# Zashi iOS Wallet This is the official home of the Zashi Zcash wallet for Wallet, a no-frills Zcash mobile wallet leveraging the [Zcash Swift SDK](https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zcash-swift-wallet-sdk). # Production The Zashi IOS wallet is publicly available for download in the [AppStore](https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/zashi-zcash-wallet/id1672392439). # Zashi Discord Join the Zashi community on ECC Discord server, report bugs, share ideas, request new features, and help shape Zashi's journey! # Reporting an issue If you'd like to report a technical issue or feature request for the IOS Wallet, please file a GitHub issue [here](https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zashi-ios/issues/new/choose). For feature requests and issues related to the Zashi user interface that are not iOS-specific, please file a GitHub issue [here](https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zashi/issues/new/choose). If you wish to report a security issue, please follow our [Responsible Disclosure guidelines](https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zashi/blob/master/responsible_disclosure.md). See the [Wallet App Threat Model](https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zashi/blob/master/wallet_threat_model.md) for more information about the security and privacy limitations of the wallet. General Zcash questions and/or support requests may also be directed to either: * [Zcash Forum](https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/) * [Discord Community](https://discord.io/zcash-community) # Contributing Contributions are very much welcomed! Please read our [Contributing Guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) and [Code of Conduct](/CONDUCT.md). Our backlog has many Issues tagged with the `good first issue` label. Please fork the repo and make a pull request for us to review. Zashi Wallet uses [SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint) and [SwiftGen](https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen) to conform to our coding guidelines for source code and generate accessors for assets. Please install these locally when contributing to the project, they are run automatically when you build. ## Installation of Swiftgen & Swiftlint on Apple Silicon-based hardware ### Swiftgen Install it using homebrew ``` $ brew install swiftgen ``` and create a symbolic link ``` ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/swiftgen /usr/local/bin ``` ### Swiftlint The project is setup to work with `0.50.3` version. We recommend to install it directly using [the official 0.50.3 package](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint/releases/download/0.50.3/SwiftLint.pkg). If you follow this step there is no symbolic link needed. In case you already have swiftlint 0.50.3 ready on your machine and installed via homebrew, create a symbolic link ``` ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/swiftlint /usr/local/bin ```