[#749] Batch of Dependency Packages Vol III (#751)

Finished modules for:

This commit is contained in:
Lukas Korba 2023-05-31 08:29:32 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7e9f8c3170
commit dbc6316766
No known key found for this signature in database
313 changed files with 2447 additions and 2303 deletions

View File

@ -19,12 +19,22 @@ let package = Package(
.library(name: "DiskSpaceCheckerClient", targets: ["DiskSpaceCheckerClient"]),
.library(name: "FeedbackGeneratorClient", targets: ["FeedbackGeneratorClient"]),
.library(name: "FileManager", targets: ["FileManager"]),
.library(name: "Generated", targets: ["Generated"]),
.library(name: "LocalAuthenticationClient", targets: ["LocalAuthenticationClient"]),
.library(name: "LogsHandlerClient", targets: ["LogsHandlerClient"]),
.library(name: "MnemonicClient", targets: ["MnemonicClient"]),
.library(name: "Models", targets: ["Models"]),
.library(name: "NumberFormatterClient", targets: ["NumberFormatterClient"]),
.library(name: "PasteboardClient", targets: ["PasteboardClient"]),
.library(name: "Utils", targets: ["Utils"])
.library(name: "RecoveryPhraseValidationFlow", targets: ["RecoveryPhraseValidationFlow"]),
.library(name: "ReviewRequestClient", targets: ["ReviewRequestClient"]),
.library(name: "SDKSynchronizerClient", targets: ["SDKSynchronizerClient"]),
.library(name: "SecItem", targets: ["SecItem"]),
.library(name: "SupportDataGeneratorClient", targets: ["SupportDataGeneratorClient"]),
.library(name: "UIComponents", targets: ["UIComponents"]),
.library(name: "Utils", targets: ["Utils"]),
.library(name: "UserDefaultsClient", targets: ["UserDefaultsClient"]),
.library(name: "ZcashSDKEnvironment", targets: ["ZcashSDKEnvironment"])
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture", from: "0.50.3"),
@ -101,9 +111,14 @@ let package = Package(
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "Generated",
resources: [.process("Resources")]
name: "LocalAuthenticationClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
@ -121,6 +136,13 @@ let package = Package(
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "Models",
dependencies: [
name: "NumberFormatterClient",
dependencies: [
@ -135,11 +157,77 @@ let package = Package(
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "RecoveryPhraseValidationFlow",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture"),
.product(name: "ZcashLightClientKit", package: "ZcashLightClientKit")
name: "ReviewRequestClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "SDKSynchronizerClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture"),
.product(name: "ZcashLightClientKit", package: "ZcashLightClientKit")
name: "SecItem",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "SupportDataGeneratorClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "UIComponents",
dependencies: [
name: "Utils",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ZcashLightClientKit", package: "ZcashLightClientKit")
name: "UserDefaultsClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
name: "ZcashSDKEnvironment",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ZcashLightClientKit", package: "ZcashLightClientKit"),
.product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen
import SwiftUI
#if os(OSX)
import AppKit.NSFont
#elseif os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import UIKit.UIFont
// Deprecated typealiases
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "FontConvertible.Font", message: "This typealias will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0")
public typealias SystemFont = FontConvertible.SystemFont
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command
// swiftlint:disable file_length
// MARK: - Fonts
// swiftlint:disable identifier_name line_length type_body_length
public enum FontFamily {
public enum Roboto {
public static let black = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Black", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Black.ttf")
public static let blackItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-BlackItalic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf")
public static let bold = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Bold", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Bold.ttf")
public static let boldItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-BoldItalic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf")
public static let italic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Italic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Italic.ttf")
public static let light = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Light", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Light.ttf")
public static let lightItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-LightItalic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-LightItalic.ttf")
public static let medium = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Medium", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Medium.ttf")
public static let mediumItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-MediumItalic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf")
public static let regular = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Regular", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Regular.ttf")
public static let thin = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-Thin", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-Thin.ttf")
public static let thinItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Roboto-ThinItalic", family: "Roboto", path: "Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf")
public static let all: [FontConvertible] = [black, blackItalic, bold, boldItalic, italic, light, lightItalic, medium, mediumItalic, regular, thin, thinItalic]
public enum Rubik {
public static let light = FontConvertible(name: "Rubik-Light", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let lightItalic = FontConvertible(name: "Rubik-LightItalic", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let blackItalic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-Black", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let boldItalic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-Bold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let extraBoldItalic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-ExtraBold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let mediumItalic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-Medium", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let italic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-Regular", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let semiBoldItalic = FontConvertible(name: "RubikItalic-SemiBold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-Italic-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let black = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-Black", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let bold = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-Bold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let extraBold = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-ExtraBold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let medium = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-Medium", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let regular = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-Regular", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let semiBold = FontConvertible(name: "RubikRoman-SemiBold", family: "Rubik", path: "Rubik-VariableFont_wght.ttf")
public static let all: [FontConvertible] = [light, lightItalic, blackItalic, boldItalic, extraBoldItalic, mediumItalic, italic, semiBoldItalic, black, bold, extraBold, medium, regular, semiBold]
public enum Zboto {
public static let regular = FontConvertible(name: "ZbotoRegular", family: "Zboto", path: "Zboto.otf")
public static let all: [FontConvertible] = [regular]
public static let allCustomFonts: [FontConvertible] = [Roboto.all, Rubik.all, Zboto.all].flatMap { $0 }
public static func registerAllCustomFonts() {
allCustomFonts.forEach { $0.register() }
// swiftlint:enable identifier_name line_length type_body_length
// MARK: - Implementation Details
public struct FontConvertible {
public let name: String
public let family: String
public let path: String
#if os(OSX)
public typealias SystemFont = NSFont
#elseif os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
public typealias SystemFont = UIFont
public func font(size: CGFloat) -> SystemFont {
guard let font = SystemFont(font: self, size: size) else {
fatalError("Unable to initialize font '\(name)' (\(family))")
return font
public func textStyle(_ textStyle: Font.TextStyle) -> Font {
Font.mappedFont(name, textStyle: textStyle)
public func register() {
// swiftlint:disable:next conditional_returns_on_newline
guard let url = url else { return }
CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(url as CFURL, .process, nil)
fileprivate var url: URL? {
// swiftlint:disable:next implicit_return
return BundleToken.bundle.url(forResource: path, withExtension: nil)
public extension FontConvertible.SystemFont {
convenience init?(font: FontConvertible, size: CGFloat) {
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
if !UIFont.fontNames(forFamilyName: font.family).contains(font.name) {
#elseif os(OSX)
if let url = font.url, CTFontManagerGetScopeForURL(url as CFURL) == .none {
self.init(name: font.name, size: size)
// swiftlint:disable convenience_type
private final class BundleToken {
static let bundle: Bundle = {
return Bundle.module
return Bundle(for: BundleToken.self)
fileprivate extension Font {
static func mappedFont(_ name: String, textStyle: TextStyle) -> Font {
let fontSize = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: self.mapToUIFontTextStyle(textStyle)).pointSize
return Font.custom(name, size: fontSize, relativeTo: textStyle)
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
static func mapToUIFontTextStyle(_ textStyle: SwiftUI.Font.TextStyle) -> UIFont.TextStyle {
switch textStyle {
case .largeTitle:
return .largeTitle
case .title:
return .title1
case .title2:
return .title2
case .title3:
return .title3
case .headline:
return .headline
case .subheadline:
return .subheadline
case .callout:
return .callout
case .body:
return .body
case .caption:
return .caption1
case .caption2:
return .caption2
case .footnote:
return .footnote
@unknown default:
fatalError("Missing a TextStyle mapping")
// swiftlint:enable convenience_type

View File

@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen
import Foundation
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length implicit_return prefer_self_in_static_references
// MARK: - Strings
// swiftlint:disable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:disable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
public enum L10n {
/// %@ %@
public static func balance(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balance", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "%@ %@")
/// QR Code for %@
public static func qrCodeFor(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "qrCodeFor", String(describing: p1), fallback: "QR Code for %@")
public enum AddressDetails {
/// Sapling Address
public static let sa = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.sa", fallback: "Sapling Address")
/// Transparent Address
public static let ta = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.ta", fallback: "Transparent Address")
/// Unified Address
public static let ua = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.ua", fallback: "Unified Address")
public enum Error {
/// could not extract sapling receiver from UA
public static let cantExtractSaplingAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.error.cantExtractSaplingAddress", fallback: "could not extract sapling receiver from UA")
/// could not extract transparent receiver from UA
public static let cantExtractTransparentAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.error.cantExtractTransparentAddress", fallback: "could not extract transparent receiver from UA")
/// could not extract UA
public static let cantExtractUnifiedAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "addressDetails.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress", fallback: "could not extract UA")
public enum Balance {
/// %@ %@ Available
public static func available(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balance.available", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "%@ %@ Available")
public enum BalanceBreakdown {
/// Shielding Threshold: %@ %@
public static func autoShieldingThreshold(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.autoShieldingThreshold", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Shielding Threshold: %@ %@")
/// Block: %@
public static func blockId(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.blockId", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Block: %@")
public static func shieldedZec(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.shieldedZec", String(describing: p1), fallback: "SHIELDED %@ (SPENDABLE)")
/// Shield funds
public static let shieldFunds = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.shieldFunds", fallback: "Shield funds")
/// Shielding funds
public static let shieldingFunds = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.shieldingFunds", fallback: "Shielding funds")
public static let totalSpendableBalance = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.totalSpendableBalance", fallback: "TOTAL BALANCE")
public static let transparentBalance = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.transparentBalance", fallback: "TRANSPARENT BALANCE")
public enum Alert {
public enum ShieldFunds {
public enum Failure {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.alert.shieldFunds.failure.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Failed to shield funds
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.alert.shieldFunds.failure.title", fallback: "Failed to shield funds")
public enum Success {
/// Shielding transaction created
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.alert.shieldFunds.success.message", fallback: "Shielding transaction created")
/// Done
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "balanceBreakdown.alert.shieldFunds.success.title", fallback: "Done")
public enum Error {
/// possible roll back
public static let rollBack = L10n.tr("Localizable", "error.rollBack", fallback: "possible roll back")
public enum ExportLogs {
public enum Alert {
public enum Failed {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "exportLogs.alert.failed.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Error when exporting logs
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "exportLogs.alert.failed.title", fallback: "Error when exporting logs")
public enum Field {
public enum Multiline {
/// char limit exceeded
public static let charLimitExceeded = L10n.tr("Localizable", "field.multiline.charLimitExceeded", fallback: "char limit exceeded")
public enum TransactionAddress {
/// To:
public static let to = L10n.tr("Localizable", "field.transactionAddress.to", fallback: "To:")
/// Valid Zcash Address
public static let validZcashAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "field.transactionAddress.validZcashAddress", fallback: "Valid Zcash Address")
public enum TransactionAmount {
/// Amount:
public static let amount = L10n.tr("Localizable", "field.transactionAmount.amount", fallback: "Amount:")
/// %@ Amount
public static func zecAmount(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "field.transactionAmount.zecAmount", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@ Amount")
public enum General {
/// Back
public static let back = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.back", fallback: "Back")
/// Cancel
public static let cancel = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.cancel", fallback: "Cancel")
/// Clear
public static let clear = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.clear", fallback: "Clear")
/// Close
public static let close = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.close", fallback: "Close")
/// date not available
public static let dateNotAvailable = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.dateNotAvailable", fallback: "date not available")
/// Max
public static let max = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.max", fallback: "Max")
/// Next
public static let next = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.next", fallback: "Next")
/// No
public static let no = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.no", fallback: "No")
/// Ok
public static let ok = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.ok", fallback: "Ok")
/// Send
public static let send = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.send", fallback: "Send")
/// Skip
public static let skip = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.skip", fallback: "Skip")
/// Success
public static let success = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.success", fallback: "Success")
/// Unknown
public static let unknown = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.unknown", fallback: "Unknown")
/// Yes
public static let yes = L10n.tr("Localizable", "general.yes", fallback: "Yes")
public enum Home {
/// Receive %@
public static func receiveZec(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.receiveZec", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Receive %@")
/// Send %@
public static func sendZec(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.sendZec", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Send %@")
/// Secant Wallet
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.title", fallback: "Secant Wallet")
/// See transaction history
public static let transactionHistory = L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.transactionHistory", fallback: "See transaction history")
public enum SyncFailed {
/// Dismiss
public static let dismiss = L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.syncFailed.dismiss", fallback: "Dismiss")
/// Retry
public static let retry = L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.syncFailed.retry", fallback: "Retry")
/// Sync failed!
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "home.syncFailed.title", fallback: "Sync failed!")
public enum ImportWallet {
/// Enter your secret backup seed phrase.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.description", fallback: "Enter your secret backup seed phrase.")
/// Wallet Import
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.title", fallback: "Wallet Import")
public enum Alert {
public enum Failed {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.alert.failed.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Failed to restore wallet
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.alert.failed.title", fallback: "Failed to restore wallet")
public enum Success {
/// The wallet has been successfully recovered.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.alert.success.message", fallback: "The wallet has been successfully recovered.")
/// Success
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.alert.success.title", fallback: "Success")
public enum Birthday {
/// Do you know the wallet's creation date? This will allow a faster sync. If you don't know the wallet's birthday, don't worry!
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.birthday.description", fallback: "Do you know the wallet's creation date? This will allow a faster sync. If you don't know the wallet's birthday, don't worry!")
/// Enter birthday height
public static let placeholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.birthday.placeholder", fallback: "Enter birthday height")
public enum Button {
/// Import a private or viewing key
public static let importPrivateKey = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.button.importPrivateKey", fallback: "Import a private or viewing key")
/// Restore wallet
public static let restoreWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.button.restoreWallet", fallback: "Restore wallet")
public enum Seed {
public static let valid = L10n.tr("Localizable", "importWallet.seed.valid", fallback: "VALID SEED PHRASE")
public enum LocalAuthentication {
/// The Following content requires authentication.
public static let reason = L10n.tr("Localizable", "localAuthentication.reason", fallback: "The Following content requires authentication.")
public enum Nefs {
/// Not enough space on disk to do synchronisation!
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "nefs.message", fallback: "Not enough space on disk to do synchronisation!")
public enum Onboarding {
public enum Button {
/// Import an Existing Wallet
public static let importWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.button.importWallet", fallback: "Import an Existing Wallet")
/// Create New Wallet
public static let newWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.button.newWallet", fallback: "Create New Wallet")
public enum Step1 {
/// As a privacy focused wallet, we shield by default. Your wallet uses the shielded address for sending and moves transparent funds to that address automatically.
/// In other words, the 'privacy-please' sign is on the knob.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step1.description", fallback: "As a privacy focused wallet, we shield by default. Your wallet uses the shielded address for sending and moves transparent funds to that address automatically.\n\nIn other words, the 'privacy-please' sign is on the knob.")
/// Welcome!
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step1.title", fallback: "Welcome!")
public enum Step2 {
/// You now have a unified address that includes and up-to-date shielded address for legacy systems.
/// This makes your wallet friendlier, and gives you and address that you won't have to upgrade again.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step2.description", fallback: "You now have a unified address that includes and up-to-date shielded address for legacy systems.\n\nThis makes your wallet friendlier, and gives you and address that you won't have to upgrade again.")
/// Unified Addresses
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step2.title", fallback: "Unified Addresses")
public enum Step3 {
/// Due to Zcash's increased popularity, we are optimizing our syncing schemes to be faster and more efficient!
/// The future is fast!
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step3.description", fallback: "Due to Zcash's increased popularity, we are optimizing our syncing schemes to be faster and more efficient!\n\nThe future is fast!")
/// And so much more...
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step3.title", fallback: "And so much more...")
public enum Step4 {
/// Choose between creating a new wallet and importing and existing Secret Recovery Phrase
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step4.description", fallback: "Choose between creating a new wallet and importing and existing Secret Recovery Phrase")
/// Let's get started
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "onboarding.step4.title", fallback: "Let's get started")
public enum PlainOnboarding {
/// We need to create a new wallet or restore an existing one. Select your path:
public static let caption = L10n.tr("Localizable", "plainOnboarding.caption", fallback: "We need to create a new wallet or restore an existing one. Select your path:")
/// It's time to setup your Secant, powered by Zcash, no-frills wallet.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "plainOnboarding.title", fallback: "It's time to setup your Secant, powered by Zcash, no-frills wallet.")
public enum Button {
/// Create a new Wallet
public static let createNewWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "plainOnboarding.button.createNewWallet", fallback: "Create a new Wallet")
/// Restore an existing wallet
public static let restoreWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "plainOnboarding.button.restoreWallet", fallback: "Restore an existing wallet")
public enum ReceiveZec {
/// Your Address
public static let yourAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "receiveZec.yourAddress", fallback: "Your Address")
public enum Error {
/// could not extract UA
public static let cantExtractUnifiedAddress = L10n.tr("Localizable", "receiveZec.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress", fallback: "could not extract UA")
public enum RecoveryPhraseBackupValidation {
/// Drag the words below to match your backed-up copy.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.description", fallback: "Drag the words below to match your backed-up copy.")
/// Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase
public static let failedResult = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.failedResult", fallback: "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase")
/// Congratulations! You validated your secret recovery phrase.
public static let successResult = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.successResult", fallback: "Congratulations! You validated your secret recovery phrase.")
/// Verify Your Backup
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.title", fallback: "Verify Your Backup")
public enum RecoveryPhraseDisplay {
/// The following 24 words represent your funds and the security used to protect them. Back them up now!
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseDisplay.description", fallback: "The following 24 words represent your funds and the security used to protect them. Back them up now!")
/// Oops no words
public static let noWords = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseDisplay.noWords", fallback: "Oops no words")
/// Your Secret Recovery Phrase
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseDisplay.title", fallback: "Your Secret Recovery Phrase")
public enum Button {
/// Copy To Buffer
public static let copyToBuffer = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.copyToBuffer", fallback: "Copy To Buffer")
/// I wrote it down!
public static let wroteItDown = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.wroteItDown", fallback: "I wrote it down!")
public enum RecoveryPhraseTestPreamble {
/// It is important to understand that you are in charge here. Great, right? YOU get to be the bank!
public static let paragraph1 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph1", fallback: "It is important to understand that you are in charge here. Great, right? YOU get to be the bank!")
/// But it also means that YOU are the customer, and you need to be self-reliant.
public static let paragraph2 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph2", fallback: "But it also means that YOU are the customer, and you need to be self-reliant.")
/// So how do you recover funds that you've hidden on a completely decentralized and private block-chain?
public static let paragraph3 = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph3", fallback: "So how do you recover funds that you've hidden on a completely decentralized and private block-chain?")
/// First things first
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.title", fallback: "First things first")
public enum Button {
/// By understanding and preparing
public static let goNext = L10n.tr("Localizable", "recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.button.goNext", fallback: "By understanding and preparing")
public enum Root {
public enum Debug {
/// Feature flags
public static let featureFlags = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.featureFlags", fallback: "Feature flags")
/// Startup
public static let navigationTitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.navigationTitle", fallback: "Startup")
/// Debug options
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.title", fallback: "Debug options")
public enum Alert {
public enum Rewind {
public enum CantStartSync {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Can't start sync process after rewind
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.title", fallback: "Can't start sync process after rewind")
public enum Failed {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Rewind failed
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.title", fallback: "Rewind failed")
public enum Dialog {
public enum Rescan {
/// Select the rescan you want
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.dialog.rescan.message", fallback: "Select the rescan you want")
/// Rescan
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.dialog.rescan.title", fallback: "Rescan")
public enum Option {
/// Full rescan
public static let full = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.full", fallback: "Full rescan")
/// Quick rescan
public static let quick = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.quick", fallback: "Quick rescan")
public enum Option {
/// Rate the app
public static let appReview = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.appReview", fallback: "Rate the app")
/// Export logs
public static let exportLogs = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.exportLogs", fallback: "Export logs")
/// Go To Onboarding
public static let gotoOnboarding = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.gotoOnboarding", fallback: "Go To Onboarding")
/// Go To Phrase Validation Demo
public static let gotoPhraseValidationDemo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.gotoPhraseValidationDemo", fallback: "Go To Phrase Validation Demo")
/// Go To Sandbox (navigation proof)
public static let gotoSandbox = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.gotoSandbox", fallback: "Go To Sandbox (navigation proof)")
/// [Be careful] Nuke Wallet
public static let nukeWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.nukeWallet", fallback: "[Be careful] Nuke Wallet")
/// Rescan Blockchain
public static let rescanBlockchain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.rescanBlockchain", fallback: "Rescan Blockchain")
/// Restart the app
public static let restartApp = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.restartApp", fallback: "Restart the app")
/// Test Crash Reporter
public static let testCrashReporter = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.debug.option.testCrashReporter", fallback: "Test Crash Reporter")
public enum Destination {
public enum Alert {
public enum FailedToProcessDeeplink {
/// Deeplink: (%@))
/// Error: (%@) (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any, _ p3: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), String(describing: p3), fallback: "Deeplink: (%@))\nError: (%@) (code: %@)")
/// Failed to process deeplink.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.title", fallback: "Failed to process deeplink.")
public enum Initialization {
public enum Alert {
public enum CantCreateNewWallet {
/// Can't create new wallet. Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.cantCreateNewWallet.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Can't create new wallet. Error: %@ (code: %@)")
public enum CantLoadSeedPhrase {
/// Can't load seed phrase from local storage.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.cantLoadSeedPhrase.message", fallback: "Can't load seed phrase from local storage.")
public enum CantStoreThatUserPassedPhraseBackupTest {
/// Can't store information that user passed phrase backup test. Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.cantStoreThatUserPassedPhraseBackupTest.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Can't store information that user passed phrase backup test. Error: %@ (code: %@)")
public enum Error {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.error.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
public enum Failed {
/// Wallet initialisation failed.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.failed.title", fallback: "Wallet initialisation failed.")
public enum SdkInitFailed {
/// Failed to initialize the SDK
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.sdkInitFailed.title", fallback: "Failed to initialize the SDK")
public enum WalletStateFailed {
/// App initialisation state: %@.
public static func message(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.walletStateFailed.message", String(describing: p1), fallback: "App initialisation state: %@.")
public enum Wipe {
/// Are you sure?
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.wipe.message", fallback: "Are you sure?")
/// Wipe of the wallet
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.wipe.title", fallback: "Wipe of the wallet")
public enum WipeFailed {
/// Nuke of the wallet failed
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "root.initialization.alert.wipeFailed.title", fallback: "Nuke of the wallet failed")
public enum Scan {
/// We will validate any Zcash URI and take you to the appropriate action.
public static let info = L10n.tr("Localizable", "scan.info", fallback: "We will validate any Zcash URI and take you to the appropriate action.")
/// Scanning...
public static let scanning = L10n.tr("Localizable", "scan.scanning", fallback: "Scanning...")
public enum Alert {
public enum CantInitializeCamera {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Can't initialize the camera
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.title", fallback: "Can't initialize the camera")
public enum Send {
/// address: %@
public static func address(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.address", String(describing: p1), fallback: " address: %@")
/// amount: %@
public static func amount(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.amount", String(describing: p1), fallback: "amount: %@")
/// Memo included. Tap to edit.
public static let editMemo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.editMemo", fallback: "Memo included. Tap to edit.")
/// Sending transaction failed
public static let failed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.failed", fallback: "Sending transaction failed")
/// Aditional funds may be in transit
public static let fundsInfo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.fundsInfo", fallback: "Aditional funds may be in transit")
/// Want to include memo? Tap here.
public static let includeMemo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.includeMemo", fallback: "Want to include memo? Tap here.")
/// memo: %@
public static func memo(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.memo", String(describing: p1), fallback: " memo: %@")
/// Write a private message here
public static let memoPlaceholder = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.memoPlaceholder", fallback: "Write a private message here")
/// Sending %@ %@ to
public static func sendingTo(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.sendingTo", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Sending %@ %@ to")
/// Sending transaction succeeded
public static let succeeded = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.succeeded", fallback: "Sending transaction succeeded")
/// Send Zcash
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "send.title", fallback: "Send Zcash")
public enum Settings {
/// About
public static let about = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.about", fallback: "About")
/// Backup Wallet
public static let backupWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.backupWallet", fallback: "Backup Wallet")
/// Enable Crash Reporting
public static let crashReporting = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.crashReporting", fallback: "Enable Crash Reporting")
/// Exporting...
public static let exporting = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.exporting", fallback: "Exporting...")
/// Export & share logs
public static let exportLogs = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.exportLogs", fallback: "Export & share logs")
/// Send us feedback!
public static let feedback = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.feedback", fallback: "Send us feedback!")
/// Settings
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.title", fallback: "Settings")
/// Version %@ (%@)
public static func version(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.version", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Version %@ (%@)")
public enum Alert {
public enum CantBackupWallet {
/// Error: %@ (code: %@)
public static func message(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.message", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "Error: %@ (code: %@)")
/// Can't backup wallet
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.title", fallback: "Can't backup wallet")
public enum CantSendEmail {
/// It looks like that you don't have any email account configured on your device. Therefore it's not possible to send a support email.
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.alert.cantSendEmail.message", fallback: "It looks like that you don't have any email account configured on your device. Therefore it's not possible to send a support email.")
/// Can't send email
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "settings.alert.cantSendEmail.title", fallback: "Can't send email")
public enum SupportData {
public enum AppVersionItem {
/// App identifier
public static let bundleIdentifier = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.appVersionItem.bundleIdentifier", fallback: "App identifier")
/// App version
public static let version = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.appVersionItem.version", fallback: "App version")
public enum DeviceModelItem {
/// Device
public static let device = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.deviceModelItem.device", fallback: "Device")
public enum FreeDiskSpaceItem {
/// Usable storage
public static let freeDiskSpace = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.freeDiskSpaceItem.freeDiskSpace", fallback: "Usable storage")
public enum LocaleItem {
/// Currency decimal separator
public static let decimalSeparator = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.localeItem.decimalSeparator", fallback: "Currency decimal separator")
/// Currency grouping separator
public static let groupingSeparator = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.localeItem.groupingSeparator", fallback: "Currency grouping separator")
/// Locale
public static let locale = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.localeItem.locale", fallback: "Locale")
public enum PermissionItem {
/// Camera access
public static let camera = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.permissionItem.camera", fallback: "Camera access")
/// FaceID available
public static let faceID = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.permissionItem.faceID", fallback: "FaceID available")
/// Permissions
public static let permissions = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.permissionItem.permissions", fallback: "Permissions")
/// TouchID available
public static let touchID = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.permissionItem.touchID", fallback: "TouchID available")
public enum SystemVersionItem {
/// iOS version
public static let version = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.systemVersionItem.version", fallback: "iOS version")
public enum TimeItem {
/// Current time
public static let time = L10n.tr("Localizable", "supportData.timeItem.time", fallback: "Current time")
public enum Sync {
public enum Message {
/// Error: %@
public static func error(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "sync.message.error", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Error: %@")
/// %@%% Synced
public static func sync(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "sync.message.sync", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@%% Synced")
/// Unprepared
public static let unprepared = L10n.tr("Localizable", "sync.message.unprepared", fallback: "Unprepared")
/// Up-To-Date
public static let uptodate = L10n.tr("Localizable", "sync.message.uptodate", fallback: "Up-To-Date")
public enum Transaction {
/// Confirmed
public static let confirmed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.confirmed", fallback: "Confirmed")
/// %@ times
public static func confirmedTimes(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.confirmedTimes", String(describing: p1), fallback: "%@ times")
/// Confirming ~%@mins
public static func confirming(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.confirming", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Confirming ~%@mins")
/// Failed
public static let failed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.failed", fallback: "Failed")
/// Received
public static let received = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.received", fallback: "Received")
public static let receiving = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.receiving", fallback: "RECEIVING")
public static let sending = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.sending", fallback: "SENDING")
/// Sent
public static let sent = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.sent", fallback: "Sent")
/// to
public static let to = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.to", fallback: "to")
/// unconfirmed
public static let unconfirmed = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.unconfirmed", fallback: "unconfirmed")
/// With memo:
public static let withMemo = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.withMemo", fallback: "With memo:")
/// You are receiving %@ %@
public static func youAreReceiving(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.youAreReceiving", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "You are receiving %@ %@")
/// You are sending %@ %@
public static func youAreSending(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.youAreSending", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "You are sending %@ %@")
/// You DID NOT send %@ %@
public static func youDidNotSent(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.youDidNotSent", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "You DID NOT send %@ %@")
/// You received %@ %@
public static func youReceived(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.youReceived", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "You received %@ %@")
/// You sent %@ %@
public static func youSent(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transaction.youSent", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2), fallback: "You sent %@ %@")
public enum TransactionDetail {
/// Error: %@
public static func error(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "transactionDetail.error", String(describing: p1), fallback: "Error: %@")
/// Transaction detail
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transactionDetail.title", fallback: "Transaction detail")
public enum Transactions {
/// Transactions
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "transactions.title", fallback: "Transactions")
public enum ValidationFailed {
/// Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationFailed.description", fallback: "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase.")
/// Remember, you can't recover your funds if you lose (or incorrectly save) these 24 words.
public static let incorrectBackupDescription = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationFailed.incorrectBackupDescription", fallback: "Remember, you can't recover your funds if you lose (or incorrectly save) these 24 words.")
/// Ouch, sorry, no.
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationFailed.title", fallback: "Ouch, sorry, no.")
public enum Button {
/// Try again
public static let tryAgain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationFailed.button.tryAgain", fallback: "Try again")
public enum ValidationSuccess {
/// Place that backup somewhere safe and venture forth in security.
public static let description = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationSuccess.description", fallback: "Place that backup somewhere safe and venture forth in security.")
/// Success!
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationSuccess.title", fallback: "Success!")
public enum Button {
/// Take me to my wallet!
public static let goToWallet = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationSuccess.button.goToWallet", fallback: "Take me to my wallet!")
/// Show me my phrase again
public static let phraseAgain = L10n.tr("Localizable", "validationSuccess.button.phraseAgain", fallback: "Show me my phrase again")
public enum WalletEvent {
public enum Alert {
public enum LeavingApp {
/// While usually an acceptable risk, you will possibly exposing your behavior and interest in this transaction by going online. OH NOES! What will you do?
public static let message = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.message", fallback: "While usually an acceptable risk, you will possibly exposing your behavior and interest in this transaction by going online. OH NOES! What will you do?")
/// You are exiting your wallet
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.title", fallback: "You are exiting your wallet")
public enum Button {
public static let nevermind = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.button.nevermind", fallback: "NEVERMIND")
public static let seeOnline = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.button.seeOnline", fallback: "SEE TX ONLINE")
public enum Detail {
/// wallet import wallet event
public static let `import` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.detail.import", fallback: "wallet import wallet event")
/// shielded %@ detail
public static func shielded(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.detail.shielded", String(describing: p1), fallback: "shielded %@ detail")
public enum Row {
/// wallet import wallet event
public static let `import` = L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.row.import", fallback: "wallet import wallet event")
/// shielded wallet event %@
public static func shielded(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "walletEvent.row.shielded", String(describing: p1), fallback: "shielded wallet event %@")
public enum WelcomeScreen {
/// Just Loading, one sec
public static let subtitle = L10n.tr("Localizable", "welcomeScreen.subtitle", fallback: "Just Loading, one sec")
/// Powered by Zcash
public static let title = L10n.tr("Localizable", "welcomeScreen.title", fallback: "Powered by Zcash")
// swiftlint:enable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:enable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
// MARK: - Implementation Details
extension L10n {
private static func tr(_ table: String, _ key: String, _ args: CVarArg..., fallback value: String) -> String {
let format = BundleToken.bundle.localizedString(forKey: key, value: value, table: table)
return String(format: format, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args)
// swiftlint:disable convenience_type
private final class BundleToken {
static let bundle: Bundle = {
return Bundle.module
return Bundle(for: BundleToken.self)
// swiftlint:enable convenience_type

View File

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"images" : [
"filename" : "eccLogo.png",
"idiom" : "universal"
"info" : {
"author" : "xcode",
"version" : 1

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 KiB

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
"color-space" : "srgb",
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"alpha" : "1.000",
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"blue" : "0.341",
"green" : "0.200",
"red" : "0.149"
"idiom" : "universal"
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
"color-space" : "srgb",
"components" : {
"alpha" : "1.000",
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"green" : "0xB9",
"red" : "0xFF"
"blue" : "0.000",
"green" : "0.725",
"red" : "1.000"
"idiom" : "universal"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More