buildscript { dependencyLocking { // This property is treated specially, as it is not defined by default in the root // and declaring it in the root is ignored by included builds. This only picks up // a value declared as a system property, a command line argument, or a an environment variable. val isDependencyLockingEnabled = if (project.hasProperty("ZCASH_IS_DEPENDENCY_LOCKING_ENABLED")) {"ZCASH_IS_DEPENDENCY_LOCKING_ENABLED").toString().toBoolean() } else { true } if (isDependencyLockingEnabled) { lockAllConfigurations() } } repositories { val isRepoRestrictionEnabled = true val googleGroups = listOf( "", "", "" ) google { if (isRepoRestrictionEnabled) { content { googleGroups.forEach { includeGroup(it) } } } } // We don't use mavenCentral now, but in the future we may want to use it for some dependencies // mavenCentral { // if (isRepoRestrictionEnabled) { // content { // googleGroups.forEach { excludeGroup(it) } // } // } // } gradlePluginPortal { if (isRepoRestrictionEnabled) { content { googleGroups.forEach { excludeGroup(it) } } } } } dependencies { val crashlyticsVersion ="FIREBASE_CRASHLYTICS_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION") classpath("$crashlyticsVersion") classpath("${"GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION")}") } } plugins { id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") id("com.osacky.fulladle") id("secant.detekt-conventions") id("secant.ktlint-conventions") id("secant.rosetta-conventions") } val uiIntegrationModuleName: String = val uiScreenshotModuleName: String = tasks { withType { gradleReleaseChannel = "current" resolutionStrategy { componentSelection { all { if (isNonStable(candidate.version) && !isNonStable(currentVersion)) { reject("Unstable") } } } } } register("checkProperties") { // Ensure that developers do not change default values of certain properties directly // in the repo, but instead set them in their local ~/.gradle/ file // (or use command line arguments) val expectedPropertyValues = mapOf( "ZCASH_IS_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS" to "true", "IS_KOTLIN_TEST_COVERAGE_ENABLED" to "true", "IS_ANDROID_INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_COVERAGE_ENABLED" to "false", "IS_USE_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR" to "false", "IS_CRASH_ON_STRICT_MODE_VIOLATION" to "false", "ZCASH_FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_API_KEY_PATH" to "", "ZCASH_FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_PROJECT" to "", "ZCASH_EMULATOR_WTF_API_KEY" to "", "IS_MINIFY_ENABLED" to "true", "NDK_DEBUG_SYMBOL_LEVEL" to "symbol_table", "ZCASH_RELEASE_APP_NAME" to "Zashi", "ZCASH_RELEASE_PACKAGE_NAME" to "co.electriccoin.zcash", "ZCASH_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS" to "", "IS_SECURE_SCREEN_PROTECTION_ACTIVE" to "true", "IS_SCREEN_ROTATION_ENABLED" to "false", "ZCASH_DEBUG_KEYSTORE_PATH" to "", "ZCASH_RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PATH" to "", "ZCASH_RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" to "", "ZCASH_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS" to "", "ZCASH_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS_PASSWORD" to "", "IS_SIGN_RELEASE_BUILD_WITH_DEBUG_KEY" to "false", "IS_RELEASE_BUILD_DEBUGGABLE" to "false", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" to "", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY" to "", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_PUBLISHER_API_KEY" to "", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICE_KEY_FILE_PATH" to "", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_DEPLOY_TRACK" to "internal", "ZCASH_GOOGLE_PLAY_DEPLOY_STATUS" to "draft", "ZCASH_COINBASE_APP_ID" to "", "SDK_INCLUDED_BUILD_PATH" to "", "BIP_39_INCLUDED_BUILD_PATH" to "" ) val actualPropertyValues = { it in expectedPropertyValues.keys } doLast { val warnings = expectedPropertyValues.filter { (key, value) -> actualPropertyValues[key].toString() != value }.map { "Property ${it.key} does not have expected value \"${it.value}\"" } if (warnings.isNotEmpty()) { throw GradleException(warnings.joinToString(separator = "\n")) } } } } val unstableKeywords = listOf("alpha", "beta", "rc", "m", "ea", "build") fun isNonStable(version: String): Boolean { val versionLowerCase = version.lowercase() return unstableKeywords.any { versionLowerCase.contains(it) } } fladle { // Firebase Test Lab has min and max values that might differ from our project's // These are determined by `gcloud firebase test android models list` @Suppress("MagicNumber", "VariableNaming") val FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_MIN_SDK = 27 // Minimum for Pixel2.arm device @Suppress("MagicNumber", "VariableNaming") val FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_MAX_SDK = 33 val minSdkVersion = run { // Fladle will use the app APK as the additional APK, so we have to // use the app's minSdkVersion here. val buildMinSdk =["ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION"].toString().toInt() buildMinSdk.coerceAtLeast(FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_MIN_SDK).toString() } val targetSdkVersion = run { val buildTargetSdk =["ANDROID_TARGET_SDK_VERSION"].toString().toInt() buildTargetSdk.coerceAtMost(FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_MAX_SDK).toString() } val firebaseTestLabKeyPath =["ZCASH_FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_API_KEY_PATH"].toString() val firebaseProject =["ZCASH_FIREBASE_TEST_LAB_PROJECT"].toString() if (firebaseTestLabKeyPath.isNotEmpty()) { serviceAccountCredentials.set(File(firebaseTestLabKeyPath)) } else if (firebaseProject.isNotEmpty()) { projectId.set(firebaseProject) } devices.addAll( mapOf("model" to "Pixel2.arm", "version" to minSdkVersion), mapOf("model" to "Pixel2.arm", "version" to targetSdkVersion) ) @Suppress("MagicNumber") flakyTestAttempts.set(2) // Always use orchestrator for Firebase Test Lab. // Some submodules don't need it, but it is difficult to configure on a per-module basis from here // since this configuration applies to all modules. useOrchestrator.set(true) environmentVariables.set(mapOf("clearPackageData" to "true")) flankVersion.set(libs.versions.flank.get()) filesToDownload.set( listOf( ".*/matrix_.*/.*test_results_merged\\.xml", ".*/matrix_.*/.*/artifacts/sdcard/googletest/test_outputfiles/.*\\.png" ) ) directoriesToPull.set( listOf( "/sdcard/googletest/test_outputfiles" ) ) }