
206 lines
6.9 KiB

import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
typealias SettingsStore = Store<SettingsReducer.State, SettingsReducer.Action>
typealias SettingsViewStore = ViewStore<SettingsReducer.State, SettingsReducer.Action>
struct SettingsReducer: ReducerProtocol {
struct State: Equatable {
enum Destination {
case backupPhrase
var destination: Destination?
var exportLogsDisabled = false
var isSharingLogs = false
var phraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State
var rescanDialog: ConfirmationDialogState<SettingsReducer.Action>?
@BindableState var isCrashReportingOn: Bool
var tempSDKDir: URL {
let tempDir = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
let sdkFileName = "sdkLogs.txt"
return tempDir.appendingPathComponent(sdkFileName)
var tempTCADir: URL {
let tempDir = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
let sdkFileName = "tcaLogs.txt"
return tempDir.appendingPathComponent(sdkFileName)
var tempWalletDir: URL {
let tempDir = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
let sdkFileName = "walletLogs.txt"
return tempDir.appendingPathComponent(sdkFileName)
enum Action: BindableAction, Equatable {
case backupWallet
case backupWalletAccessRequest
case binding(BindingAction<SettingsReducer.State>)
case cancelRescan
case exportLogs
case fullRescan
case logsExported
case logsShareFinished
case onAppear
case phraseDisplay(RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.Action)
case quickRescan
case rescanBlockchain
case updateDestination(SettingsReducer.State.Destination?)
case testCrashReporter // this will crash the app if live.
@Dependency(\.localAuthentication) var localAuthentication
@Dependency(\.mnemonic) var mnemonic
@Dependency(\.sdkSynchronizer) var sdkSynchronizer
@Dependency(\.logsHandler) var logsHandler
@Dependency(\.walletStorage) var walletStorage
@Dependency(\.userStoredPreferences) var userStoredPreferences
@Dependency(\.crashReporter) var crashReporter
var body: some ReducerProtocol<State, Action> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .onAppear:
state.isCrashReportingOn = !userStoredPreferences.isUserOptedOutOfCrashReporting()
return .none
case .backupWalletAccessRequest:
return .run { send in
if await localAuthentication.authenticate() {
await send(.backupWallet)
case .backupWallet:
do {
let storedWallet = try walletStorage.exportWallet()
let phraseWords = try mnemonic.asWords(storedWallet.seedPhrase.value())
let recoveryPhrase = RecoveryPhrase(words: { $0.redacted })
state.phraseDisplayState.phrase = recoveryPhrase
return EffectTask(value: .updateDestination(.backupPhrase))
} catch {
// TODO: [#221] - merge with issue 221 ( and its Error States
return .none
case .binding(\.$isCrashReportingOn):
if state.isCrashReportingOn {
} else {
return .run { [state] send in
await userStoredPreferences.setIsUserOptedOutOfCrashReporting(state.isCrashReportingOn)
case .cancelRescan, .quickRescan, .fullRescan:
state.rescanDialog = nil
return .none
case .exportLogs:
state.exportLogsDisabled = true
return .run { [state] send in
do {
try await logsHandler.exportAndStoreLogs(state.tempSDKDir, state.tempTCADir, state.tempWalletDir)
await send(.logsExported)
} catch {
// TODO: [#527] address the error here
case .logsExported:
state.exportLogsDisabled = false
state.isSharingLogs = true
return .none
case .logsShareFinished:
state.isSharingLogs = false
return .none
case .rescanBlockchain:
state.rescanDialog = .init(
title: TextState("Rescan"),
message: TextState("Select the rescan you want"),
buttons: [
.default(TextState("Quick rescan"), action: .send(.quickRescan)),
.default(TextState("Full rescan"), action: .send(.fullRescan)),
return .none
case .phraseDisplay:
state.destination = nil
return .none
case .updateDestination(let destination):
state.destination = destination
return .none
case .testCrashReporter:
return .none
case .binding:
return .none
Scope(state: \.phraseDisplayState, action: /Action.phraseDisplay) {
// MARK: - ViewStore
extension SettingsViewStore {
var destinationBinding: Binding<SettingsReducer.State.Destination?> {
get: \.destination,
send: SettingsReducer.Action.updateDestination
var bindingForBackupPhrase: Binding<Bool> {
extract: { $0 == .backupPhrase },
embed: { $0 ? .backupPhrase : nil }
// MARK: - Store
extension SettingsStore {
func backupPhraseStore() -> RecoveryPhraseDisplayStore {
state: \.phraseDisplayState,
action: SettingsReducer.Action.phraseDisplay
// MARK: Placeholders
extension SettingsReducer.State {
static let placeholder = SettingsReducer.State(
phraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State(
phrase: .placeholder
isCrashReportingOn: true
extension SettingsStore {
static let placeholder = SettingsStore(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: SettingsReducer()