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// RecoveryPhraseDisplayStore.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/26/21.
import Foundation
import ComposableArchitecture
import UIKit
enum RecoveryPhraseError: Error {
/// This error is thrown then the Recovery Phrase can't be generated
case unableToGeneratePhrase
struct Pasteboard {
let setString: (String) -> Void
let getString: () -> String?
extension Pasteboard {
private struct TestPasteboard {
static var general = TestPasteboard()
var string: String?
static let live = Pasteboard(
setString: { UIPasteboard.general.string = $0 },
getString: { UIPasteboard.general.string }
static let test = Pasteboard(
setString: { TestPasteboard.general.string = $0 },
getString: { TestPasteboard.general.string }
struct BackupPhraseEnvironment {
let mainQueue: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue>
let newPhrase: () -> Effect<RecoveryPhrase, RecoveryPhraseError>
let pasteboard: Pasteboard
extension BackupPhraseEnvironment {
private struct DemoPasteboard {
static var general = Self()
var string: String?
static let demo = Self(
mainQueue: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
newPhrase: { Effect(value: .init(words: RecoveryPhrase.demo.words)) },
pasteboard: .test
static let live = Self(
mainQueue: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
newPhrase: { Effect(value: .init(words: RecoveryPhrase.demo.words)) },
pasteboard: .live
typealias RecoveryPhraseDisplayStore = Store<RecoveryPhraseDisplayState, RecoveryPhraseDisplayAction>
struct RecoveryPhrase: Equatable {
struct Chunk: Hashable {
var startIndex: Int
var words: [String]
let words: [String]
private let chunkSize = 6
func toChunks() -> [Chunk] {
let chunks = words.count / chunkSize
return zip(0 ..< chunks, words.chunked(into: chunkSize)).map {
Chunk(startIndex: $0 * chunkSize + 1, words: $1)
func toString() -> String {
words.joined(separator: " ")
struct RecoveryPhraseDisplayState: Equatable {
var phrase: RecoveryPhrase?
var showCopyToBufferAlert = false
enum RecoveryPhraseDisplayAction: Equatable {
case createPhrase
case copyToBufferPressed
case finishedPressed
case phraseResponse(Result<RecoveryPhrase, RecoveryPhraseError>)
typealias RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer = Reducer<RecoveryPhraseDisplayState, RecoveryPhraseDisplayAction, BackupPhraseEnvironment>
extension RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer {
static let `default` = RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer { state, action, environment in
switch action {
case .createPhrase:
return environment.newPhrase()
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue)
case .copyToBufferPressed:
guard let phrase = state.phrase?.toString() else { return .none }
state.showCopyToBufferAlert = true
return .none
case .finishedPressed:
// TODO: remove this when feature is implemented in
return .none
case let .phraseResponse(.success(phrase)):
state.phrase = phrase
return .none
case .phraseResponse(.failure):
// TODO: remove this when feature is implemented in
return .none
extension Array {
func chunked(into size: Int) -> [[Element]] {
return stride(from: 0, to: count, by: size).map {
Array(self[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + size, count)])