
284 lines
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// RecoveryPhraseBackupView.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/29/21.
import SwiftUI
import ComposableArchitecture
struct RecoveryPhraseBackupValidationView: View {
let store: RecoveryPhraseValidationStore
var body: some View {
WithViewStore( { viewStore in
VStack(alignment: .center) {
header(for: viewStore)
.padding(.bottom, 10)
ZStack {
VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 35) {
let state = viewStore.state
let groups = state.phrase.toGroups()
ForEach(Array(zip(groups.indices, groups)), id: \.0) { index, group in
state: state,
groupIndex: index,
wordGroup: group,
misingIndex: index
.frame(alignment: .center)
!state.groupCompleted(index: index),
dropDelegate: WordChipDropDelegate { chipKind in
viewStore.send(.move(wordChip: chipKind, intoGroup: index))
.padding(.top, 0)
isActive: viewStore.bindingForRoute(.success),
destination: { ValidationSucceededView(store: store) }
isActive: viewStore.bindingForRoute(.failure),
destination: { ValidationFailedView(store: store) }
.frame(alignment: .top)
.navigationTitle(Text("Verify Your Backup"))
@ViewBuilder func header(for viewStore: RecoveryPhraseValidationViewStore) -> some View {
VStack {
if viewStore.isComplete {
completeHeader(for: viewStore.state)
} else {
Text("Drag the words below to match your backed-up copy.")
.padding(.horizontal, 30)
@ViewBuilder func completeHeader(for state: RecoveryPhraseValidationState) -> some View {
if state.isValid {
Text("Congratulations! You validated your secret recovery phrase.")
} else {
Text("Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase")
private extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
@ViewBuilder func missingWordGrid() -> some View {
let columns = Array(
repeating: GridItem(.flexible(minimum: 100, maximum: 120), spacing: 20),
count: 2
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
ForEach(0..<missingWordChips.count) { chipIndex in
PhraseChip(kind: missingWordChips[chipIndex])
minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: .infinity,
minHeight: 30
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
func wordsChips(
for groupIndex: Int,
groupSize: Int,
from wordGroup: RecoveryPhrase.Group
) -> [PhraseChip.Kind] {
let validationWord = validationWords.first(where: { $0.groupIndex == groupIndex })
return wordGroup.words.enumerated().map { index, word in
guard index == missingIndices[groupIndex] else {
return .ordered(position: (groupSize * groupIndex) + index + 1, word: word)
if let completedWord = validationWord?.word {
return .unassigned(word: completedWord)
return .empty
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
static let placeholder = RecoveryPhraseValidationState.random(phrase: .placeholder)
static let placeholderStep1 = RecoveryPhraseValidationState(
phrase: .placeholder,
missingIndices: [2, 0, 3, 5],
missingWordChips: [
.unassigned(word: "thank"),
.unassigned(word: "boil"),
.unassigned(word: "garlic")
validationWords: [
.init(groupIndex: 2, word: "morning")
route: nil
static let placeholderStep2 = RecoveryPhraseValidationState(
phrase: .placeholder,
missingIndices: [2, 0, 3, 5],
missingWordChips: [
.unassigned(word: "boil"),
.unassigned(word: "garlic")
validationWords: [
.init(groupIndex: 2, word: "morning"),
.init(groupIndex: 0, word: "thank")
route: nil
static let placeholderStep3 = RecoveryPhraseValidationState(
phrase: .placeholder,
missingIndices: [2, 0, 3, 5],
missingWordChips: [
.unassigned(word: "boil"),
validationWords: [
.init(groupIndex: 2, word: "morning"),
.init(groupIndex: 0, word: "thank"),
.init(groupIndex: 3, word: "garlic")
route: nil
static let placeholderStep4 = RecoveryPhraseValidationState(
phrase: .placeholder,
missingIndices: [2, 0, 3, 5],
missingWordChips: [
validationWords: [
.init(groupIndex: 2, word: "morning"),
.init(groupIndex: 0, word: "thank"),
.init(groupIndex: 3, word: "garlic"),
.init(groupIndex: 1, word: "boil")
route: nil
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationStore {
private static let scheduler = DispatchQueue.main
static let demo = Store(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: .default,
environment: .demo
static let demoStep1 = Store(
initialState: .placeholderStep1,
reducer: .default,
environment: .demo
static let demoStep2 = Store(
initialState: .placeholderStep1,
reducer: .default,
environment: .demo
static let demoStep3 = Store(
initialState: .placeholderStep3,
reducer: .default,
environment: .demo
static let demoStep4 = Store(
initialState: .placeholderStep4,
reducer: .default,
environment: .demo
private extension WordChipGrid {
state: RecoveryPhraseValidationState,
groupIndex: Int,
wordGroup: RecoveryPhrase.Group,
misingIndex: Int
) {
let chips = state.wordsChips(
for: groupIndex,
groupSize: RecoveryPhraseValidationState.wordGroupSize,
from: wordGroup
self.init(chips: chips, coloredChipColor: state.coloredChipColor)
private extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
var coloredChipColor: Color {
if self.isComplete {
return isValid ? Asset.Colors.Buttons.activeButton.color :
} else {
return Asset.Colors.Buttons.activeButton.color
struct RecoveryPhraseBackupView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
NavigationView {
RecoveryPhraseBackupValidationView(store: .demoStep4)
NavigationView {
RecoveryPhraseBackupValidationView(store: .demoStep1)
NavigationView {
RecoveryPhraseBackupValidationView(store: .demoStep1)