# Generated header file zcashlc.h # Rust ## Generated by Cargo ## will have compiled files and executables /target/ ## These are backup files generated by rustfmt **/*.rs.bk # params files *.params # Xcode ## Build generated build/ DerivedData/ ## Various settings *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata/ ## Other *.moved-aside *.xccheckout *.xcscmblueprint ## Obj-C/Swift specific *.hmap *.ipa *.dSYM.zip *.dSYM ## Playgrounds timeline.xctimeline playground.xcworkspace # Swift Package Manager .build/ # Carthage Carthage/Checkouts Carthage/Build Example/**/Carthage # fastlane fastlane/report.xml fastlane/Preview.html fastlane/screenshots/**/*.png fastlane/test_output # Code Injection iOSInjectionProject/ # macOS ## General .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride #ignore Pods directory for example project Pods # do not commit generated libraries to this repo lib *.a *.generated.swift env-vars.sh wallet/wallet/Generated/Constants.generated.swift