
331 lines
11 KiB

import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import AVFoundation
import ComposableArchitecture
import ZcashLightClientKit
import AudioServices
import DiskSpaceChecker
import Utils
import Models
import Generated
import ReviewRequest
import TransactionList
import Scan
import SyncProgress
import RestoreWalletStorage
public typealias HomeStore = Store<HomeReducer.State, HomeReducer.Action>
public typealias HomeViewStore = ViewStore<HomeReducer.State, HomeReducer.Action>
public struct HomeReducer: Reducer {
private let CancelStateId = UUID()
private let CancelEventId = UUID()
public struct State: Equatable {
public enum Destination: Equatable {
case notEnoughFreeDiskSpace
@PresentationState public var alert: AlertState<Action>?
public var destination: Destination?
public var canRequestReview = false
public var isRestoringWallet = false
public var requiredTransactionConfirmations = 0
public var scanState: Scan.State
public var shieldedBalance: Zatoshi
public var synchronizerStatusSnapshot: SyncStatusSnapshot
public var syncProgressState: SyncProgressReducer.State
public var walletConfig: WalletConfig
public var totalBalance: Zatoshi
public var transactionListState: TransactionListReducer.State
public var migratingDatabase = true
// TODO: [#311] - Get the ZEC price from the SDK,
public var zecPrice = Decimal(140.0)
public var totalCurrencyBalance: Zatoshi {
Zatoshi.from(decimal: shieldedBalance.decimalValue.decimalValue * zecPrice)
public var isSendButtonDisabled: Bool {
shieldedBalance.amount == 0
public var isProcessingZeroAvailableBalance: Bool {
totalBalance.amount != shieldedBalance.amount && shieldedBalance.amount == 0
public init(
destination: Destination? = nil,
canRequestReview: Bool = false,
isRestoringWallet: Bool = false,
requiredTransactionConfirmations: Int = 0,
scanState: Scan.State,
shieldedBalance: Zatoshi,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: SyncStatusSnapshot,
syncProgressState: SyncProgressReducer.State,
totalBalance: Zatoshi = .zero,
transactionListState: TransactionListReducer.State,
walletConfig: WalletConfig,
zecPrice: Decimal = Decimal(140.0)
) {
self.destination = destination
self.canRequestReview = canRequestReview
self.isRestoringWallet = isRestoringWallet
self.requiredTransactionConfirmations = requiredTransactionConfirmations
self.scanState = scanState
self.shieldedBalance = shieldedBalance
self.synchronizerStatusSnapshot = synchronizerStatusSnapshot
self.syncProgressState = syncProgressState
self.totalBalance = totalBalance
self.transactionListState = transactionListState
self.walletConfig = walletConfig
self.zecPrice = zecPrice
public enum Action: Equatable {
case alert(PresentationAction<Action>)
case balanceBreakdown
case debugMenuStartup
case foundTransactions
case onAppear
case onDisappear
case resolveReviewRequest
case restoreWalletTask
case restoreWalletValue(Bool)
case retrySync
case reviewRequestFinished
case showSynchronizerErrorAlert(ZcashError)
case synchronizerStateChanged(RedactableSynchronizerState)
case syncFailed(ZcashError)
case syncProgress(SyncProgressReducer.Action)
case updateDestination(HomeReducer.State.Destination?)
case updateTransactionList([TransactionState])
case transactionList(TransactionListReducer.Action)
@Dependency(\.audioServices) var audioServices
@Dependency(\.diskSpaceChecker) var diskSpaceChecker
@Dependency(\.mainQueue) var mainQueue
@Dependency(\.restoreWalletStorage) var restoreWalletStorage
@Dependency(\.reviewRequest) var reviewRequest
@Dependency(\.sdkSynchronizer) var sdkSynchronizer
@Dependency(\.zcashSDKEnvironment) var zcashSDKEnvironment
public init() { }
public var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
Scope(state: \.transactionListState, action: /Action.transactionList) {
Scope(state: \.syncProgressState, action: /Action.syncProgress) {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .onAppear:
state.requiredTransactionConfirmations = zcashSDKEnvironment.requiredTransactionConfirmations
if diskSpaceChecker.hasEnoughFreeSpaceForSync() {
return .merge(
.publisher {
.throttle(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: mainQueue, latest: true)
.map { $0.redacted }
.cancellable(id: CancelStateId, cancelInFlight: true),
.publisher {
.throttle(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: mainQueue, latest: true)
.compactMap {
if case SynchronizerEvent.foundTransactions = $0 {
return HomeReducer.Action.foundTransactions
return nil
.cancellable(id: CancelEventId, cancelInFlight: true)
} else {
return Effect.send(.updateDestination(.notEnoughFreeDiskSpace))
case .onDisappear:
return .concatenate(
.cancel(id: CancelStateId),
.cancel(id: CancelEventId)
case .resolveReviewRequest:
if reviewRequest.canRequestReview() {
state.canRequestReview = true
return .run { _ in
return .none
case .restoreWalletTask:
return .run { send in
for await value in await restoreWalletStorage.value() {
await send(.restoreWalletValue(value))
case .restoreWalletValue(let value):
state.isRestoringWallet = value
return .none
case .reviewRequestFinished:
state.canRequestReview = false
return .none
case .updateTransactionList:
return .none
case .synchronizerStateChanged(let latestState):
let snapshot = SyncStatusSnapshot.snapshotFor(state:
if snapshot.syncStatus != .unprepared {
state.migratingDatabase = false
state.synchronizerStatusSnapshot = snapshot
let accountBalance =
state.shieldedBalance = (accountBalance?.saplingBalance.spendableValue ?? .zero) + (accountBalance?.orchardBalance.spendableValue ?? .zero)
state.totalBalance = (accountBalance? ?? .zero) + (accountBalance? ?? .zero)
switch snapshot.syncStatus {
case .error(let error):
return Effect.send(.showSynchronizerErrorAlert(error.toZcashError()))
case .upToDate:
return .run { _ in
return .none
case .syncProgress:
return .none
case .foundTransactions:
return .run { _ in
case .updateDestination(let destination):
state.destination = destination
return .none
case .transactionList:
return .none
case .retrySync:
return .run { send in
do {
try await sdkSynchronizer.start(true)
} catch {
await send(.syncFailed(error.toZcashError()))
case .showSynchronizerErrorAlert:
return .none
case .debugMenuStartup:
return .none
case .syncFailed:
return .none
case .balanceBreakdown:
return .none
case .alert(.presented(let action)):
return Effect.send(action)
case .alert(.dismiss):
state.alert = nil
return .none
case .alert:
return .none
// MARK: - Store
extension HomeStore {
func historyStore() -> TransactionListStore {
state: \.transactionListState,
action: HomeReducer.Action.transactionList
// MARK: - ViewStore
extension HomeViewStore {
func bindingForDestination(_ destination: HomeReducer.State.Destination) -> Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.destination == destination },
send: { isActive in
return .updateDestination(isActive ? destination : nil)
// MARK: Placeholders
extension HomeReducer.State {
public static var initial: Self {
scanState: .initial,
shieldedBalance: .zero,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .initial,
syncProgressState: .initial,
transactionListState: .initial,
walletConfig: .initial
extension HomeStore {
public static var placeholder: HomeStore {
initialState: .initial
) {
public static var error: HomeStore {
initialState: .init(
scanState: .initial,
shieldedBalance: .zero,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .snapshotFor(
state: .error(ZcashError.synchronizerNotPrepared)
syncProgressState: .initial,
transactionListState: .initial,
walletConfig: .initial
) {