
178 lines
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// SecurityWarningStore.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 04.10.2023.
import Foundation
import ComposableArchitecture
import AppVersion
import RecoveryPhraseDisplay
import MnemonicClient
import WalletStorage
import ZcashSDKEnvironment
import ZcashLightClientKit
import Models
import Generated
import Utils
import SwiftUI
public typealias SecurityWarningStore = Store<SecurityWarningReducer.State, SecurityWarningReducer.Action>
public typealias SecurityWarningViewStore = ViewStore<SecurityWarningReducer.State, SecurityWarningReducer.Action>
public struct SecurityWarningReducer: Reducer {
public struct State: Equatable {
public enum Destination: Equatable, CaseIterable {
case createNewWallet
@PresentationState public var alert: AlertState<Action>?
public var appBuild = ""
public var appVersion = ""
public var destination: Destination?
@BindingState public var isAcknowledged: Bool = false
public var recoveryPhraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State
public init(
appBuild: String = "",
appVersion: String = "",
destination: Destination? = nil,
recoveryPhraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State
) {
self.appBuild = appBuild
self.appVersion = appVersion
self.destination = destination
self.recoveryPhraseDisplayState = recoveryPhraseDisplayState
public enum Action: BindableAction, Equatable {
case alert(PresentationAction<Action>)
case binding(BindingAction<SecurityWarningReducer.State>)
case confirmTapped
case newWalletCreated
case onAppear
case recoveryPhraseDisplay(RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.Action)
case updateDestination(SecurityWarningReducer.State.Destination?)
@Dependency(\.appVersion) var appVersion
@Dependency(\.mnemonic) var mnemonic
@Dependency(\.walletStorage) var walletStorage
@Dependency(\.zcashSDKEnvironment) var zcashSDKEnvironment
public init() { }
public var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
Scope(state: \.recoveryPhraseDisplayState, action: /Action.recoveryPhraseDisplay) {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .onAppear:
state.appBuild = appVersion.appBuild()
state.appVersion = appVersion.appVersion()
return .none
case .alert(.presented(let action)):
return Effect.send(action)
case .alert(.dismiss):
state.alert = nil
return .none
case .confirmTapped:
do {
// get the random english mnemonic
let newRandomPhrase = try mnemonic.randomMnemonic()
let birthday = zcashSDKEnvironment.latestCheckpoint
// store the wallet to the keychain
try walletStorage.importWallet(newRandomPhrase, birthday, .english, false)
return .concatenate(
} catch {
state.alert = AlertState.cantCreateNewWallet(error.toZcashError())
return .none
case .newWalletCreated:
return .none
case .binding(\.$isAcknowledged):
return .none
case .binding:
return .none
case .recoveryPhraseDisplay(.finishedPressed):
state.destination = nil
return .none
case .recoveryPhraseDisplay:
return .none
case .updateDestination(let destination):
state.destination = destination
return .none
// MARK: - Store
extension SecurityWarningStore {
public static var demo = SecurityWarningStore(
initialState: .placeholder
) {
// MARK: - ViewStore
extension SecurityWarningViewStore {
func bindingForDestination(_ destination: SecurityWarningReducer.State.Destination) -> Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.destination == destination },
send: { isActive in
return .updateDestination(isActive ? destination : nil)
// MARK: Alerts
extension AlertState where Action == SecurityWarningReducer.Action {
public static func cantCreateNewWallet(_ error: ZcashError) -> AlertState {
AlertState {
} message: {
TextState(L10n.Root.Initialization.Alert.CantCreateNewWallet.message(error.message, error.code.rawValue))
// MARK: - Placeholders
extension SecurityWarningReducer.State {
public static let placeholder = SecurityWarningReducer.State(
recoveryPhraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State(phrase: .placeholder)
public static let initial = SecurityWarningReducer.State(
recoveryPhraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State(
phrase: .initial