
264 lines
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import ComposableArchitecture
struct AppState: Equatable {
enum Route: Equatable {
case welcome
case startup
case onboarding
case home
case phraseValidation
case phraseDisplay
var homeState: HomeState
var onboardingState: OnboardingState
var phraseValidationState: RecoveryPhraseValidationState
var phraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayState
var welcomeState: WelcomeState
var route: Route = .welcome
var storedWallet: StoredWallet?
var appInitializationState: InitializationState = .uninitialized
enum AppAction: Equatable {
case appDelegate(AppDelegateAction)
case checkWalletInitialization
case createNewWallet
case home(HomeAction)
case initializeApp
case onboarding(OnboardingAction)
case phraseDisplay(RecoveryPhraseDisplayAction)
case phraseValidation(RecoveryPhraseValidationAction)
case updateRoute(AppState.Route)
case welcome(WelcomeAction)
struct AppEnvironment {
let databaseFiles: DatabaseFilesInteractor
let scheduler: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue>
let mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider: MnemonicSeedPhraseProvider
let walletStorage: WalletStorageInteractor
extension AppEnvironment {
static let live = AppEnvironment(
databaseFiles: .live(),
scheduler: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider: .live,
walletStorage: .live()
static let mock = AppEnvironment(
databaseFiles: .live(),
scheduler: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider: .mock,
walletStorage: .live()
// MARK: - AppReducer
private struct ListenerId: Hashable {}
typealias AppReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment>
extension AppReducer {
static let `default` = AppReducer.combine(
private static let appReducer = AppReducer { state, action, environment in
switch action {
case .createNewWallet:
let randomPhraseWords: [String]
do {
let randomPhrase = try environment.mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider.randomMnemonic()
randomPhraseWords = try environment.mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider.asWords(randomPhrase)
// TODO: - Get birthday from the integrated SDK, issue 228 (
let birthday = BlockHeight(12345678)
try environment.walletStorage.importWallet(randomPhrase, birthday, .english, false)
} catch {
// TODO: - merge with issue 201 ( and its Error States
return .none
let recoveryPhrase = RecoveryPhrase(words: randomPhraseWords)
state.phraseDisplayState.phrase = recoveryPhrase
state.phraseValidationState = RecoveryPhraseValidationState.random(phrase: recoveryPhrase)
return Effect(value: .phraseValidation(.displayBackedUpPhrase))
/// Checking presense of stored wallet in the keychain and presense of database files in documents directory.
case .checkWalletInitialization:
do {
// TODO: replace the hardcoded network with the environmental value, issue 239 (
let databaseFilesPresent = try environment.databaseFiles.areDbFilesPresentFor("mainnet")
let keysPresent = try environment.walletStorage.areKeysPresent()
switch (keysPresent, databaseFilesPresent) {
case (false, false):
state.appInitializationState = .uninitialized
case (false, true):
state.appInitializationState = .keysMissing
// TODO: error we need to handle, issue #221 (
case (true, false), (true, true):
return Effect(value: .initializeApp)
} catch CocoaError.fileNoSuchFile, CocoaError.fileReadNoSuchFile {
state.appInitializationState = .filesMissing
} catch {
state.appInitializationState = .failed
// TODO: error we need to handle, issue #221 (
if state.appInitializationState == .uninitialized || state.appInitializationState == .filesMissing {
return Effect(value: .updateRoute(.onboarding))
.delay(for: 3, scheduler: environment.scheduler)
.cancellable(id: ListenerId(), cancelInFlight: true)
return .none
/// Stored wallet is present, database files may or may not be present, trying to initialize app state variables and environments.
/// When initialization succeeds user is taken to the home screen.
case .initializeApp:
do {
state.storedWallet = try environment.walletStorage.exportWallet()
} catch {
state.appInitializationState = .failed
// TODO: error we need to handle, issue #221 (
return .none
state.appInitializationState = .initialized
return Effect(value: .updateRoute(.startup))
.delay(for: 3, scheduler: environment.scheduler)
case .welcome(.debugMenuHome):
return .concatenate(
Effect.cancel(id: ListenerId()),
Effect(value: .updateRoute(.home))
case .welcome(.debugMenuStartup):
return .concatenate(
Effect.cancel(id: ListenerId()),
Effect(value: .updateRoute(.startup))
/// Default is meaningful here because there's `routeReducer` handling routes and this reducer is handling only actions. We don't here plenty of unused cases.
return .none
private static let routeReducer = AppReducer { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case let .updateRoute(route):
state.route = route
case .home(.reset):
state.route = .startup
case .onboarding(.createNewWallet):
return Effect(value: .createNewWallet)
case .phraseValidation(.proceedToHome):
state.route = .home
case .phraseValidation(.displayBackedUpPhrase),
state.route = .phraseDisplay
case .phraseDisplay(.finishedPressed):
state.route = .phraseValidation
/// Default is meaningful here because there's `appReducer` handling actions and this reducer is handling only routes. We don't here plenty of unused cases.
return .none
private static let homeReducer: AppReducer = HomeReducer.default.pullback(
state: \AppState.homeState,
action: /AppAction.home,
environment: { _ in }
private static let onboardingReducer: AppReducer = OnboardingReducer.default.pullback(
state: \AppState.onboardingState,
action: /AppAction.onboarding,
environment: { _ in }
private static let phraseValidationReducer: AppReducer = RecoveryPhraseValidationReducer.default.pullback(
state: \AppState.phraseValidationState,
action: /AppAction.phraseValidation,
environment: { _ in BackupPhraseEnvironment.demo }
private static let phraseDisplayReducer: AppReducer = RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.default.pullback(
state: \AppState.phraseDisplayState,
action: /AppAction.phraseDisplay,
environment: { _ in BackupPhraseEnvironment.demo }
private static let welcomeReducer: AppReducer = WelcomeReducer.default.pullback(
state: \AppState.welcomeState,
action: /AppAction.welcome,
environment: { _ in }
// MARK: - AppStore
typealias AppStore = Store<AppState, AppAction>
extension AppStore {
static var placeholder: AppStore {
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: .default,
environment: .mock
// MARK: - AppViewStore
typealias AppViewStore = ViewStore<AppState, AppAction>
extension AppViewStore {
// MARK: PlaceHolders
extension AppState {
static var placeholder: Self {
homeState: .placeholder,
onboardingState: .init(
importWalletState: .placeholder
phraseValidationState: RecoveryPhraseValidationState.placeholder,
phraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayState(
phrase: .placeholder
welcomeState: .placeholder