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// UserPreferencesStorage.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 03/18/2022.
import Foundation
/// Representation of the user preferences stored in the local persistent storage (non-encrypted, no security needed)
protocol UserPreferences {
/// From when the app is on and uninterrupted
var activeAppSessionFrom: TimeInterval { get set }
/// What is the set up currency
var currency: String { get set }
/// Whether the fiat conversion is on/off
var isFiatConverted: Bool { get set }
/// Whether user finished recovery phrase backup test
var isRecoveryPhraseTestCompleted: Bool { get set }
/// Whether the user has been autoshielded in the running session
var isSessionAutoshielded: Bool { get set }
/// Live implementation of the `UserPreferences` using User Defaults
/// according to
/// the UserDefaults class is thread-safe.
struct UserPreferencesStorage: UserPreferences {
enum Constants: String, CaseIterable {
case zcashActiveAppSessionFrom
case zcashCurrency
case zcashFiatConverted
case zcashRecoveryPhraseTestCompleted
case zcashSessionAutoshielded
static let `default` = UserPreferencesStorage(
appSessionFrom: Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
convertedCurrency: "USD",
fiatConvertion: true,
recoveryPhraseTestCompleted: false,
sessionAutoshielded: true,
userDefaults: UserDefaults.standard
/// Default values for all preferences in case there is no value stored (counterparts to `Constants`)
private let appSessionFrom: TimeInterval
private let convertedCurrency: String
private let fiatConvertion: Bool
private let recoveryPhraseTestCompleted: Bool
private let sessionAutoshielded: Bool
private let userDefaults: UserDefaults
appSessionFrom: TimeInterval,
convertedCurrency: String,
fiatConvertion: Bool,
recoveryPhraseTestCompleted: Bool,
sessionAutoshielded: Bool,
userDefaults: UserDefaults
) {
self.appSessionFrom = appSessionFrom
self.convertedCurrency = convertedCurrency
self.fiatConvertion = fiatConvertion
self.recoveryPhraseTestCompleted = recoveryPhraseTestCompleted
self.sessionAutoshielded = sessionAutoshielded
self.userDefaults = userDefaults
/// From when the app is on and uninterrupted
var activeAppSessionFrom: TimeInterval {
get { getValue(forKey: Constants.zcashActiveAppSessionFrom.rawValue, default: appSessionFrom) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: Constants.zcashActiveAppSessionFrom.rawValue) }
/// What is the set up currency
var currency: String {
get { getValue(forKey: Constants.zcashCurrency.rawValue, default: convertedCurrency) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: Constants.zcashCurrency.rawValue) }
/// Whether the fiat conversion is on/off
var isFiatConverted: Bool {
get { getValue(forKey: Constants.zcashFiatConverted.rawValue, default: fiatConvertion) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: Constants.zcashFiatConverted.rawValue) }
/// Whether user finished recovery phrase backup test
var isRecoveryPhraseTestCompleted: Bool {
get { getValue(forKey: Constants.zcashRecoveryPhraseTestCompleted.rawValue, default: recoveryPhraseTestCompleted) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: Constants.zcashRecoveryPhraseTestCompleted.rawValue) }
/// Whether the user has been autoshielded in the running session
var isSessionAutoshielded: Bool {
get { getValue(forKey: Constants.zcashSessionAutoshielded.rawValue, default: sessionAutoshielded) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: Constants.zcashSessionAutoshielded.rawValue) }
/// Use carefully: Deletes all user preferences from the User Defaults
func removeAll() {
Constants.allCases.forEach { userDefaults.removeObject(forKey: $0.rawValue) }
private extension UserPreferencesStorage {
func getValue<Value>(forKey: String, default defaultIfNil: Value) -> Value {
userDefaults.object(forKey: forKey) as? Value ?? defaultIfNil
func setValue<Value>(_ value: Value, forKey: String) {
userDefaults.set(value, forKey: forKey)