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// MARK: - Welcome Screen
"welcomeScreen.title" = "Powered by Zcash";
"welcomeScreen.subtitle" = "Just Loading, one sec";
// MARK: - Plain Onboarding Flow
"plainOnboarding.title" = "A no-frills wallet for sending and receiving Zcash (ZEC).";
"plainOnboarding.button.createNewWallet" = "Create new Wallet";
"plainOnboarding.button.restoreWallet" = "Restore existing wallet";
// MARK: - Security Warning
"securityWarning.title" = "Security warning:";
"securityWarning.warningPart1a" = "Zashi %@ (%@) is a Zcash-only shielded wallet, built by Zcashers for Zcashers. The purpose of this release is primarily to test functionality and collect feedback. While Zashi has been engineered for your privacy and safety (read the privacy policy ";
"securityWarning.warningPart1b" = "here";
"securityWarning.warningPart1c" = "), this release has not yet been security audited.";
"securityWarning.warningPart2" = " Users are cautioned to deposit, send, and receive only small amounts of ZEC.";
"securityWarning.warningPart3" = " Please click below to proceed.";
"securityWarning.acknowledge" = "I acknowledge";
"securityWarning.confirm" = "Confirm";
// MARK: - Onboarding Flow
"onboarding.step1.title" = "Welcome!";
"onboarding.step1.description" = "As a privacy focused wallet, we shield by default. Your wallet uses the shielded address for sending and moves transparent funds to that address automatically.\n\nIn other words, the 'privacy-please' sign is on the knob.";
"onboarding.step2.title" = "Unified Addresses";
"onboarding.step2.description" = "You now have a unified address that includes and up-to-date shielded address for legacy systems.\n\nThis makes your wallet friendlier, and gives you and address that you won't have to upgrade again.";
"onboarding.step3.title" = "And so much more...";
"onboarding.step3.description" = "Due to Zcash's increased popularity, we are optimizing our syncing schemes to be faster and more efficient!\n\nThe future is fast!";
"onboarding.step4.title" = "Let's get started";
"onboarding.step4.description" = "Choose between creating a new wallet and importing and existing Secret Recovery Phrase";
"onboarding.button.newWallet" = "Create New Wallet";
"onboarding.button.importWallet" = "Import an Existing Wallet";
// MARK: - Secret Recovery Phrase Display
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.titlePart1" = "Your Secret";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.titlePart2" = "Recovery Phrase";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.description" = "The following 24 words are the keys to your funds and are the only way to recover your funds if you get locked out or get a new device. Protect your ZEC by storing this phrase in a place you trust and never share it with anyone!";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.wroteItDown" = "I got it!";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.copyToBuffer" = "Copy To Buffer";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.noWords" = "The keys are missing. No backup phrase is stored in the keychain.";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.birthdayHeight" = "Wallet birthday height: %@";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.alert.failed.title" = "Failed to load stored wallet";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.alert.failed.message" = "Attempt to load the stored wallet from the keychain failed. Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Recovery Phrase Backup Validation & Success/Failed
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.title" = "Verify Your Backup";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.description" = "Drag the words below to match your backed-up copy.";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.successResult" = "Congratulations! You validated your secret recovery phrase.";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.failedResult" = "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase";
"validationSuccess.title" = "Success!";
"validationSuccess.description" = "Place that backup somewhere safe and venture forth in security.";
"validationSuccess.button.goToWallet" = "Take me to my wallet!";
"validationSuccess.button.phraseAgain" = "Show me my phrase again";
"validationFailed.title" = "Ouch, sorry, no.";
"validationFailed.description" = "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase.";
"validationFailed.incorrectBackupDescription" = "Remember, you can't recover your funds if you lose (or incorrectly save) these 24 words.";
"validationFailed.button.tryAgain" = "Try again";
// MARK: - Recovery Phrase Test Preamble
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.title" = "First things first";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph1" = "It is important to understand that you are in charge here. Great, right? YOU get to be the bank!";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph2" = "But it also means that YOU are the customer, and you need to be self-reliant.";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph3" = "So how do you recover funds that you've hidden on a completely decentralized and private block-chain?";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.button.goNext" = "By understanding and preparing";
// MARK: - Import Wallet Screen
"importWallet.title" = "Wallet Import";
"importWallet.description" = "Enter secret\nrecovery phrase";
"importWallet.message" = "Enter your 24-word seed phrase to restore the associated wallet.";
"importWallet.button.restoreWallet" = "Restore";
"importWallet.birthday.title" = "Wallet birthday height";
"importWallet.seed.valid" = "VALID SEED PHRASE";
"importWallet.alert.success.title" = "Success";
"importWallet.alert.success.message" = "The wallet has been successfully recovered.";
"importWallet.alert.failed.title" = "Failed to restore wallet";
"importWallet.alert.failed.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"importWallet.optionalBirthday" = "(optional)";
"importWallet.enterPlaceholder" = "Enter private seed here…";
// MARK: - Tabs
"tabs.account" = "Account";
"tabs.send" = "Send";
"tabs.receive" = "Receive";
"tabs.balances" = "Balances";
// MARK: - Home Screen
"home.sendZec" = "Send %@";
"home.receiveZec" = "Receive %@";
"home.migratingDatabases" = "Upgrading databases…";
// MARK: - Receive ZEC
"receiveZec.yourAddress" = "Your Address";
"receiveZec.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress" = "could not extract UA";
// MARK: - Address Details
"" = "Unified Address";
"" = "Sapling Address";
"addressDetails.ta" = "Transparent Address";
"addressDetails.receiveTitle" = "Receive";
"addressDetails.copy" = "Copy";
"addressDetails.share" = "Share";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress" = "could not extract UA";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractTransparentAddress" = "could not extract transparent receiver from UA";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractSaplingAddress" = "could not extract sapling receiver from UA";
// MARK: - Balances
"balances.spendableBalance" = "Shielded zec (spendable)";
"balances.changePending" = "Change pending";
"balances.pendingTransactions" = "Pending transactions";
"balances.transparentBalance" = "Transparent balance";
"balances.shieldButtonTitle" = "Shield and consolidate funds";
"balances.shieldingInProgress" = "Shielding funds";
"balances.fee" = "(Fee %@)";
"balances.synced" = "Synced";
"balances.syncing" = "Syncing";
"balances.hintBox.message" = "Zashi uses the latest network upgrade and does does not support sending transparent (unshielded) ZEC. Converting your funds will move them to your available balance so you can send or spend them.";
"balances.hintBox.dismiss" = "I got it!";
"balances.restoringWalletWarning" = "The restore process can take several hours on lower-powered devices, and even on powerful devices is likely to take more than an hour.";
"balances.alert.shieldFunds.failure.title" = "Failed to shield funds";
"balances.alert.shieldFunds.failure.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Scan
"" = "We will validate any Zcash URI and take you to the appropriate action.";
"scan.scanning" = "Scanning...";
"scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.title" = "Can't initialize the camera";
"scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Send
"send.title" = "Send Zcash";
"send.sending" = "Sending";
"send.fundsInfo" = "Aditional funds may be in transit";
"send.message" = "Message";
"send.memoPlaceholder" = "Write private message here...";
"send.failed" = "Sending transaction failed";
"send.succeeded" = "Sending transaction succeeded";
"send.sendingTo" = "Sending %@ %@ to";
"send.amount" = "amount: %@";
"send.address" = " address: %@";
"send.memo" = " memo: %@";
"send.includeMemo" = "Want to include memo? Tap here.";
"send.editMemo" = "Memo included. Tap to edit.";
"send.error.insufficientFunds" = "Insufficient funds";
"send.error.invalidAmount" = "Invalid amount";
"send.error.invalidAddress" = "Invalid address";
"send.fee" = "(Fee %@)";
"send.amountSummary" = "Amount:";
"send.toSummary" = "To:";
"send.feeSummary" = "Fee:";
"send.confirmationTitle" = "Confirmation";
"send.goBack" = "Go back";
"" = "Review";
"send.alert.failure.title" = "Failed to send funds";
"send.alert.failure.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Settings
"settings.recoveryPhrase" = "Recovery Phrase";
"" = "Send us feedback";
"settings.privacyPolicy" = "Privacy Policy";
"settings.documentation" = "Documentation";
"settings.exportPrivateData" = "Export private data";
"settings.exportLogsOnly" = "Export logs only";
"settings.about" = "About";
"" = "Send and receive ZEC on Zashi!
Zashi is a minimal-design, self-custody, ZEC-only shielded wallet that keeps your transaction history and wallet balance private. Built by Zcashers, for Zcashers. Developed and maintained by Electric Coin Co., the inventor of Zcash, Zashi features a built-in user-feedback mechanism to enable more features, more quickly.";
"settings.version" = "Version %@ (%@)";
"settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.title" = "Can't backup wallet";
"settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"settings.alert.cantSendEmail.title" = "Can't send email";
"settings.alert.cantSendEmail.message" = "It looks like that you don't have any email account configured on your device. Therefore it's not possible to send a support email.";
// MARK: - Private Data Consent
"privateDataConsent.title" = "Consent for Exporting Private Data";
"privateDataConsent.message" = "By clicking \"I Agree\" below, you give your consent to export Zashis private data which includes the entire history of the wallet, all private information, memos, amounts and recipient addresses, even for your shielded activity.*\n
This private data also gives the ability to see certain future actions you take with Zashi.\n
Sharing this private data is irrevocable — once you have shared this private data with someone, there is no way to revoke their access.";
"privateDataConsent.note" = "*Note that this private data does not give them the ability to spend your funds, only the ability to see what you do with your funds.";
"privateDataConsent.confirmation" = "I agree";
// MARK: - Sync message
"sync.message.uptodate" = "Up-To-Date";
"sync.message.unprepared" = "Unprepared";
"sync.message.error" = "Error: %@";
"sync.message.stopped" = "Stopped";
"sync.message.sync" = "%@%% Synced";
// MARK: - Not Enough Free Space
"nefs.message" = "Not enough space on disk to do synchronisation!";
// MARK: - Errors
"error.rollBack" = "possible roll back";
// MARK: - Common & Shared
"general.back" = "Back";
"general.skip" = "Skip";
"" = "Next";
"general.send" = "Send";
"general.clear" = "Clear";
"general.close" = "Close";
"general.max" = "Max";
"general.ok" = "Ok";
"general.yes" = "Yes";
"" = "No";
"general.cancel" = "Cancel";
"general.success" = "Success";
"general.unknown" = "Unknown";
"general.done" = "Done";
"general.restoringWallet" = "[RESTORING YOUR WALLET…]";
"balance.available" = "Available balance %@ %@";
"balance.availableTitle" = "Available Balance";
"qrCodeFor" = "QR Code for %@";
"general.dateNotAvailable" = "date not available";
"general.tapToCopy" = "Tap to copy";
// MARK: - Transaction List
"transactionList.collapse" = "Collapse transaction";
"transactionList.messageTitle" = "Message";
"transactionList.noMessageIncluded" = "No message included in transaction";
"transactionList.transactionFee" = "Transaction Fee";
"transactionList.transactionId" = "Transaction ID";
// MARK: - Transactions
"transactions.title" = "Transactions";
"transaction.sent" = "Sent";
"transaction.sending" = "Sending...";
"transaction.receiving" = "Receiving...";
"transaction.received" = "Received";
"transaction.failedSend" = "Send failed";
"transaction.failedReceive" = "Receive failed";
"transaction.youSent" = "You sent %@ %@";
"transaction.youAreSending" = "You are sending %@ %@";
"transaction.youAreReceiving" = "You are receiving %@ %@";
"transaction.youReceived" = "You received %@ %@";
"transaction.youDidNotSent" = "You DID NOT send %@ %@";
"transaction.confirmed" = "Confirmed";
"transaction.confirmedTimes" = "%@ times";
"transaction.confirming" = "Confirming ~%@mins";
"transaction.withMemo" = "With memo:";
"" = "to";
"transaction.unconfirmed" = "unconfirmed";
"transactionDetail.title" = "Transaction detail";
"transactionDetail.error" = "Error: %@";
// MARK: - Local authentication
"localAuthentication.reason" = "The Following content requires authentication.";
// MARK: - Support Data
"supportData.timeItem.time" = "Current time";
"supportData.appVersionItem.bundleIdentifier" = "App identifier";
"supportData.appVersionItem.version" = "App version";
"supportData.systemVersionItem.version" = "iOS version";
"supportData.deviceModelItem.device" = "Device";
"supportData.localeItem.locale" = "Locale";
"supportData.localeItem.groupingSeparator" = "Currency grouping separator";
"supportData.localeItem.decimalSeparator" = "Currency decimal separator";
"supportData.freeDiskSpaceItem.freeDiskSpace" = "Usable storage";
"supportData.permissionItem.permissions" = "Permissions";
"" = "Camera access";
"supportData.permissionItem.faceID" = "FaceID available";
"supportData.permissionItem.touchID" = "TouchID available";
// MARK: - Root
"root.initialization.alert.failed.title" = "Wallet initialisation failed.";
"root.initialization.alert.error.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"root.initialization.alert.sdkInitFailed.title" = "Failed to initialize the SDK";
"root.initialization.alert.walletStateFailed.message" = "App initialisation state: %@.";
"root.initialization.alert.cantLoadSeedPhrase.message" = "Can't load seed phrase from local storage.";
"root.initialization.alert.cantCreateNewWallet.message" = "Can't create new wallet. Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"root.initialization.alert.cantStoreThatUserPassedPhraseBackupTest.message" = "Can't store information that user passed phrase backup test. Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"root.initialization.alert.wipe.title" = "Wipe of the wallet";
"root.initialization.alert.wipe.message" = "Are you sure?";
"root.initialization.alert.wipeFailed.title" = "Nuke of the wallet failed";
"root.initialization.alert.retryStartFailed.title" = "Synchronizer failed to start";
"root.initialization.alert.retryStartFailed.message" = "The app was in background so re-start of the synchronizer is needed but this operation failed.";
"root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.title" = "Failed to process deeplink.";
"root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.message" = "Deeplink: \(%@))\nError: \(%@) (code: %@)";
"root.debug.title" = "Support options";
"root.debug.navigationTitle" = "Startup";
"root.debug.option.restartApp" = "Restart the App";
"root.debug.option.rescanBlockchain" = "Rescan Blockchain";
"root.debug.option.nukeWallet" = "[Be careful] Nuke Wallet";
"root.debug.option.exportLogs" = "Export Logs";
"root.debug.option.appReview" = "Rate the App";
"root.debug.option.testCrashReporter" = "Test Crash Reporter";
"root.debug.featureFlags" = "Feature flags";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.title" = "Rescan";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.message" = "Select the rescan you want";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.quick" = "Quick rescan";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.full" = "Full rescan";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.title" = "Rewind failed";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.title" = "Can't start sync process after rewind";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Export logs
"exportLogs.alert.failed.title" = "Error when exporting logs";
"exportLogs.alert.failed.message" = "Error: %@ (code: %@)";
// MARK: - Text Fields
"field.multiline.charLimitExceeded" = "char limit exceeded";
"field.transactionAddress.validZcashAddress" = "Zcash Address";
"" = "To:";
"field.transactionAmount.zecAmount" = "%@ Amount";
"field.transactionAmount.amount" = "Amount:";