
153 lines
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// HomeTests.swift
// secantTests
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 02.06.2022.
import Combine
import XCTest
import ComposableArchitecture
import Utils
import Generated
import Models
import Home
@testable import secant_testnet
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class HomeTests: XCTestCase {
func testSendButtonIsDisabledWhenSyncing() {
let mockSnapshot = SyncStatusSnapshot.init(
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .init(
scanState: .initial,
shieldedBalance: .zero,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: mockSnapshot,
syncProgressState: .initial,
transactionListState: .initial,
walletConfig: .initial
) {
/// The .onAppear action is important to register for the synchronizer state updates.
/// The integration tests make sure registrations and side effects are properly implemented.
@MainActor func testOnAppear() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .initial
) {
store.dependencies.mainQueue = .immediate
store.dependencies.diskSpaceChecker = .mockEmptyDisk
store.dependencies.sdkSynchronizer = .mocked()
store.dependencies.reviewRequest = .noOp
await store.send(.onAppear) { state in
state.requiredTransactionConfirmations = 10
var syncState: SynchronizerState = .zero
syncState.syncStatus = .unprepared
let snapshot = SyncStatusSnapshot.snapshotFor(state: syncState.syncStatus)
// expected side effects as a result of .onAppear registration
await store.receive(.updateDestination(nil))
await store.receive(.synchronizerStateChanged(.zero)) { state in
state.synchronizerStatusSnapshot = snapshot
// long-living (cancelable) effects need to be properly canceled.
// the .onDisappear action cancels the observer of the synchronizer status change.
await store.send(.onDisappear)
await store.finish()
@MainActor func testOnAppear_notEnoughSpaceOnDisk() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .initial
) {
store.dependencies.diskSpaceChecker = .mockFullDisk
store.dependencies.reviewRequest = .noOp
await store.send(.onAppear) { state in
state.requiredTransactionConfirmations = 10
// expected side effects as a result of .onAppear registration
await store.receive(.updateDestination(.notEnoughFreeDiskSpace)) { state in
state.destination = .notEnoughFreeDiskSpace
// long-living (cancelable) effects need to be properly canceled.
// the .onDisappear action cancels the observer of the synchronizer status change.
await store.send(.onDisappear)
await store.finish()
@MainActor func testSynchronizerErrorBringsUpAlert() async {
let testError = ZcashError.synchronizerNotPrepared
let errorSnapshot = SyncStatusSnapshot.snapshotFor(
state: .error(testError)
var state =
state.syncStatus = .error(testError)
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .initial
) {
await store.send(.synchronizerStateChanged(state)) { state in
state.synchronizerStatusSnapshot = errorSnapshot
state.migratingDatabase = false
await store.receive(.showSynchronizerErrorAlert(testError))
await store.finish()
@MainActor func testRestoreWalletSubscription() async throws {
var initialState = HomeReducer.State.initial
initialState.isRestoringWallet = false
let store = TestStore(
initialState: initialState
) {
store.dependencies.restoreWalletStorage = .noOp
store.dependencies.restoreWalletStorage.value = {
AsyncStream { continuation in
await store.send(.restoreWalletTask)
await store.receive(.restoreWalletValue(true)) { state in
state.isRestoringWallet = true
await store.finish()