // val buildTimestamp: Instant = "$buildTimestamp".toInstant() outputFile.writeText( """ // Generated file package const val gitSha: String = "${[gitShaKey]}" const val gitCommitCount: Int = ${[gitCommitCountKey]} const val releaseNotesEn: String = "${[releaseNotesEn]}" const val releaseNotesEs: String = "${[releaseNotesEs]}" """.trimIndent() ) } } kotlin { jvm() sourceSets { getByName("commonMain") { dependencies { kotlin.srcDir(generateBuildConfigTask) //api(libs.kotlinx.datetime) } } getByName("commonTest") { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("test")) } } getByName("jvmMain") { dependencies { } } getByName("jvmTest") { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("test")) } } } } /** * @return Current ISO 8601 timestamp. */ fun newIso8601Timestamp(): String { val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").apply { timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") } return formatter.format(Date()) } fun fillInReleaseNotes(inputs: TaskInputs) { val gradleVersionName ="ZCASH_VERSION_NAME").toString() val releaseNotesEnJson = ChangelogParser.getChangelogEntry( filePath = releaseNotesEnPath, versionNameFallback = gradleVersionName ).toJsonString(), releaseNotesEnJson) val releaseNotesEsJson = ChangelogParser.getChangelogEntry( filePath = releaseNotesEsPath, versionNameFallback = gradleVersionName ).toJsonString(), releaseNotesEsJson) }